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Angel Tuning Forks Sound Healing Session

Angel Tuning Forks Sound Healing Session

Angel Tuners Create a Bridge Between Heaven and Earth

‍Angel Tuning Forks Sound Healing Session, The Angel Tuners are a set of 3 Crystal Tuners. The Angel Tuners open our spirit to the Angelic Kingdom. They are based on the ninth octave of the overtone series. In the overtone series a fundamental tone creates a second tone, the second tone creates a third tone, etc. These tones are ascending in pitch. The sound will be delicate and high in pitch.

What are the benefits of Angel Tuners?

  • Enhances connection to universal energy
  • Spiritual insights and experiences
  • Manifestation of inspiration and a meditative state
  • Connect with higher powers and creative expression
  • Used individually or in groups to enhance meditations
  • Amplifies the energies of crystals Based on the ninth octave of the overtone series, the Angelic Tuning Forks open the passageway to angelic kingdoms. In an overtone series two base tones create a third tone, and those three tones create 3 higher harmonics, and three lower harmonics, resulting in a total of nine simultaneous tones! These frequencies represent the theological and archetypal energies of Jacob’s Ladder, the Stairway to Heaven, and the Pillars of Light. This series was believed to unite Heaven and Earth. A Russian composer, Alexander Scriaben, created a piece called “Mysterium” that was slated to be played in India using bells sounding these tones.
  • Jacob’s Ladder 4096 Hz
  • Pillar of Light 4160 Hz
  • Stairway to Heaven 4225 Hz
  • Uses: By vibrating your cranial bones, the Angel Tuner opens the gateway for spiritual insights and experiences. This tuner enhances your connection to universal energy for manifesting inspiration and a meditative state, as well as connections with higher powers, visions, and creative expression.
  • Helps you connect with the Angelic Realm
  • Helps you connect with your Spirit Guides

During this session we will mostly be working on opening and activating your upper chakras, this will open you up to the spirit realm and connect to the universal energies.

This can help you get in contact with your Spirit Guides and Angelic Guides.