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Category: Peach Quartz

Peach Quartz, On top of the amplifying properties associated with clear quartz, peach quartz is great for helping us to experience joyfulness, a sense of lightness and playfulness into our lives. It will fuel our creative fire and helps us create from the fresh perspective of our inner child. It is a great crystal to work with to ignite our sexual desire and passion. Is also said to help with matters of fertility. It is a remarkable tool to use when working with the issues of Inner self (understanding, acceptance, growth). It helps to evaluate and face these inner issues without judgment or criticism. The energy of it allows for the forgiveness and release of past issues/traumas that no longer serve and in fact have held us back from going forward.


Peach Quartz can support those who work in public service by keeping their focus on the needs of others, it can help promote compassion and empathy. Peach Quartz encourage forgiveness, and may help give courage to release past issues and traumas. It can help bring joy to everyday life. Peach Quartz promotes understanding, friendship, and cooperation in groups.


Peach Quartz can support those who work in public service by keeping their focus on the needs of others. Working with Peach Quartz can help regulate and balance one’s sex-drive and encourage one to focus on their partner during sexual intimacy. Carry it with you when you find it difficult to express yourself emotionally or when you feel that you are lacking in personal power.


Working with Peach Quartz during meditation or when used as a tool to focus your thoughts, it will boost manifestation from the Realm of Spirit into physical form. It activates the flow of creativity, encouraging you to release self-made limiting beliefs of worthiness to have all you desire and more. As you open your heart and soul to all that you are, It will reveal to you more of its innate mysteries unlocking your inner-wisdom, allowing you to gain clarity where there once was none.


It can help one to transcend the mundane aspects of life, to open up to the Divine, and to discover their true intent that is for the highest good. Using It also helps to promote an understanding of how to connect one’s dreams to their reality. It is wonderful for releasing energy blockages within the Sacral and Higher-Heart Chakras. The clearing of these blockages can help one to recover self-respect, independence, creativity, and sociability.


In meditation, Peach Quartz is wonderful for releasing energy blockages within the Sacral and Higher Heart Chakras. The clearing of these blockages can help one to recover self-respect, independence, creativity, and sociability. Carrying a piece of Peach Quartz which you have charged/enchanted for the purpose will also help to sustain the period afterwards of which these chakras will remain in better function.


It helps you to discover your true intentions and soul purpose for this lifetime. It promotes understanding, friendship, and cooperation in groups. It helps release blocks to productivity and creative flow. It overcomes apathy and boredom. Peach quartz radiates love and harmony, and enhances social connection and community. It also helps in emotional expression and release.

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