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Aura Balancing Crystal Grid Distant Healing

Aura Balancing Crystal Grid Distant Healing

This Is A Distant Healing Session

Aura Balancing Crystal Grid Distant Healing, If you would like to have a set of aura balancing crystal grid set up for you to work on balancing your aura, we offer this type of service.

We will setup a time through email to discuss your intentions, this can be done by email. Alternatively, we can set up a meeting that will be held over a zoom.

Times I will be available to do your initial zoom meeting are:

Saturday And Sunday Noon – 9Pm

The initial meeting will last approximately 20-30 minutes

This meeting we will discuss what your healing needs are and go over some of the crystals that will work for your needs. After this I will work on setting up your crystal grid, I will send you a photo of the crystal grid setup, at this point it will be your approval to move forward with this setup or if you would like some changes or additions of other crystals for your healing.

Once final approval of your grid setup is set, I will move forward with setting the intentions and activating the grid for your healing journey.

Please download and print out the crystal grid consultation form below at the end of this page and fill it out prior to your meeting. Also have a full body photo of yourself and headshot of yourself that can be sent over to be used along with your crystal grid.

Length of time your grids will be set up: 3 Days

Her is an example of the grid I will use

What Is A Aura Balancing Crystal Grid?

A Aura Balancing crystal grid, is a grid set up with stones associated for balancing and healing the Aura. 

Aura Balancing Crystal Grid Distant Healing

Basics Of A Crystal Grid

Many people pick the stones they use based on the properties of the individual crystals that are aligned with what they would like to manifest. Others will intuitively choose what stones to work with and later look into the crystals’ properties. If you don’t have a lot to choose from, don’t worry. You can still work with what you’ve got, it’s the setting of your own intentions that is most powerful here. The crystals work with your own inner magic & power, as well as their own metaphysical properties. They can be even more powerful when people come together to create them. It can be a wonderful group activity that can bring in positive energy at workshops, events or celebrations.

Crystal grids, like many crystal rituals, amplify your intentions. Intentions are the most important aspect of creating the grid since the goal of the grid is to manifest said intention. Choose something clear, positive, and felt deep within your heart. It should be about you, not others. Many people choose to write down multiple goals related to the intention since a crystal grid is a spectacular moment for focused health and manifestation.

Crystal grids are incredibly magical and powerful ways to manifest your dreams and intentions.

A crystal grid is powerful because of the combined energies of the crystals that you use, the way you lay them out, and the intentions that you set. In simple terms, a crystal grid is a special arrangement of crystals, stones and other nature elements laid out with intention to manifest a specific desire.

Aura Balancing Crystal Grid Distant Healing

There are no real hard rules when it comes to creating your Crystal grid. It’s best to let your intuition guide you and work with what your heart feels called to. Some people like to use cloth or wood with sacred geometry and mystical designs on them, others like to include elements from nature like flowers and leaves and twigs and herbs, some people choose their stones based on the specific properties of the individual crystals and how they relate to each other, but again there is no wrong way to put together your Crystal grid.

If you have some manifesting to do and goals to work on, it’s certainly worth exploring the supernatural universe of a crystal grid. By consolidating your intentions with the power of sacred geometry and precious crystals, you can turn the energy behind your desire up!

Crystal grids can be channeled to make good vibes ideal for your sacred space, alter area, a study space, or a workplace. Regardless of whether your intentions are centered around wealth and achievement, living your best life, discovering harmony and tranquility, or keeping up protection and security, the crystals can help you align your energy.

What is a Crystal Grid?

Crystal grids are communities of crystals living together to amplify each other. They strengthen themselves by evoking the mantra of, power in numbers.

Sacred geometric patterns house crystals to create a unique synergy through a specific vibrational blueprint. Each grid has its own energetic footprint and charges a harmonic resonance in its orbit.

Aura Balancing Crystal Grid Distant Healing

Patterns are energetic visuals that can be absorbed and emulated. We look to natures designs, sacred geometry and forms to model our energy and behavior. Beautiful patterns with crystals release a palpable frequency and energetic vibration we can absorb. Changing the pattern of your environment and energy field can have the power to transform you and your space.

What is the aura?

The aura is a force field of electromagnetic energy that surrounds the body. When a person is healthy and balanced, their aura reflects their condition by being smooth with all parts of it being alive and having a clear color and free movement.

If a person is experiencing disturbance, it is reflected in the aura. The aura may change color or become cloudy or thicker. Parts of the aura may pull in closer than necessary to the body. The aura may lose energy and thus be less able to protect the body from outside forces impinging upon it.

Physical illness can be reflected in the aura — things as commonplace as a headache or as serious as pneumonia will show up in the aura. Many times, a weakness in the auric force field will indicate a high potential for illness or injury in the area of the weakness. If the aura can be brought into balance, the physical manifestation of the weakness may be avoided.

There are three primary levels to the aura: physical, emotional, and mental/spiritual. Each aura is separate, although all of them blend together. A weakness in any one of the auras will indicate a different situation.

Some types of human behavior have a direct effect on the aura, which then has a direct effect on the feelings of the person involved. Recreational drugs, as one example, place negativity in the aura. Because of the nature of the drug experience, definite changes happen to a person, their perception of their environment, their feelings, responses, etc.

Taking drugs often causes great irregularities in the aura. They may cause rips and tears to appear as the energy around the body is really blasted by the force of the drugs. As this occurs, it creates energy drains from the aura. Because the aura is depleted, the electromagnetic protection that the body normally has, is gone, and the body is left more vulnerable to illness, fatigue, emotional turmoil, etc.

Aura Balancing Crystal Grid Distant Healing

Abuse of alcohol can also cause serious disturbance to the aura and can cause it to become thick, sluggish and murky but will not destroy it to the extent that drugs will. With time, if the person no longer drinks alcohol, the effects of the alcohol will dissipate out of the aura. The damage caused by drugs will still be visible in the aura even years later.

Emotional upset of any serious nature can also cause distress to the auric force field. It can weaken it and leave the person vulnerable to future emotional instability as well as to physical illness.

When the aura is in good shape, the person is more able to cope with, and withstand, the pressures and activities of life. The force field surrounds the body and protects it from the impingement of negative forces from outside the body. Also, because we perceive our environment through our aura, an unclear or weakened auric field will give us a confusing or uncertain picture of the world. If the aura is clear and vital with positive energy, we have a sharper, more accurate view of the world and our relationship to it.

Why have an Aura Balance?

The aura balancing is really a “tune up” for your aura. You are providing yourself with a greater sensitivity to yourself and to your environment. You are getting rid of those things that cloud or confuse your energies. You are clearing out the negativity you have collected to yourself in the past and giving yourself the opportunity to “start fresh” and change inappropriate or ineffective behavior.

If you have been experiencing illness, unusual fatigue, or any type of emotional turmoil and have felt those things really “get to you”, you may want to consider having an aura balance. Fatigue can often indicate that there is either weakness in the aura, or there may be rips that are allowing the energy to drain.

If there have been areas where you feel you have betrayed yourself, let yourself down, not done as well as you could and you have judged yourself for these inadequacies, the self-judgment may have weakened and depleted the energy of the spiritual aura and an aura balancing would be indicated.

If you have been involved in any emotional situation in which you find it difficult to “let go”, an aura balancing can be of great assistance. Many emotional imbalances “lock into” the auric force field and just stay there. As long as they are there, you feel the energy of that situation. So your mind and your feelings continually return to it. The balancing can clear those areas and give you the opportunity to let go and find more balanced and fulfilling emotional patterns.