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Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing

Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing

This Is A Distant Healing Session

Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing, If you would like to have a set of chakra crystal grids set up for you to work on clearing and balancing your chakras, we offer this type of service.

We will setup a time through email to discuss your intentions, this can be done by email. Alternatively, we can set up a meeting that will be held over a zoom.

Times I will be available to do your initial zoom meeting are:

Saturday And Sunday Noon – 9Pm

The initial meeting will last approximately 20-30 minutes

This meeting we will discuss what your healing needs are and go over some of the crystals that will work for your needs. After this I will work on setting up your crystal grid, I will send you a photo of the crystal grid setup, at this point it will be your approval to move forward with this setup or if you would like some changes or additions of other crystals for your healing.

Once final approval of your grid setup is set, I will move forward with setting the intentions and activating the grid for your healing journey.

Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing

Please download and print out the crystal grid consultation form below at the end of this page and fill it out prior to your meeting. also have a photo of yourself or a headshot of yourself that can be sent over to be used along with your crystal grid.

Length of time your grids will be set up: 3 Days

What Is A Chakra Crystal Grid

A chakra crystal grid, is a grid set up with stones associated to each of the 7 major chakra points. One grid will be setup up for each chakra point, with the associated stones for each of those chakra points. Using these chakra crystal grids is a powerful way to balance and clear your chakras.

Basics Of A Crystal Grid

Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing

Many people pick the stones they use based on the properties of the individual crystals that are aligned with what they would like to manifest. Others will intuitively choose what stones to work with and later look into the crystals’ properties. If you don’t have a lot to choose from, don’t worry. You can still work with what you’ve got, it’s the setting of your own intentions that is most powerful here. The crystals work with your own inner magic & power, as well as their own metaphysical properties. They can be even more powerful when people come together to create them. It can be a wonderful group activity that can bring in positive energy at workshops, events or celebrations. 

Crystal grids, like many crystal rituals, amplify your intentions. Intentions are the most important aspect of creating the grid since the goal of the grid is to manifest said intention. Choose something clear, positive, and felt deep within your heart. It should be about you, not others. Many people choose to write down multiple goals related to the intention since a crystal grid is a spectacular moment for focused health and manifestation. 

Crystal grids are incredibly magical and powerful ways to manifest your dreams and intentions.

A crystal grid is powerful because of the combined energies of the crystals that you use, the way you lay them out, and the intentions that you set. In simple terms, a crystal grid is a special arrangement of crystals, stones and other nature elements laid out with intention to manifest a specific desire.

There are no real hard rules when it comes to creating your Crystal grid. It’s best to let your intuition guide you and work with what your heart feels called to. Some people like to use cloth or wood with sacred geometry and mystical designs on them, others like to include elements from nature like flowers and leaves and twigs and herbs, some people choose their stones based on the specific properties of the individual crystals and how they relate to each other, but again there is no wrong way to put together your Crystal grid.

Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing

If you have some manifesting to do and goals to work on, it’s certainly worth exploring the supernatural universe of a crystal grid. By consolidating your intentions with the power of sacred geometry and precious crystals, you can turn the energy behind your desire up!

Crystal grids can be channeled to make good vibes ideal for your sacred space, alter area, a study space, or a workplace. Regardless of whether your intentions are centered around wealth and achievement, living your best life, discovering harmony and tranquility, or keeping up protection and security, the crystals can help you align your energy.

What is a Crystal Grid?

Crystal grids are communities of crystals living together to amplify each other. They strengthen themselves by evoking the mantra of, power in numbers.  

Sacred geometric patterns house crystals to create a unique synergy through a specific vibrational blueprint. Each grid has its own energetic footprint and charges a harmonic resonance in its orbit.

Patterns are energetic visuals that can be absorbed and emulated. We look to natures designs, sacred geometry and forms to model our energy and behavior. Beautiful patterns with crystals release a palpable frequency and energetic vibration we can absorb. Changing the pattern of your environment and energy field can have the power to transform you and your space. 

Cleansing Your Crystals

Due to their energetic nature, crystals hold on to energy patterns with which they come in contact. By the time your crystals have made their way to you, they have been in many hands and places. This is why it is important to cleanse your crystals. I recommend cleansing them as soon as you bring them home, and then cleansing them at least weekly, or more frequently for those you use daily. There are several methods for cleansing crystals:


Light a bundle of dragons blood, cedar, lavender, or sweetgrass, and blow out the flame. Then hold the crystals in the stream of smoke to cleanse them. (I use a combination of these four herbs.) You can also cleanse them in the smoke from incense, such as Nag Champa sticks.

Quartz Cluster Or Geode

If you have a large cluster or geode made of a quartz stone, such as amethyst or clear quartz, you can place your smaller crystals in the cavity for 24 hours to cleanse them.


Selenite helps to cleanse and charge your crystals, so putting your crystals on a selenite slab or in a selenite bowl will help to cleanse your crystal of any unwanted energy.


If you have some type of energy healing ability (such as Reiki), you can cleanse the crystals using that energy. As a Reiki master, I do this by holding the crystals in my giving (dominant) hand and sending Reiki energy to them.

Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing

Charging & Programming Your Crystals

After cleansing, you need to charge your crystals. Charging puts energy back into the crystals so they can continue to function at their highest level. You should charge your crystals every time you cleanse them. Programming your
crystals involves placing intention into them for the specific task you’d like them to complete. This can help the crystal work more effectively, so do this every time you cleanse and charge them.

You can use several methods for these purposes. Consider the following ideas.

To charge your crystals in nature, you can place them outside in the sunlight or moonlight for 6 to 12
hours. You can also charge your crystals with visualization. Hold the crystal or crystals in your giving (dominant) hand. Close your eyes and visualize white light coming down from the universe, entering through your crown chakra, traveling down through each of your chakras, then into your arm and hand, and then from your hand into the crystal. Do this for about 10 minutes. Or you can place them on a selenite slab or in a selenite bowl to charge up your crystals.

To program the crystal once it has been charged, repeat the visualization process described, but this time, focus on the type of energy you’d like the crystal to have. And visualize your intentions being absorbed by the crystal.

What Are The Chakras

The word chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel. It is a wheel-like spinning vortex that interpenetrates the physical body, with the outer ends of each vortex forming a specific layer of the auric field. The whirling circular motion forms a cavity or vacuum in the center that draws in anything it encounters on its particular vibrational level. It is then processed and returned to the auric field. The major chakras of the human body are the seven chakras that are aligned along the spinal column. Secondary chakras of importance are located in the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, and at major joints in the arms and legs.

For the people of antiquity – Egyptians, Chinese, Hindus, Greeks, Romans, and aboriginals of many lands – the chakras were an integrated part of daily lives. As these ancient civilizations were conquered, vast libraries of knowledge were destroyed. Only a few remnants of their information on the chakra system have survived – either through the preservation of ancient texts by sacred priesthoods, or orally from generation to generation, as in the traditions of many aboriginal peoples.

In any study of the anatomy of the aura it is important to understand the significance of the chakra system. The chakras exist on all levels of the aura and serve as linking mechanisms between the auric field and the physical body as well as linking mechanisms between the different levels of the auric field itself.

Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing

It is usually believed that the three lower chakras correlate to basic primary needs – those of survival, procreation, and will – whereas the four higher chakras are concerned with our psychological makeup -defining love, communication, and knowledge, and connection with the spiritual realms.


The Seven Major Chakras

First Chakra (root chakra)

We must balance this chakra before moving on to the others. Otherwise our growth will be without roots, i.e., ungrounded

Other Names: Root, base, muladhara, Kundalini (Sanskrit)

Situated: base of spine and the pubic bone (but encompasses genitals and reproductive organs)

Color: red

Element: Earth

Area of consciousness: physical body

This includes all physical sensations, such as pain, sensuality, pleasure and power. Also, our survival (as an individual and as a planet), our need for world peace and environmental balance.

Key Words: stability, solidity, unity and form.

Physical organ association: gonads, also the glomus coccygeum or coccygeal body, adrenal gland, the kindeys and the spinal column

Relationship: to the solid part of the body, especially the bones Importance: location of the kundalini

Attributes: athletic, cares about survival, sensuality, pleasure and power

Governs: perception of the physical world, willpower, motivation and intent

For this grid I used shungite for the center stone, apache tears for the surrounding stones and clear quartz around the outer edge to amplify the intentions.

Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing

root chakra grid
root chakra grid

Second Chakra (sacral chakra)

Here we encounter change, for without change we cannot grow.

Other Names: Sacral, sexual, svadhisthana (Sanskrit)

Situated: behind and just below the navel

Color: orange

Element: Water

Area of consciousness: emotional Change in that we now moving beyond our understanding of ourselves and realize the awareness of others – desire arises and with it our emotions and sexuality.

Key Words: difference, separation, change, duality, and movement

Physical organ association: spleen ( Peyer’s Patches) as well as the kidneys and bladder

Relationship: corresponds to the liquid part of the body – circulation, urinary elimination, and sexual body fluids.

Governs: feelings of sexuality, and creativity

For this grid I used orange selenite for the center stone, carnelian for the surrounding stones and clear quartz around the outer edge to amplify the intentions.

Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing

sacral chakra grid
sacral chakra grid

Third Chakra (solar plexus chakra)

Transformation to a new state occurs through this chakra’s basic dynamic energy and our ability to find a balance between extremes.

Other Names: Solar Plexus, manipura (Sanskrit)

Situated:solar plexus, in the V formed by the ribcage, above the navel

Color: yellow

Element: Fire

Area of consciousness: mental or intellectual body This includes thoughts, opinions and judgements.

Key Words: combustion, fire, energy, action, power, and will

Physical organ association: adrenal glands, pancreas, liver, stomach, as well as the nervous system and the bladder.

Relationship: responsible for the regulation and distribution of metabolic energy throughout the body, asin digestion.

Governs: emotional issues and issues of personal power

For this grid I used yellow hematoid quartz for the center stone, citrine for the surrounding stones and clear quartz around the outer edge to amplify the intentions.

Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing

solar plexus chakra grid
solar plexus chakra grid

Fourth Chakra (heart chakra)

The task of this chakra is to integrate and balance the realms of spirit and mind with our physical body (matter).

Other Names: Heart, anahata (Sanskrit)

Situated: midway between shoulder blades (over the sternum)

Color: Green

Element: Air

Area of Consciousness: astral body This is the first level beyond 3-dimensional matter. Here we have the bridge between the dimensions of matter and the dimensions of spirit. Although we may refer to the “lower chakras” as being concerned with mankind, and the “upper chakras” as being concerned with spirituality and God, each chakra is no less important than the other. For instance, the first chakra has a number of frequencies (all within the Red vibration), ranging from very low to very high. The goal is to rise above a chakra’s lower frequencies into its higher ones.

Key Words: love, compassion, balance

Physical organ association: thymus gland (immune system), and the heart, blood, circulatory system, immune system, and the endocrine system.

Relationship: to the heart – to love as a state of being.

Governs: love, compassion, and unconditional acceptance for others

For this grid I used rose quartz for the center stone, jade for the surrounding stones and clear quartz around the outer edge to amplify the intentions.

Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing

heart chakra grid
heart chakra grid

Fifth Chakra (throat chakra)

Here we have the realm of consciousness where communication occurs, whether that be within ourselves or to and from another

Other Names: Throat, visuddha (Sanskrit)

Situated: throat area

Color: blue

Element: Sound

Area of consciousness: etheric body This etheric body is the template for the physical body, and represents our potential for perfection.

Key Words: sound, vibration, communication, and self-expression

Physical organ association: thyroid and parathyroid glands, lungs, vocal cords, and bronchial apparatus.

Relationship: the throat area where sound is created

Governs: communication, expression of thoughts and feelings

For this grid I used apatite for the center stone, aquamarine for the surrounding stones and clear quartz around the outer edge to amplify the intentions.

Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing

throat chakra grid
throat chakra grid

Sixth Chakra (third eye chakra)

The essence and function of this chakra is to “see” in the sense that we accept that complete vision will include both darkness and light.

Other Names: Third Eye, Brow, ajna (Sanskrit)

Situated: centre of head, behind forehead

Color: indigo

Element: Light

Area of consciousness: celestial body It is here that we have “sixth sight”, or the ability to “see” by way of clairvoyance. We use this chakra for visualization, receiving insight or inspiration.

Key Words: intuition, imagination and clairvoyance

Physical organ association: pineal (although some believe it is the pituitary gland) Relationship: the storehouse and viewing screen of all visual input from our two physical eyes and our “third eye” (the etheric organ of psychic perception).

Governs: spirituality and the search for meaning in life, intuition, visualization

For this grid I used fluorite for the center stone, lapis lazuli for the surrounding stones and clear quartz around the outer edge to amplify the intentions.

Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing

third eye chakra grid
third eye chakra grid

Seventh Chakra (crown chakra)

This chakra represents our belief systems, both conscious and unconscious.

Other Names: Crown, sahasrara (Sanskrit)

Situated:top of head

Color: white (some believe violet)

Element: Thought

Area of Consciousness: ketheric body. This chakra is associated with the spiritual realm. Here is where we merge with God, the All That Is.

Key Words: enlightenment, knowing and cosmic consciousness

Physical organ association: pituitary gland (although some believe it is the pineal gland)

Relationship: not of the material world but as a gateway to worlds beyond

Governs: our connection to the concept of “God” or a higher intelligence

For this grid I used amethyst for the center stone, lepidolite for the surrounding stones and clear quartz around the outer edge to amplify the intentions.

Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing

crown chakra grid
crown chakra grid
Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing
Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing
Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing
Distant Chakra Crystal Grids Healing