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Category: Clear Lemurian Crystals

Clear Lemurian Crystals, have a distinct appearance. Look carefully at a Lemurian Crystal and you will see horizontal striations or grooves, like “bar codes,” on one or more sides. Commonly, the sides of a Lemurian Crystal will have alternating striated and smooth faces. Lemurian Quartz Crystals are often found in the shape of a Laser wand, where the faces at the tip of a Lemurian Crystal are small and gently taper in size from base to tip. Lemurian Seed Crystal is a special type of crystal that radiates potent ancient powers. It is believed that these crystals carry the encoded knowledge of Lemuria that would help the current civilization to tap into the sense of unity, deep life understanding, and universal love.


Clear Lemurian Crystals, The striations themselves represent significant timelines in the history of human development. An example would be how current technology has moved from phonograph records, to cassette tapes, to cd’s to downloadable and streaming music. Each one of these advancements could be viewed as a single striated line on the crystal. Thus running your fingers over the Lemurian Seed crystal will connect you with time line events that each crystal has recorded. The crystal will impart its knowledge to you using this technique. As these crystals have a strong focus on intuition, it is completely natural and absolutely encouraged that one use their intuition in finding the best way for the individual to interface with this vast library of crystal information.


To preserve and pass on their wisdom, the Lemurians secretly recorded their words in a special set of quartz crystals…now called Lemurian seed crystals. How the Lemurians encrypted these crystals is nearly imperceptible. But because the Lemurians operated on a higher spiritual dimension, they had mystical knowledge at the ready.

Showing all 6 results

  • Baby Clear Lemurian Crystals


    Stone Type: Quartz

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal

    Stone Weight: Varies

    Stone Color: Clear

    Size Stone Size: 1 – 1.5 Inches Long x – .5 – .75 Inches Wide

    Location: Brazil

    For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

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  • Clear Lemurian Quartz Cluster 1


    Stone Type: Quartz

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Twinned Cluster

    Stone Color: Clear

    Stone Weight: 5.9 Ounces

    Size Stone Size: 4.68 Inches Long x – 2.03 Inches Wide

    Location: Brazil

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  • Clear Lemurian Quartz Cluster 2


    Stone Type: Quartz

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal

    Stone Color: Clear

    Stone Weight: 7.4 Ounces

    Size Stone Size: 3.83 Inches Long x – 2.12 Inches Wide

    Location: Brazil

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  • Clear Lemurian Quartz Crystals Medium


    Stone Type: Quartz

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal

    Stone Weight: Varies

    Stone Color: Clear

    Size Stone Size: 1.75 – 2.50 Inches Long x – .5 – .75 Inches Wide

    Location: Brazil


    For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

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  • Clear Lemurian Quartz Crystals Small


    Stone Type: Quartz

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal

    Stone Weight: Varies

    Stone Color: Clear

    Size Stone Size: 1.5 – 1.75 Inches Long x – .5  Inches Wide

    Location: Brazil


    For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

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  • Clear Lemurian Quartz Twin Crystal Large


    Stone Type: Quartz

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal

    Stone Weight: 1 Pound 10.4 Ounces

    Stone Color: Clear

    Size Stone Size: 7.4 Inches Long x 2.1 Inches Wide

    Location: Brazil

    Very clear twin lemurian crystal

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