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Category: Dragons Blood Jasper

Dragons Blood Jasper, This stone has a magnificent legend story behind it. It is said that the green color represents though the skin of the Dragon that symbolizes strength and courage, and the red part is Dragon’s blood that symbolized fiery passion, love, and courage.


Dragon Blood Jasper’s deep green represents a dragon’s tough skin with a loving heart. Dragons are promoters of justice and protectors of life. The deep red represents the dragon’s blood, igniting the fire within to increase physical strength, courage, confidence, endurance, and focus. The frequency of the stone helps bring the mind and body into a state of calm aiding a person in setting and achieving goals, ignite creativity, and the pursuit to right all wrongs. Dragon’s Blood will aid in the healing journey of self discovery, and self love. Powerful when paired with Labradorite, known as a talisman of the Dragon’s heart.


Dragon Blood Jasper is the ultimate stone of power and unwavering courage – Explore Dragon Blood Jasper meaning, healing properties, and magnificent powers. Strong willpower and a steadily driven spirit are all that you need to go after your goals and manifest your ultimate dreams and aspirations. The moment when you embody this fiery spirit to be always eager to put on more work, more dedication, is the exact moment when you develop a laser-sharp focus to align yourself with the best situations that will be leading you into manifesting your goals

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