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Category: Banded Black Agate

Agate is a variety of crypto-crystalline quartz; Silicon Dioxide. Agate is a common term for a distinctly banded fibrous chalcedony. It is often found as layers lining Geodes. There are hundreds of names applied to the varieties of agate that are found throughout the world. While many of the names reflect the source of the crystal, other names are descriptive of their color and pattern. Many people are confused by the differences between agate and jasper, the simple explanation is that Agate is translucent and Jasper is opaque.


Since ancient time, Black Agate is used for its grounding, balancing and centering effects. It is closely connected to the Root chakra. Wearing jewelry made from this gemstone will bring you peace, balance your positive and negative energy, relieve anxiety and provide protection during hard times. In the past, this gemstone was used for alleviating and healing joint and bone problems, neck and shoulder pain relief, helps with digestion and eases nausea. Black agate is a stone of new beginnings, change, and transition soothing deep emotions like grief, anxiety, and anger. Banded Agate is considered as a great stone for healing mind, the body, and the spirit. It is used for protection, security and used for moral stability. It is used as well as a helping stone for organizing person life, soothing, and as a grounding stone. It is said that it can help with cutting cords with persons that have a negative influence on a person wearing, being a boss, partner, friend, or any other negative person that want to manipulate with you.

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