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Category: Red Tanzurine Quartz

Red Tanzurine Quartz, Tanzurine is a recently discovered stone consisting of one of the purest Quartz and either Lepidolite (cherry) or Fuchsite (emerald). Because of the purity of the Quartz, the included minerals are able to fill these stones with vibrant color as if it were water. The deep reds and vibrant greens of Tangerine Quartz are totally natural and create a truly unique stone.


Red Tanzurine Quartz, also known as Cherry Tanzurine, is a stone of vibrancy and endurance; a new talisman for warriors and first responders. It is a stone of resolve and endurance. It is a gentle, but vital, stimulator of chi, or Life Force, bringing physical strength and energy, stamina, focus, and determination. Its steady frequency calms the emotional body creating lasting, stable energy for improving health or overcoming illness, setting goals and following through to completion, facing unpleasant tasks, and havingthe courage to rectify wrongs.


Open to creative, empowering, life-giving vibrations with this Cherry Tanzurine You Got This Heart from Tanzania. Cherry tanzurine is a combination of earth and fire elements. It works in the physical realm vigorously and assists with transformation. Cherry tanzurine is a stone of vitality, confidence, creativity, and sexuality. It motivates you to make your dreams a reality. This gem also makes it easier to forgive yourself. The heart-shaped carving symbolizes Divine Love, adding properties of kindness, emotional connection, and compassion. Work with this heart to experience its confidence-boosting, transformative powers.


Red Tanzurine Quartz activates the Base Chakra and stimulates the rise of the kundalini energy throughout the chakras, cleansing and strengthening the aura. It is a powerful stone for those who work with Earth energies to make a deep connection with Earth spirits and guardians.


Red Tanzurine Quartz is an opaque, microcrystalline variety of Quartz with large, grainy crystals rather than the fibrous layers of Chalcedony or Agate. It occurs in large masses in Tanzania. The source of its color is not determined officially. One source believes it is caused by Lepidolite – purple-red mica with lithium. Mindat tells us it is a Quartz with aluminum, potassium, manganese, iron, phosphorous, and titanium. So, stay tuned on this as more research comes to light.

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