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Category: Fenster Quartz

Fenster Quartz, Fenster quartz gets its name from the complex interior skeletal structure which has created many windows and chambers within the crystal. The name is derived from the German word “Fenster”, meaning window. The unique formation is caused by internal and external dissolution growth which is the result of unstable conditions during crystallization. Light reflects from the interior planes creating dancing patterns of light as you turn the crystal in your hand. The crystals have grown in a very similar formation as a Herkimer diamond in combination with elestial formations. For this reason, these crystals are also known as Elestial Lightkeepers.


The energy of Fenster Quartz is thought to be quite complex and high in vibration, reaching to the spiritual plane, and stimulating the third eye and crown chakras. They are also meant to assist you to channel the pure white light of the universe into the physical world, providing the opportunity for profound healings on both the emotional and physical levels. They’re said to assist with evolution of the spirit, assisting you to vibrate on a higher plane at all levels of your existence, and restoring energy flow and balance at all levels. Fenster Quartz is also said to help you shed old emotional attachments allowing you to move forward on your spiritual path. Meditation with these crystals is thought to assist you to move through time and space like portals to other dimensions which is believed to facilitate deep karmic work with past lives. Fenster crystals are excellent facilitators during any healing session.

Showing all 2 results

  • Fenster Quartz Crystal 1


    Stone Type: Quartz

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Cluster

    Stone Weight: 9.4 Ounces

    Stone Color: Smoky

    Size Stone Size: 3.30 Inches Long x 2.42 Inches Wide

    Location: Brazil

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  • Fenster Quartz Crystal 2


    Stone Type: Quartz

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal

    Stone Weight: 1 Pound 3.3 Ounces

    Stone Color: Yellow

    Size Stone Size: 4.12 Inches Long x 2.77 Inches Wide

    Location: Brazil

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