Merlinite Sphere 1


Stone Type: Merlinite

Stone Cut: Sphere

Stone Color: Black, Grey

Stone Weight: 7.9 Ounces

Stone Size: 2.1 Inches

Location: Brazil

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Merlinite Sphere 1, is a stone, which attracts potent magic, as well as good luck in life. Further, it is also known in stimulating deep intuition, spiritual mediumship, and psychic knowing. Also, the vibration that comes from this stone is so shamanistic, since it allows you in accessing the energy of the natural world, as well as communicate with the elemental beings.

Merlinite is a stone that attracts powerful magic and good luck into your life, and is known to stimulate deep intuition, psychic knowing and spiritual mediumship. The vibration of this stone is very shamanistic, as it allows you to access the energy of the natural world and communicate with elemental beings. It will aid you to access higher spiritual energy, and is said to conjure the memories of alchemists and wizards, such as the wizard Merlin from Arthurian times. It may also help you to make contact with guides and teachers in the higher realms. It a stone of harmony that aids the birth of creativity and clear psychic visions.

Merlinite Sphere 1, It will let you to connect with the spirit world and see what’s happening in the other dimensions. Energies of the merlinite will help you combine both earthly and heavenly energies harmoniously. They will also help you balance your feminine and masculine energies so that you can better understand your inner god and goddess. Merlinite will help you become more open and approachable. It will help you embrace the things that can happen in your life that are out of the ordinary or different from your normal ways. Because this stone is dualistic in nature, it will introduce you to the darker aspects of yourself. Doing this will bring total understanding of who you are and also enlighten your heart and mind. Working with the energies of this stone will stimulate your creativity and strengthen your organizational abilities. You will be able to access a higher level of spiritual energy and clear all negative energies in your aura. You will also develop a more open and positive way of looking at life. Merlinite will strengthen your magical and psychic abilities. It will encourage spirit communication and past life recall. It will aid in shamanic journeying and deep intuition.

It is a strong spiritual stone with the vibration of duality, meaning that it will help you to balance the masculine and feminine energy within yourself, and better understand the aspects of God and the Goddess. These stones resonate strongly within the third eye chakra, and are helpful to use to aid your spiritual growth, as they allow spirit teachers to come through to this plane to work with you. It’s energy will allow you to access the spirit world, and it is known to aid the development of mediumistic abilities and psychic knowing. They are beneficial healing crystals for you to encourage you to make contact with the spirit of those on the other side of the veil. It may aid you to access the Akashic records, and to bring messages back for living relatives.

Merlinite Sphere 1, When you meditate with this stone and tell it your deepest desires and wishes, it will work with your energies to make these wishes and desires manifest in your life! It will dispel negative and difficult energies that surround you so that you can function fully and do the task at hand. When your aura is light and clear, you can see all the possibilities and better focus on them. And when you are focused, you can very easily achieve them. Merlinite will bring abundance and fullness in all areas of your life. Its energies will help create a peaceful and harmonious environment. It will also foster the appreciation for the little things and thankfulness for each moment of your life. When you are grateful for everything, you will attract only the best kinds of energies.

Merlinite is a stone of duality which possesses the quality of light and dark. It has a magnetic power to attract endowing magic and proves to be felicitous in your life. It will entrench a communication with your within and you can peep in your darker parts of yourselves. The reinforced vibrations of this stone are salutary to gain the energy of the nature and vitalize yourselves. It is believed to be the stone of harmony that succors the awakening of creativity and psychic envisions and will outturn a higher spiritual potential in you. It brews heavenly and earthly energy that gives you the warmth of spiritualism.

Many people struggle with getting a peaceful sleep. So, you can use Merlinite to relax and calm yourself. Place it under your pillow and it allows you to sleep comfortably. You can place the gemstone in your workplace, bedroom, or the place where you frequently visit to channel energies from the atmosphere around you. Keep it with you when you hang out with people. Whenever you are setting up a new journey like starting a new business, beginning a career, or committing to a new relationship, you can keep this amazing stone Merlinite with you. It will amplify your intuition and senses. Merlinite can be used for chakra healing, especially while working with third eye chakra.




Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in
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