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Category: Angelite

Angelite raises the state of conscious awareness. It represents peace and brotherhood. This Stone facilitates contact with your angels and spirit guides and helps to connect with your higher self. It enhances psychic healing and telepathic communication and enables astral travel and spirit journeys. Angelite will help you regenerate and rejuvenate your life and help you come alive.


This is a stone that can bring serenity, inner peace, and a sense of calm. It is excellent to use when you need to calm down from feelings of stress and overwhelm. It dispels fear, anger, and encourages forgiveness. It is an excellent stone to be used by those who have communication difficulties like problems in self expression. Because of its ability to deepen attunement and heighten perception, it is a powerful stone for healers. It also provides protection for the environment or the body.


Healers use Angelite to unblock energy pathways. It is a good stone for meditation purpose. This stone can be helpful for those suffering from sleeplessness because of conditions like insomnia. One may keep angelite tumbled stones at the four corners of the bed and ask the angels to protect you as you sleep. If you feel your angelite needs to be cleansed, it should never be cleansed by water or especially salt as water and salt will damage angelite. I would suggest smudging, or placing it in moon light for cleansing.


Mentally, Angelite is the perfect stone for easing communication efforts by easing tension, helping to clearly express one’s thoughts, and helping to clearly understand the viewpoint of others. It also encourages the user to be honest with themselves and others and to accept situations as they are. Angelite is also a good stone to aid in with concentration and focus. Angelite is a wonderful at aiding with connecting to and communication with the angels, Akashic Records, spirit guides, and ascended masters, as well as communication with those who have passed-on/transitioned from this physical life. Angelite also strengthens intuitive abilities, clairsentience, and telepathy. It can help clarify and strengthen visualization work, aiding in manifestation efforts. In addition, it is also a good stone to use for spiritual protection.

Showing the single result

  • Angelite Tumbled Stones


    Stone Type: Angelite

    Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones

    Stone Weight: Varies

    Stone Color: Blue

    Stone Size:

    Location: Brazil

    For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot

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