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Category: Labradorite

Labradorite is a member of the oligoclase, feldspar group and is a sodium calcium aluminum silicate. It is translucent to semi-opaque. Labradorite is truly a fascinatingly beautiful mineral. Its a mineral whose charm is not fully noticed and may be overlooked if not viewed from the proper position. Generally a dull, dark grey to grey-green looking mineral with no special virtue until the colorful schiller is observed glowing on the surface.  The attraction of labradorite comes from its phenomenal quality of peacock-like iridescence, caused by internal twinning striations and a lamellar structure within the stone.

Labradorite is a philosopher’s stone, helping you to examine the recesses of your mind. Use this stone to shine a light on the knowledge and wisdom within you. A good study aid, it helps you increase your intelligence. It is also helpful for contemplation and amplifies your ability to perceive life through a wide angle lens. Gaze into this stone to allow light to refract within, while you imagine or visualize the answers to whatever you search for arising in your awareness. Use this stone in the world of commerce to pick up on the subtleties of the marketplace and to make shrewd adjustments to business plans. Labradorite calms an over-active mind and energies the imagination, bring you new ideas. It helps increase your analytical skills and rationality.

It shows labradorescence (a mineral displays a brilliant play of colors on the surface of the stone). This effect is caused by interference of light from lattice distortions in the stone. The main color flashes in the stone are green, blue, gold, orange, red and sometimes violet. To best see this effect it must be in a light source. Labradorite is found in Canada, Madagascar, Mexico, Russia and the United States. In the 1940s Labradorite was discovered in Finland that exhibited the entire color spectrum, and these were named Spectrolite. This stone is named after Labrador, and is associated with many of the ancient magical practices of the region, including knot rituals.

Showing all 5 results

  • Labradorite Bead Strand 1


    Stone Type: Labradorite

    Stone Cut: Faceted Round

    Stone Color: Grey

    Stone Size: 8 MM –  15 Inch Strand

    Location: Madagascar

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  • Labradorite Bead Strand 2


    Stone Type: Labradorite

    Stone Cut: Rondelle

    Stone Color: Grey

    Stone Size: 5 MM –  15 Inch Strand

    Location: Madagascar

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  • Labradorite Cabochon 50 Ct Lot


    Stone Type: Labradorite

    Stone Cut: Cabochon

    Stone Color: Grey

    Stone Weight: 50 Carat Lot

    Stone Size: Mixed Sizes

    Location: Madagascar

    For each 1 ordered you will receive a 50 carat lot at random from the the stones i have from this lot

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  • Labradorite Sphere Large


    Stone Type: Labradorite

    Stone Cut: Sphere

    Stone Color: Grey With Blues, yellow, reds

    Stone Weight: 13.6 Ounces

    Stone Size: 2.56 Inches

    Location: Canada

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  • Labradorite Sphere Small


    Stone Type: Labradorite

    Stone Cut: Sphere

    Stone Color: Grey With Blues, yellow, reds

    Stone Weight: 3 – 3.5 Ounces

    Stone Size: 1.5 – 1.6 Inches

    Location: Canada

    For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

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