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Category: Dendritic Opal

Dendritic Opal, This is a very strong yin yang balancing crystal due to its prominent black and white properties, which offer the users guidance and connection to actual cause and effect within their past, present, and future lives. Due to its heightened connection to past lives and inner healing, Dendritic Opals are coveted among healers, magicians, and shamans for their own inner work. These stones offer guidance and bring forth healing abundance against self-sabotage while allowing the user to tap into relationships and past life traumas and successes.


Dendrite is a term used to describe the plant like tree inclusions found in some Opals. Much like a tree’s growth, with it’s branches reaching toward the sky, the same will happen with your spirituality and ascension when harnessing the power of Dendritic Opal. This beautiful milky white to beige, and even sometimes pastel purples, has dark black moss like growths due to the presence of manganese oxides or silicates.


According to many crystal practitioners, it’s a powerful stone that centers your mind and provides more self-awareness than ever. The meaning of Dendritic Opal is all about looking inward and ruminating on life’s experiences. Instead of wandering aimlessly through life, it grants clarity to help you understand your life experiences’ real purpose. Dendritic Opal pushes you to think long and hard about what you truly feel. It encourages you to regroup, reorganize, and reevaluate. By doing this, you can better understand who you are and what specific life situations mean to you.

Showing the single result

  • Dendritic Opal Cabochon 1


    Stone Type: Dendritic Opal

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal

    Stone Color: Black, White

    Stone Weight: 8.67 Grams

    Stone Size: 1.53 Inches Long x 1.15 Inches wide

    Location: Mexico

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