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Category: Honey Calcite

Honey Calcite also known as Golden or Amber Calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral that occurs in masses and rhombohedral forms. Calcite comes from the Greek word ‘Calix’ meaning lime and is one of the most abundant minerals on earth. The most significant deposit for Honey Calcite is located in Mexico.


Honey Calcite is a powerful spiritual cleanser that amplifies the vibrations of other gemstones put around. If you hang one in an area, it will clear the air among all toxicity and increase your bodily vitality. This stone is helpful for physiological illness treatment since it continually eliminates toxic frequencies from the atmosphere and astral planes. Honey Calcite is a mystical gemstone correlated with elevated awareness that aids in the development of supernatural abilities. It establishes a link between feelings and cognition, resulting in inner strength and understanding. It also fights weariness and sloth and restores drive and confidence to people who are losing faith.


This mineral resonates with the Root, Solar, and Third-Eye chakras creating a powerful trifecta of personal will and creation. The golden warmth of this crystal is felt upon first touch, providing the user with a link to Mother Earth’s energies. This strong connection is great for accomplishing high-effort tasks and projects. When our personal will is rooted, we are more inclined to push ourselves to the finish line. The hardest part of doing something is getting started, and Honey Calcite encourages us to get up and get going.


This stone improves concentration and relaxes the mind. It develops judgment such that you could still separate the important from the unnecessary stuff. It relieves feelings of stress and fills them with peace. It’s a grounding gemstone that may assist you in accepting your intuition and emotions, as well as your judgments and conclusions. Honey Calcite is a sign of mental fortitude and is said to have medicinal benefits. This gemstone is said to have solid and confident qualities, and it can help you gain mental sharpness and the bravery to speak up for what is right. These crystals’ therapeutic properties are incredibly significant in emotional mending, mainly when dealing with a crushing defeat.

Showing all 3 results

  • Honey Calcite Wand 1


    Stone Type: Calcite

    Stone Cut: Natural Wand

    Stone Color: Honey

    Stone Weight: 2.8 Ounces

    Stone Size: 4.1 x 1 Inches

    Location: Mexico

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  • Honey Calcite Wand 2


    Stone Type: Calcite

    Stone Cut: Natural Wand

    Stone Color: Honey

    Stone Weight: 2.8 Ounces

    Stone Size: 4.1 x 1.2 Inches

    Location: Mexico

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  • Honey Calcite Wand 3


    Stone Type: Calcite

    Stone Cut: Natural Wand

    Stone Color: Honey

    Stone Weight: 2.3 Ounces

    Stone Size: 3.7 x 1 Inches

    Location: Mexico

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