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Category: Green Chert

Chert is a fine-grained sedimentary rock composed of microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline silica. It occurs as nodules, concretionary masses, and as layered deposits. Chert can form when microcrystals of silicon dioxide grow within soft sediments that will become limestone or chalk. In these sediments, enormous numbers of silicon dioxide microcrystals grow into irregularly-shaped nodules or concretions when dissolved silica is transported to the formation site by the movement of groundwater. If the nodules or concretions are numerous, they can grow large enough to merge with one another to form a nearly continuous layer of chert within the sediment mass. Chert formed in this manner is a chemical sedimentary rock.


In prehistoric times, chert was often used as a raw material for the construction of stone tools. Like obsidian, as well as some rhyolites, felsites, quartzites, and other tool stones used in lithic reduction, chert fractures in a Hertzian cone when struck with sufficient force. This results in conchoidal fractures, a characteristic of all minerals with no cleavage planes. In this kind of fracture, a cone of force propagates through the material from the point of impact, eventually removing a full or partial cone; this result is familiar to anyone who has seen what happens to a plate-glass window when struck by a small object, such as an airgun projectile. The partial Hertzian cones produced during lithic reduction are called flakes, and exhibit features characteristic of this sort of breakage, including striking platforms, bulbs of force, and occasionally eraillures, which are small secondary flakes detached from the flake’s bulb of force.


Green Chert is a stone of the heart; encouraging emotions and feeling to grow. This is a great stone to work with if you are forming a new relationship in your life; family, friend, lover, or even new co-workers. It is a stone of happiness and self-confidence that allows you to shine with your unique energy which appreciating and honoring the uniqueness within others. Green Chert encourages feelings of contentment, love, gratitude, and hope. This is what makes it the perfect stone for feeling in tune with others in your life.


Green Chert brings strength of heart and compassion to those who work with its energy. This gracious stone presents a deep healing of the heart by releasing repressed emotions and letting go of grief, guilt, and shame. Through working with the energy of this gemstone, you will find unconditional compassion and forgiveness for yourself and others. Green Chert will also promote you to play an active role in manifesting your idea of prosperity and abundance. This crystal will assist you in taking the necessary steps to heal and create the life of your dreams.


Green Chert has a wonderful manifestation energy with a twist. Prosperity and Abundance can be manifested but not by belief alone. You must take action, make the effort to aid in the intention, which creates that which is manifest. Green Chert can help to release repressed hurts and traumas held deeply in the heart. With your permission and participation, Green Chert can help to heal the heart from the grief, guilt, and pain you have hidden for so long. Green Chert is a tool to aid in the process and helps to find a place of forgiveness. The process will take time. The Crystal Council chimes in here,”We encourage you to seek the help and support of a friend, family member or counselor as you work through these issues. Green Chert will help to heal on ALL levels. And it seems to have a very important message for energy healers. “Healer, heal thyself. For if you are not at 100% or you put yourself last behind all others, you are doing a great disservice to the healing profession and yourself.

Showing the single result

  • Green Chert Tumbled Stones


    Stone Type: Green Chert

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones

    Stone Weight: Varies

    Stone Color: Green

    Stone Size: 1 – 1.3  Inches

    Location: India


    For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

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