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Crystal Reiki

Crystal Reiki

What is Crystal Reiki?

Crystals have been used for centuries as tools to heal and increase levels of awareness with each stone being specially selected because its energy resonates in a specific frequency. Although combining Reiki with the use of crystals is relatively new, this branch of Reiki is capable of boosting healing at a powerful level.  Crystal Reiki is a form of healing that utilizes the energies within our earth to help heal you. The powerful frequencies are amplified by Reiki and can be targeted with special attention, making it more profound than other forms of therapy you may have experienced.

Crystal Reiki has the potential to connect you with the rising consciousness around you and help you align with it and use it to help yourself and others. As we connect and in a state of presence use Reiki energy to amplify the energy of the crystals we work with, that energy can in turn positively impact the earth so that a symbiotic relationship can be created.

How Crystal Reiki Works?

In a Crystal Reiki session, you will use specifically selected crystals and place them in a specific layout around and on the recipient and then allow Reiki energy to flow through you into the crystals and then the recipient.

Just as sunlight shining through a crystal prism creates facets of light, Reiki energy passing through the crystals will create a specific energetic resonance within the recipient that their body will then use to address specific imbalances.

The presence of Reiki energy amplifies the energy of the crystals and helps the body mind of the recipient focus on specific areas of the body, conditions or levels of awareness that are ready to heal. In a Crystal Reiki session, Reiki energy is coming from above through the crown chakra while the crystals used in the session bring in grounding energy from the earth.

Together these energies work seamlessly. Crystals are solid symmetrical structures with regularly ordered atoms and molecules that are packed in repeating patterns that extend in all three dimensions of space. The shape and atomic structure of a crystal define it.

The defects within a crystal can also define its healing properties and rather than being seen as irregularities, can be intuitively used with powerful effects.

Although crystals are considered a part of the mineral kingdom, minerals are less transparent than crystals and darker in color with a consistent chemical structure. Minerals are thought to strengthen the physical aspects of the body such as bones, tissue, etc.

Both minerals and crystals can be used to help balance the recipient in a Crystal Reiki session. Similarities can be found in the structures of a crystal and our own DNA with dodecahedrons and icosahedrons found in both.

The healing properties of each crystal can be associated with the way in which it was formed. Much of the earth’s crystals were formed millions of years ago. Crystals are formed in a liquid such as magma or water as well as gas that is pushed up from the earth. As the liquid evaporates, the minerals within that liquid bond. The harder crystals are formed within higher temperatures.

The geopathic stress that is present as a crystal is formed also has an impact on its healing properties, with enhanced properties present. You will find that the same type of crystal found in different areas with different geopathic stresses will hold different resonances.

Regardless of form, crystals have the ability to absorb, channel, focus and emit energy. The energy of Reiki will infuse the intentions of the practitioner and recipient as well as the energetic properties of the crystal to create a unique high frequency.

Crystals can generate energy through a process known as the Piezoelectric effect. This effect occurs when pressure is applied to the crystal which then generates energy. In the same way, if a voltage is applied to a crystal such as quartz, it will bend or slightly change its shape. We all consist of electromagnetic energy.

When holding a crystal, your frequency interacts with the crystal, creating a similar type of Piezoelectric effect. The crystal vibrates and the energy it creates can be transmitted to your own internal energy pathways.

One key factor that separates Crystal Reiki from general Crystal Healing is the foundational principles of Reiki. As Reiki practitioners, we understand that our role is to be the observer that holds space for the healing within the recipient to occur. We do not diagnose or prescribe and allow the recipient’s body to be the active participant in their healing.

We are also detached from the outcome. Although we set intentions at the start of a Crystal Reiki session and use our intuition as well as our understanding of crystals to focus the energy of the session, we understand that the session will proceed exactly as the recipient’s body needs it to and for the highest good of all concerned. With no expectations, we also do not use our own personal energy in the session.

Crystal Reiki sessions instead are an energizing and healing experience for both the recipient and practitioner because Reiki energy is the amplifier in the session. Continued work with Crystal Reiki helps the practitioner to raise and balance their own awareness which extends to all areas of their life and helps to be a healing force in the lives of everyone they touch.

A Crystal Reiki practitioner uses Reiki energy to create a state of presence that is focused and accesses a higher level of consciousness. This presence holds the space for Reiki energy to activate and amplify the crystal energy for a specific purpose so that the desired outcome can be achieved.

Crystal Reiki
Crystal Reiki