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Category: Grape Agate

Grape Agate is actually a botryoidal chalcedony, and that’s just a scientific way of saying that it looks like a cluster of grapes. Technically speaking, it’s not even a true Agate, but the name stuck due to its grape-like appearance. Crystal healers know that good emotional health is the key to a robust mind and spirit. The meaning and healing properties of Grape Agate can help the user bring about inner stability and peace by working as a powerful crystal for anxiety and stress. This stone is so powerful that it is often used by crystal healers who want to overcome past emotional trauma. Using Grape Agate can help lift your spirits, improve your mood and increase a sense of joy in the world around you. Using Grape Agate with the right intention will dispel the negative thoughts and toxic energy that is keeping you from the happiness and inner peace that you need. If you or your kids suffer from bad dreams, keeping Grape Agate under your pillow is something that many crystal healing practitioners recommend to stop those dreams in their tracks.


Grape Agate is a powerful intuitive stone that activates and links the crown and third eye chakras together. This stone helps one activate their psychic abilities and assists in the understanding of dreams. If you are someone who constantly dreams, we recommend placing this stone at your bedside each night to allow the powerful energies of this stone to work while you sleep. Ones dreams will become more controllable and the images within them will become more clear. Your mind will become stronger than ever and push you to understand the images you see and how they can affect your current life. Grape Agate promotes mental clarity and vividness, and does just that when trying to link the dream realm and real world together. Meditating with this stone repeatedly will help one easily transition between realms and live each day at a higher frequency. Living at this frequency will help one connect to their higher self, the most pure and loving form of who we truly are.


This crystal is perfect for all mediums, channelers, scribes, massage therapists , reiki professionals and any type of energy healers. This stone vibrates at such a high frequency and allows one to transition between this realm and higher realms with ease. This stone’s intuitive abilities also help the worker get in contact with spirit guides, guardian angels, and other powerful beings. When working with this stone we suggest using Angelite or Selenite alongside it. All these stones will enhance the strength of Grape Agate, while also helping one maintain much needed mental clarity.

Showing all 2 results

  • Red Grape Agate 1


    Stone Type: Red Grape Agate

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal

    Stone Weight: 3.2

    Stone Color: Red / White

    Stone Size: 2.1 – 1.5  Inches

    Location: Utah

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  • Red Grape Agate 2


    Stone Type: Red Grape Agate

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal

    Stone Weight: 2 Pounds 9.4 Ounces

    Stone Color: Red / White

    Stone Size: 7 – 4.2  Inches

    Location: Utah

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