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Serpentine Message Wand 1


Stone Type: Serpentine

Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Wand

Stone Weight: 2.9 Ounces

Stone Color: Green

Stone Size: 3.95 Inches Long x .92 Inches Wide

Location: Brazil

1 in stock

Serpentine Message Wand 1


Serpentine Message Wand 1, This stone is an exceptional meditation stone, it will assist one in finding inner peace, as well as clearing the mind to become closer with oneself. Elemental beings may be encouraged to make contact with you and using this stone may also aid you to make contact with angelic guidance. It aids in meditation and enhances spiritual exploration. Serpentine assists the retrieval of wisdom, helping to regain memory of past lives. It clears the chakras and stimulates the crown chakra, opening psychic abilities. Serpentine has been traditionally used for Kundalini activation and clearing blocked energy centers. This stone opens new pathways for the kundalini energy to rise. Serpentine helps you to be more in control of your life.

Serpentine is associated with the serpent or the snake. The serpent’s energy is one of rebirth. According to one ancient legend, Adam choked on the forbidden apple when he tasted it. when he spat it out, it turned into Serpentine. According to legend, Romans used this stone as protection against sorcery and the dark arts. Vessels were made of serpentine, as they were said to shatter is they came into contact with poison. Therefore many ancients began using serpentine to craft drinking vessels. In ancient Assyria, it is told that this stone was carried to request of the gods and goddess to provide blessings. In China and India it is quite often incorporated into altars, carvings temple decorations, as it is seen as a protective stone that will bring peace. Serpentine was named in 1564 by Georgius Agricola for the Latin term “serpens”, “snake”, in allusion to the mottled green appearance of the mineral suggesting the resemblance to some snakes.

Serpentine Message Wand 1, Serpentine supports efforts at rebalancing your digestion. While watching your eating regime and following any medical advice you have received, delve into your consciousness to uncover what you might find difficult to swallow, literally and figuratively. Serpentine is a good cleansing stone, it detoxifies the blood and the body. It is said to aid longevity. Serpentine eliminates parasites, helps calcium and magnesium absorption. Treats hypoglycemia and diabetes. It helps with pain relief, especially muscular and menstrual. This stone can assist in cellular regeneration and replenishing your energy levels. Serpentine is ideal for those who are subjected to electromagnetic or energetic pollution. It insulates the aura, protecting the delicate energetic structures of the DNA and cells. It supports healing by aligning your energy field with the Earth, which invigorates the body.

This inner power is accessed through realms such as deep meditation, the use of Serpentine crystals, and yoga. Once released, an effect known as a Kundalini Awakening will begin to take place. When experiencing this great awakening you may feel more in-tune with yourself and notice signs of your inner intuition come to life. This intellectual upgrade tends to lead to an expansion of the mind and attunement to higher realms. To reach these realms one must be willing to open their pineal gland and restore the true confidence of our own mental abilities.

In crystal medicine, the Serpentine crystal stone meaning embodies the power of creation, sexuality, and fertility, which represents the life force of our ever-spinning planet. On a physiological level, it helps balance out the hormones, making it an excellent energy supplement for that time of the month. And yes, men also have hormonal cycles, which makes Serpentine a powerful stone for both the male and female energies. The Serpentine meaning reminds us to shoot for the stars, because everybody’s inner child knows their true purpose in life. Even if your dreams have been buried by societal expectations and demands of adulthood, the Serpentine crystal stone meaning serves as the catalyst to free you from the shackles of society and self-imposed limitations.

Serpentine Message Wand 1, Serpentine minerals have a harmonious connection with our heart center and assists in bringing our truest desires to life. This will help in our ability to love and display compassionate emotions. Serpentine minerals aid in the release of useless emotions that may feel as though they are glued to our beings. It will feel extremely difficult to let go of these feelings if you still feel as though you were wronged. Serpentine minerals will act as a dissolvent to release these sticky emotions. Once they have been lifted, the relief will be worth all of the hard work. We must learn to love ourselves before we can begin to spread love into this world. A final lesson that Serpentine aids to teach us is the residual effect of promoting love in even the darkest of spaces around us.

Serpentine is soothing to the emotional body, allowing you to release your fear of change and hardship so that you are able to look ahead to the future with expectation and excitement. It reminds you of the great span of time that the Earth and Nature have been learning, versus the relatively short time that humanity has inhabited this planet. This perspective can help you feel less self centered and more willing to spend time and energy contributing to the greater good, rather than focusing solely on personal goals. Serpentine can help you to be less sensitive to the thoughts, comments or opinions of others. It can help you feel more self confident and less invested in receiving external praise or appreciation. Serpentine is a stone of independence. It engenders a sense of being protected, stimulating you to move into new realms and social circles without hesitancy or fear.

Message Wand Blog

Serpentine Blog


Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 5 in


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