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Category: Amber

Amber will absorb and dispel negative energy by calming and clearing the Hara. ​​​​Black Amber is it associated with safety and security, it is a powerfully protective stone. It protects the user from psychic attacks and psychic vampires, it is also reported to remove hooks and cords from the Hara and Kundalini line and will assist in the healing of the damage previous hooks and cords may have caused. Black Amber aids to Repairs hooks and chord holes in the Aura and stops the energy leak from your aura. Also great for healing and has the normal traits of plan Amber. Takes negative energy and transmutes it to positive energy.


Amber’s nurturing energy connects you to your inner strength and helps to foster a sense of security. Amber is very protective and can shield against negative energies and vibrations. It is also a natural purifier. Amber emits a warm and soothing energy that is conducive to healing and increasing your well-being. Amber balances the Solar Plexus Chakra and can help create a more positive outlook on life. It is strongly connected to Earth energy, as well as the Sun. Because it is formed from living trees, it carries the vibrations of organic life and inspires life energy.


Ambers warm, bright energies translate into a sunny, spontaneous disposition that nevertheless respects tradition. It can help counteract suicidal or depressive tendencies. ​Amber encourages peacefulness and develops trust. Amber promotes altruism and brings wisdom. ​It brings balance and patience and encourages decision making and is a useful memory aid. Amber assists those with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or other depression based on light deprivation. It assists you in finding purpose and strength, by taking action to evolve your reality toward higher consciousness. Its flexibility dissolves opposition. It protects the emotional body and protects you from psychic attacks and psychic vampires. ​Amber when worn offers you a sense of safety, security and peace.

Amber is also a very spiritual gem. It seems to capture the light and warmth of the sun within its structure, and also the vibrant, life-giving qualities of sunlight, without which, of course, none of us would even be alive. Amber is closely connected to preservation on a spiritual level. That means that it is often worn as an ornament or talisman to promote eternal youth.

Showing all 5 results

  • Black Amber 2


    Stone Type: Amber

    Stone Cut: Rough

    Stone Color: Black / Golden

    Stone Weight: .5  Ounces

    Stone Size: 1.49 x 1.23 Inches

    Location: Indonesia

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  • Black Amber 3


    Stone Type: Amber

    Stone Cut: Rough

    Stone Color: Black / Golden

    Stone Weight: .4  Ounces

    Stone Size: 1.68 x 1.13 Inches

    Location: Indonesia

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  • Black Amber 4


    Stone Type: Amber

    Stone Cut: Rough

    Stone Color: Black / Golden

    Stone Weight: .9  Ounces

    Stone Size: 2.01 x 1.48 Inches

    Location: Indonesia

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  • Black Amber 5


    Stone Type: Amber

    Stone Cut: Rough

    Stone Color: Black / Golden

    Stone Weight: 1.4  Ounces

    Stone Size: 2.05 x 1.75 Inches

    Location: Indonesia

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  • Black Amber 6


    Stone Type: Amber

    Stone Cut: Rough

    Stone Color: Black / Golden

    Stone Weight: 1.5  Ounces

    Stone Size: 2.99 x 1.54 Inches

    Location: Indonesia

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