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Category: Chiastolite

Chiastolite is a variety of Andalusite which contains a naturally occurring cruciform pattern or black cross and is also known as the “Cross Stone”. It occurs in brown, grey, reddish brown and olive green varieties. The name Chiastolite derives from the Greek “chiastos” meaning cruciform or cross marked. In some ancient texts Chiastolite was also called “Lapis crucifer”, which literally means “cross stone”. The meaning of its name comes from the Greek word “chiastos” meaning cruciform or crosswise. This crystal also has the common name of Cross Stone. The stone Andalusite is the same stone, in another form, that does not have a visible cross within it. These brown stones with a black cross in the center are found in a number of countries, including Australia, Spain, Sri Lanka, China, France, Chile, Brazil, Russia, Canada and the USA.


Chiastolite is a highly protective stone. It’s a very good stone because of its psychic resistance. It will protect you from negative energies, and it will help prevent your energies from getting drained. It will act like a protective shield around you, making you feel safe and secure. Everyone around you can be feeling overwhelmed with the demands of the job, but you will feel light and energetic. You will have reserves of strength even on the busiest days, and you will still have plenty of energy left to spend on yourself or with your loved ones. Chiastolite will help you channel your abilities when communicating with the spirit world. It’s also an excellent stone to use during meditation because it will help you focus on the energies surrounding you. It will also allow you to see memories of your past lives. This mineral is also a perfect talisman for protection and warding off negative vibration and deities. Simply holding this stone helps raise one’s awareness to their surrounding energies, as well as etherically shielding one’s aura. Old Native Americans believed heavily in the protection aspects this mineral provided and would readily have it with them during rituals and ceremonies.


In former times it was revered because the cross within it was seen as highly spiritual. Ancient people revered the cross within it as a sign from God. Since ancient times it has been used for protection, as it was intuitively known that this stone had highly protective qualities. Chiastolite with its cross marking was used to deflect the evil eye, to ward off ill-wishing and curses.

Showing all 6 results

  • Chiastolite Mini Sphere


    Stone Type: Chiastolite

    Stone Cut: Sphere

    Stone Color: Brown

    Stone Weight: .6 Ounces

    Stone Size: .87 Inches

    Location: USA

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  • Chiastolite Slab 1


    Stone Type: Chiastolite

    Stone Cut: Slab

    Stone Color: Brown

    Stone Weight: 1.1 Ounces

    Stone Size: 1.57 x 1.12 Inches

    Location: USA

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  • Chiastolite Slab 2


    Stone Type: Chiastolite

    Stone Cut: Slab

    Stone Color: Brown

    Stone Weight: 1.6 Ounces

    Stone Size: 1.75 x 1.48 Inches

    Location: USA

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  • Chiastolite Slab 3


    Stone Type: Chiastolite

    Stone Cut: Slab

    Stone Color: Brown

    Stone Weight: 1.3 Ounces

    Stone Size: 2.02 x 1.55 Inches

    Location: USA

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  • Chiastolite Slab 4


    Stone Type: Chiastolite

    Stone Cut: Slab

    Stone Color: Brown

    Stone Weight: 1.3 Ounces

    Stone Size: 1.62 x 1.30 Inches

    Location: USA

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  • Chiastolite Tumbled Stones


    Stone Type: Chiastolite

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones

    Stone Weight: Varies Stone Color: Brown

    Stone Size: 1 – 1.2 Inches

    Location: USA

    For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

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