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Angelic Crystal Energy Attunements

Angelic Crystal Energy Attunements

Intro To Crystals

Angelic Crystal Energy Attunements, Crystals have fascinated humanity for centuries, captivating our imaginations with their mesmerizing beauty and mysterious energy. These precious stones are not only breathtaking to behold but also possess incredible healing properties that have been harnessed by crystal workers throughout history. In this subchapter, we will explore the power of crystals and how they can be utilized in the practice of crystal healing.

Crystals, in their purest form, are essentially solidified light and energy. They possess a unique molecular structure that allows them to vibrate at special frequencies, emitting a subtle energy field. This energy can interact with our own energetic system, bringing balance and harmony to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Crystal workers, with their deep understanding of crystals and their properties, are able to tap into this inherent power and utilize it for healing purposes. By selecting the right crystals and placing them strategically on or around the body, crystal workers can facilitate the {ow of energy and remove any blockages or imbalances that may be causing physical or emotional distress.

Benefits of Crystal Healing

Crystal healing has been practiced for centuries, and its popularity has been on the rise in recent years. Aspiring crystal workers and those enrolled in a crystal healing course are often drawn to the powerful energy and potential benefits that crystals offer. In this subchapter, we will explore some of the key benefits of crystal healing.

One of the primary benefits of crystal healing is its ability to promote physical and emotional well-being. Crystals are known to emit vibrations and energy that can help balance the body’s energy centers, also known as chakras. By placing specific crystals on or near the body, crystal workers can stimulate these energy centers, promoting healing and restoring balance.

Crystals have unique properties that can help alleviate various physical and emotional ailments. For instance, amethyst is known for its calming and soothing properties, making it an excellent choice for reducing stress and anxiety. Rose quartz, on the other hand, helps promote self-love and emotional healing, making it beneficial for those struggling with matters of the heart.

Another significant benefit of crystal healing is its ability to enhance spiritual growth and intuition. Crystals are believed to carry the wisdom of the earth and can help individuals connect with their higher self and spiritual guides. By working with specific crystals, crystal workers can deepen their meditation practices, expand their consciousness, and enhance their intuitive abilities.

Crystal healing can also serve as a powerful tool for manifestation and goalsetting. By using crystals with specific properties and intentions, individuals can amplify their intentions and attract what they desire into their lives. Whether it’s attracting abundance, love, or career opportunities, crystals can help align one’s energy with their goals, increasing the likelihood of manifestation.

Developing Your Intuition for Crystal Work

One of the most essential skills for crystal workers is developing and honing your intuition. Intuition is the ability to access information and insights beyond our conscious understanding, and it plays a crucial role in crystal healing. By tapping into your intuition, you can connect with the energy of crystals on a deeper level, allowing them to guide and support your healing journey

First and foremost, it is important to create a sacred and peaceful space for your crystal healing practice. Find a quiet corner in your home or create a dedicated altar where you can work with your crystals undisturbed. Clear the space energetically by smudging with sage or using sound healing tools such as singing bowls or chimes.

To start developing your intuition, begin by spending quality time with your crystals. Hold them in your hands, observe their colors, shapes, and textures. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax and be present in the moment. Focus your attention on the crystal you are holding and ask it to share its energy and wisdom with you.


Angels are, in essence, energy. Celestial beings that are the messengers between the Divine and mankind. They are nondenominational and have been guiding us for centuries in every culture and on every continent. Angels transcend time and space, meaning that they can be at more than one place  at  a time. They often come to us in times of peril, grief and even great joy. They can be called upon to help us with almost any problem, no matter how trivial we may think it is.  

Angelic Crystal Energy Attunements

The archangels are the highest in the angelic hierarchy, which has nine tiers and includes angels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim and seraphim. Our very own guardian angels fall into the angel hierarchy. Archangels are those that rule different days of the week, seasons, planets, elements, and so on.

With these Angelic Crystal Energy Attunements you will be attuned to the crystal with the help of of the Archangel that represents the element that the stone is connected to.

Air – Archangel Raphael

Earth – Archangel Uriel

Fire – Archangel Michael

Water – Archangel Gabriel

Each of the archangels corresponds to certain crystal or gemstone energies. Crystals, after all, are of Earth’s energy, and they can be excellent amplifiers and conductors of this energy, thus enabling us to communicate, heal and become more “in tune” with the angelic realm.