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Category: Mookaite

Mookaite is believed to bring us into the “here and now,” aiding with problem assessment and decision making. It is often used to treat glandular or stomach disorders, hernias, ruptures and water retention, and yoga enthusiasts use it for the first, second and third chakras. Mookaite is said to shield the wearer from difficult situations and to connect us to loved ones who have passed away. It is believed to bring us into the “here and now,” aiding with problem assessment and decision making. Mookaite aligns one’s energy and is also very grounding, while keeping one’s feet on the ground while going through the deep shifts that it initiates.


Mookaite  is a nurturing stone that supports and sustains during times of stress. It brings peace and a feeling of wholeness. Mookaite helps us with decision making, especially when we are having a difficult time. It encourages versatility and helps us to accept change. It provides us with emotional growth.  It helps us to discover all possibilities in a situation and to choose the right one. It provides a protective shield against negative or dangerous situations, eliminating and blocking unwanted outside influences and distractions, and revealing what is concealed. Mookaite promotes energy and new ideas, helping us gain enthusiasm and bringing the excellence of ourselves, bring kindness to ourselves and others. Mookaite helps with contacting those who have passed on.


In the traditional Aboriginal language, ‘mooka’ means ‘running waters’ and refers to the numerous springs that run into the area. Mookaite is formed in these springs after radiolaria, a microscopic protozoa with a hard silica shell, were deposited over a millennia as sediment in shallow areas of the seabed. As water receded, the remains were solidified by silica in groundwater, and minerals created the beautiful colors we see today.

Showing the single result

  • Mookaite Tumbled Stones


    Stone Type: Mookite

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones

    Stone Weight: Varies

    Stone Color: Red / Yellow / Cream

    Stone Size: .75 – 1 Inch

    Location: Australia

    For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

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