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Category: Girasol

Girasol, is a stone of gentle but powerful calming energy that can enhance and solidify feelings especially when connected to love and passion, enabling clarity of true feelings. It also enhances creativity in artistic, business and practical areas. It can mirror feelings, which makes it excellent for visualization and energy healing. Girasol encourages communication skills and helps the user vocalize thoughts that otherwise would be hard to express.


It originally referred to the milky blue glass that was produced during the Renaissance in Venice. In Geology, the term girasol effect is used when a mineral exhibits an internal floating glow, which is often golden yellow, blue, or white, and moves with light changes. This can also refer to the haziness created by scattered light. Girasol is also known as Foggy Quartz, Pearl Quartz, Moon Opal, Blue Opal Quartz, and Moon Quartz.


Girasol Tumbled Stones, is any quartz crystal or cluster that is white in color and cloudy. The cloudy white character of the crystals is what lead to the variety name, milky. The cloudiness of milky quartz comes from microscopic inclusions of fluids that have been encased in the crystal from the time the crystal first grew. From a cynical point of view the inclusions have ruined the crystal from being used for the many purposes that quartz crystals are tasked to do (e.g. gemstones or optic purposes). However, milky quartz is used in many fine ornamental carvings and the fluid inclusions can give milky quartz an attractive greasy luster unlike the other varieties of quartz.


Milky quartz is often responsible for the cloudy phantoms inside of otherwise clear rock quartz, amethyst, citrine or smoky quartz. The milky quartz may have formed at an early stage of the crystal’s growth and a later stage of clear quartz growth covered the milky quartz. The effect results in seemingly a crystal within a crystal and the interior crystal may have a ghostly look, hence the name phantom. The milky quartz-amethyst phantom combination results in an ornamental stone called chevron amethyst. The bands of amethyst and milky quartz make thin well defined chevrons of purple and white that are attractive as polished stones and in ornamental carvings. Girasol is opalized quartz found in crystallized mass form and is a cloudy blue white color.

Showing the single result

  • Girasol Tumbled Stones


    Stone Type: Girasol

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones

    Stone Weight: Varies

    Stone Color: clear

    Stone Size: .75 – 1 Inch

    Location: Brazil

    For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

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