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Category: Halite

Pink Halite is a type of Halite that had its color tainted from bacteria of various algae species. Halite is known as the “natural form of salt” and is a very common mineral found near oceans and salt lakes. This stone can be found in the form of masses and a tubular crystal structure. The specimen pictured below is from a dried up salt lake in San Bernardino, California. Be careful to avoid getting pieces of Pink Halite wet as it may start to disintegrate before your eyes.


Halite which is a form of Salt has been used for purification and as an offering to the Gods for centuries. Most modern magical alters contain a dish of salt as standard equipment and many magic-users make it a practice to place a pinch of salt in the four corners of the room before beginning a ceremony in order to prevent negative influences from interfering. In many magical traditions, it is considered important to purify or cleanse a space before any sort of ritual can take place. There are a several different ways of doing this, and how you do it will depend in part upon the rules or guidelines of your tradition. If you’re a solitary, or your tradition is eclectic, then you may choose the method that works best for you. Typically, when an area is ritually purified, it is done in a clockwise, or deosil, direction, but this may vary from one tradition to the next. Ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians offered their Gods salt and water during invocations. Salt may be added to water to consecrate it and make it more like sea water “the womb of the Earth”. This water may be used in a variety of ways but is often used to sanctify an area, person or item.


Many of us know common table salt to be beneficial (in moderation, of course), but Halite is a wonderful healer in other ways as well. A mineral of purification, Halite can cleanse the aura, deflect negativity and balance the emotions (especially helpful for those who suffer from mood swings). Because of its purification properties, Halite is one of the most valuable minerals to use when cleansing crystals – placing your crystals in a bowl of salt will rid them of all the negative energy and impurities they have collected over time and use.

Showing the single result

  • Halite 12 Pound Flat


    Stone Type: Halite

    Stone Cut: Rough Specimens

    Stone Color: Pink, White

    Stone Weight: 12 Pounds Flat

    Stone Size: 1 – 3 Inch Pieces

    Location: Utah

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