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Category: Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla is well known amongst the American Indian cultures who have been using it as a healing stone for strengthening the body’s resistance and for calming upset feelings. Their leaders utilized chrysocolla’s powers to encourage peace between nations. It is traditionally the stone of musicians. This stone can be used to erect a gentle but effective force field around the home against unpleasant of intrusive neighbors.


With its combination of blues and greens, the Chrysocolla crystal meaning represents a combination of energies related to love, growth, and communication. By surrounding you with soothing energy, the Chrysocolla crystal stone meaning invites you to explore your heart’s desires — whether that means connecting with others, speaking your truth, or embarking on a new journey in life.


​Chrysocolla has a unique green-blue color but it can vary widely from more blue to more green, often in the same specimen. This stone appears as dull or vitreous and waxy and is translucent to opaque. Chrysocolla is found in massive forms that can be crusts, stalactites and in a botryoidal form. This stone can form as inclusions in other minerals such as quartz.


Chrysocolla calms, cleanses and re-energizes all the chakras. It draws out guilt, heals heartache and increases the capacity to love. Improves communication and opens psychic vision. Encourages self-awareness and inner balance. Imparts confidence and sensitivity. Chrysocolla enhances personal power and inspires creativity. Overcomes phobias by drawing out negativity and supplying motivation. Reduces mental tension. Promotes truth-telling and impartiality. Alleviates guilt and brings in joy.

Showing all 3 results

  • Chrysocolla In Quartz 17 Pound Flat


    Stone Type: Chrysocolla In Quartz – With Traces Of Copper, Silver And Gold

    Stone Cut: Rough Specimen Flat

    Stone Weight: 17 Pound s

    Stone Color: Green / Blue, Brown

    Size Stone Size: 2 – 4Inches

    Location: Utah,

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  • Chrysocolla Tumbled Stones Large


    Stone Type: Chrysocolla

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones

    Stone Weight: Varies

    Stone Color: Blue / Green

    Stone Size: 1.5 – 2 Inches

    Location: Brazil

    For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

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  • Chrysocolla Tumbled Stones Small


    Stone Type: Chrysocolla

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones

    Stone Weight: Varies

    Stone Color: Blue / Green

    Stone Size: 1 – 1.7 Inches

    Location: Brazil

    For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

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