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Category: Barite

Barite is used to cleanse the system of toxins, to soothe a nervous stomach and to assist in the healing of addictions. Working with Barite can increase your understanding of how natural energy flows through living systems, which makes it a helpful stone for anyone involved in health care or the healing arts. Many crystals can be used to break up energy blockages, sometimes quite violently, but barite has a gentle and subtle effect and can be used long term over the course of several months to balance your internal flow of energy. Working with this mineral can help you clarify the underlying energy problems that lead to dependence and help you work more effectively to break free of addictions. This stone is recommended for those who have low vitality, chronic fatigue syndrome or exhaustion. It will gently balance your energy flow.​ Barite is an excellent stone for balancing brain chemistry and enhancing the mechanical function of the brain cells and synapses. It assists in situations of degenerative brain disease. Barite assists in memory and information retention.


Barite is thought to assist with ones ability in linking us to our highest purpose and higher self. Similarly, it acts as a magnet to high frequency energy. It is also believed to activate and clear blockages in the upper chakras allowing for a stronger connection to intuitive abilities. Barite may assist us in recognising where we must let go and allow in change, in order for our evolution to occur. In this way it is believed that it may aid with understanding and releasing trapped negative emotions which no longer serve us by replacing them with love. It is also known to stimulate memory and facilitate information retention. Barite has also been known to be a useful tool for dream recall.


Barite is a crystal that activates our third eye and crown chakras, bringing with it energies that help awaken ones psychic abilities. It’s a stone of inner vision, inter- dimensional travel, and communication with our guides and guardian angels. Barite pushes us to come in contact with and align to our higher self, which passively increased ones wisdom and mental awareness. Meditating with this stone will push one to operate on a higher frequency and can cause increased lucid dreaming, E.S.P., and “deja vu” moments. These moments are all occurring to push you towards the correct life path that you truly desire. The universe, and your higher self, is assisting you along the physical journey of your life.

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