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Category: Pietersite

Pietersite, is a variety of chalcedony that is embedded with fibres of amphibole minerals (sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron and aluminium). While the fibers cause a chatoyancy effect, it is not found in continuously structured bands or fibers, more in swirls, swathes and fibrous segments. Its colors include various blues, golds and reds, brown and black that may appear together or alone. Blue is the rarest color, followed by red. The blues range from a baby blue to a dark midnight blue. Golds can be light to very deep and rich, sometimes having a reddish hue.


Because its swirling colors resemble a storm, it is known as tempest stone. Pietersite is said to center on the spiritual being with the ability to ground an individual to the etheric body–the first or lowest layer in the “human energy field” or aura. It discharges negative energies and emotional turmoil while cleansing the aura, restoring it to calm. Pietersite is thought to work with the body during meditation, rapidly moving into a higher state of awareness. Pietersite is believed to be a stone of vision and can be used for a vision quest or shaman journey. According to metaphysical beliefs, pietersite promotes a concerted activation of the sacral and solar plexus chakras, as well as the third eye, creating a powerful increase in the energy of will and in one’s intuitive capabilities. Pietersite is an extremely supportive and strengthening stone that increases self-esteem.


For those who have tried and failed many times to beat an addiction, Pietersite is an extremely supportive and strengthening stone. It explores causative influences, increases the resolve and lends willpower in following a curative program. It helps you cope with unprocessed images and inner conflict and connected with this, all kinds of unpleasant feelings. Pietersite helps you remain distanced, if necessary, without lacking feelings. Pietersite strengthens your personal power and the ability to shine. This stone is useful for improving your self esteem, joy, enthusiasm and courage. Use this stone to have confidence in your perceptions. It’s a tool for healing emotional issues involving personal interactions. Pietersite dispels illusions of separateness and to remove beliefs and conditioning imposed by other people. It links you to the source of your own inner guidance and helps you to recognise the truth or falsehood of other people’s words. Pietersite dissolves stubborn blockages and clears confusion.

Showing the single result

  • Pietersite Sphere


    Stone Type: Pietersite

    Stone Cut: Sphere

    Stone Color: Brown, White

    Stone Weight: 11.5 Ounces

    Size Stone Size: 2.43 Inches

    Location: Namibia

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