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Category: Included Quartz Free Form Prisms

Included Quartz Free Form Prisms, The Prism shape is a healing tool, it is a specific format of energy that can help you to release the lower vibrations that are getting in the way of your prime energetic state. Shapes have their own frequency and we can channel different things into our consciousness through these sacred shapes. A prism allows light to be reflected into different colourful rays, which together encompass all of the skills, powers, abilities and strengths that we need to thrive in all areas. When you make the intention to connect with a Healing Prism, it exists in the Universe, you gain access to a realm of pure Divine frequencies created solely for the purpose of healing your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


The prism contains codes of light that will activate the areas of you which need Divine intervention to bring you back into alignment. Think of it as a transformational space where you can absorb the energetic nutrients that you need, even if you can’t see what they are. This is an omniscient and benevolent multidimensional light source that can nourish and restore your energy, and amplify your own healing efforts that you’re already making on the Earth plane.


Included Quartz Free Form Prisms


When you want to use the Prism, the most important thing to remember is that this is a space you can enter at any time with your mind and intention. When you’re comfortable and quiet, imagine yourself sitting within this pyramid of healing light or imagine a smaller version covering one part of your body. Feel that it’s the highest frequency of pure white light overseen by Angels and benevolent energies, with the power to instantly dissipate and transmute anything which is no longer serving you. You will likely feel some tingling, some energy moving, some blood flow being stimulated, and this will all be followed by a sense of relief when you say a prayer to thank the healing prism once the healing has completed. Think of it as a sacred healing tent, which can be as large or small as you need.


You can also send this Prism of Light to clients that you’re working with for healing, as well as your friends and family. Offer their higher self the intelligent Prism of Light to assist them with fixing their physical, mental, spiritual or emotional ailment while they sleep; alleviating them of the symptoms and patterns which are no longer serving them.

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