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What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

The Aura Colors and their Meanings

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

What are Auras?

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning, Before you work with auras, it’s essential that you have a good understanding of them. Here we’ll cover the definition of auras, scientific approaches, as well as the spiritual perspective on energy fields.

Definition of aura

An aura is a color-specific energy field that surrounds all living things, including humans, animals, and even plants. It is a form of energy that radiates a few inches to a few feet in an oval shape around the body, and can change based on thoughts, feelings, and experiences. 

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

Auras are referenced in many traditions, including yoga and hinduism. There are differences between each discipline, however they all agree on the idea of the aura as an extension of the energy field of the human body. 

Are auras backed by science?

Although science hasn’t confirmed the existence of auras yet, this doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. We know that the human body emits a small electromagnetic frequency, and it is possible that this is what people pick up on when they see an aura. 

Scientific research is still ongoing, and it could only be a matter of time before auras become scientifically validated. Ancient traditions and cultures have seen the importance of auras for centuries, so we can be sure that there’s a lot to learn from studying this amazing phenomenon. 

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

Whether you can perceive auras or you’re simply fascinated by them, it is your own spiritual journey that matters. Our course on auras and aura healing covers everything you need to know about developing this skill. 

Spiritual perspectives on auras

An aura is an important part of most spiritual practices. This is because your energy field is an excellent guide on current levels of openness, receptivity, and emotions. We are so much more than our physical bodies, and by connecting with auras, we can learn so much about ourselves and others. 

Feeling stressed out and low on energy? Your aura will reflect this. Equally, if you’re feeling fulfilled and confident, you will radiate this positivity. As we navigate life’s challenges, our aura becomes our ally, showing us where we need to grow and heal. 

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

As the famous quote explains, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Learning to see your aura takes your spiritual practice to a greater level than ever before. 

Is an aura an energy field?

In a way, yes! An energy field is something that is measurable, such as the Earth’s electromagnetic field, known as the Schumann resonance. We can’t measure auras in this way yet, but people who can see auras describe it as an energy field that is unique to every living being. 

Sometimes an aura is described as a vibrational frequency, or vibe for short. It turns out that humans are pretty good and sensing each other’s vibes. If you spend time with someone and feel drained afterwards, this might be because the person has a low frequency energy field. Equally, if you spend time with a person and feel energised and uplifted, it’s because their aura is probably very strong and healthy. 

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

Our auras are made up of a collection of energy fields which are known as energetic bodies. Each energy field corresponds to the seven main chakras within the body. These subtle forms of energy overlap and intertwine, and contribute to our overall aura. Our course on chakra and aura healing explores the connection between the two and is an excellent way to deepen your knowledge on this topic.

Seven Planes Of the Aura

There are seven layers to the auric system emanating away from the body. Each layer shares the same colour as their respective chakra (easily remembered as they’re in the same order as the rainbow), and each with its own unique function. They are:

1. Physical aura plane:

As its name suggests, the physical aura plane is the layer that represents our physical health. It’s the layer closest to your skin. It’s also called the etheric plane. 

2. Emotional aura plane:

This is the plane that corresponds to your emotions. If you’re all up in your feelings, this plane is going to show it. It changes color depending on your mood and will appear dull or smudged if you’re experiencing emotional turmoil. 

3. Mental aura plane:

This plane has to do with logic, reasoning, and thoughts. It’s the third layer out from your body. 

4. Astral body aura plane:

Moving outward, this plane deals with your spiritual health. It’s also where you store your capacity for love. 

5. Etheric aura plane:

This plane is where you find your psychic abilities. Having a clear etheric plane helps you tap into other people’s energy and connect with people who are on a similar wavelength.  

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

6. Celestial aura plane:

This is the plane where your dreams and intuition are stored. It’s also the plane of enlightenment; someone with a strong celestial aura plane tends to be highly creative. 

7. Causal aura plane:

This is the last aura plane. It harmonizes all the other layers and essentially helps guide you on your life’s path. 

What is particularly noteworthy here is that things that manifest themselves on the physical level begin on the divine level first. For instance, a person who has held their tongue their entire life may misalign themselves from their Divine purpose by not expressing their truth. This suppression affects them on a mental level (the telling internalized of stories), producing an emotional response (resentment, sadness etc.). If this remains unresolved, it finally manifests itself physically in throat disorders such as laryngitis or cancer.

Aura projection techniques

The more you work with your aura, the stronger it will become. The next stage involves learning to project your aura to enhance your own energy and the energy of others. It’s important to learn how to regulate your energy field, especially if you are surrounded by lots of energy and interact with people on a daily basis. 

Method one: color focus

This is a great method to use when you want to enhance your aura. If you notice your aura is a certain color but you would like it to be a different color, you have the ability to change it. Using the power of visualization from third eye chakra, imagine your energy field glowing in your desired color. See yourself surrounded in this color with it flowing from your head to your feet.

Depending on how spiritually connected you are, this aura projection might happen instantly or over time. It’s important to keep up a regular visualization practice and to maintain patience as you work with your aura. As with all spiritual work, you have to commit to a regular self growth practice in order to see results.

Method two: aura protection

Projecting your energy field is an excellent way to boost your confidence and feel a sense of empowerment. This method involves using the power of your third eye chakra to visualize your aura extending further from your body. As you see your aura growing, focus on the colors you wish to embody and feel a sense of wellbeing. 

It’s a good idea to project your aura when you feel in need of energetic protection. If you are spending time with people or environments that drain your energy, seeing yourself surrounded by a glowing energy field will help protect your energy and keep you grounded. 

Method three: using your aura to help others

You may notice people in your life who are in need of an energetic boost. If you have strong energy, it’s possible for you to send some of your excess energy to those in need. Those with healer auras or spiritual gifts are more likely to feel this desire. You may even do this without realizing. By envisioning a person surrounded by a loving energy, you can help strengthen their own energy field. 

You should only project your aura to help others if you have a strong spiritual discipline and understand how to maintain your own energy in the process. If you already give more than you receive, it’s important that you focus on strengthening your own aura before helping others. 

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

How to See an Aura

There are two ways to see an aura. One is through Kirlian photography, a technique for print photographs using high voltage that captures the energetic ‘corona’ around an object or living thing.

The other is via a psychic, who uses their extra-sensory perception, namely their clairvoyance (clear seeing), to capture a person’s aura, much in the same way as a Kirlian photograph. In their mind’s eye, a psychic might perceive colours, textures, patterns, and placement of a person’s aura. From these impressions, they can decipher information about another person’s life.

Auras may show themselves in the colours of the chakras or as a mix of colours or something altogether different.

The methodology for witnessing auras is quite straightforward; seeing them, however, is a different thing entirely. It requires patience and trust.

How to See Auras Exercises:

1. Ask a friend to stand in front of a white background, be it a wall, a flip chart or a door. It is less distracting if your friend is wearing a plain, light-colored top. This is, so any tones do not influence you in your reading.
2. Slightly squint your eyes, and gaze gently past or through the person at whom you’re looking. I tend to focus on a spot slightly over one of their shoulders.
3. You may start to see a somewhat blurred outline of your friend that sits a little away from their physical edge.
4. After a little while, the white background behind them may take on a slight hue; this is the aura.
5. As with all things, this takes practice, do not worry if you do not see something immediately.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

Aura Color Meanings

Red Aura

As you might have guessed, those with a red aura are energized, fiery and proud. This aura color means quick-thinking and well-connected to the physical world. Passionate and restless, a person with red in their aura will bring powerful energy to the room.

Red is the color of the root chakra, which is why those with red in their aura appear to be grounded and stable.

However, if the red is murky or dark, the person may be struggling with anger, impatience or exhaustion.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

Red Aura Meaning And Personality

The color red represents passion, sexuality, and sometimes aggression. If a person’s aura is glowing red, it could indicate that they are going through a uniquely passionate and emotional time in their life, possibly starting a new project or entering into a new relationship.

Due to the high amount of emotional energy that comes with a red aura, you may act impulsively and become quick to anger.

Learning how to utilize your red aura energy is essential if you want to be able to control your emotions and harness the power of creativity over destruction.

What Is a Red Aura

A red aura is a term used to describe the energy field surrounding a person that appears as a predominantly red color.

The aura is an energy field extension of the physical body and is thought to be an indicator of a person’s physical, emotional, and spiritual state.

The color red is often associated with physical strength, vitality, and a strong sense of self.

A red aura can indicate a strong physical body, high levels of energy, and a powerful will. It is often seen in athletes, physically active individuals, and those who are determined to achieve their goals.

The vibrational frequency of a red aura is believed to be high, indicating a strong life force energy and a healthy immune system.

However, a red aura can also indicate stress, anxiety, or anger. It is important to note that the color of an aura can change depending on a person’s emotional and physical state.

Maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle is essential to keep the aura in good health.

By paying attention to the color of our auras, we can gain insight into our overall well-being and take steps to improve our physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Red Aura Personality Traits

A person who radiates bright red energy tends to be an active, passionate, and sometimes aggressive person who can get very personally involved with their work, often working past office hours.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

This type of personality isn’t afraid to speak out against injustice or even take action if necessary. People with red auras often have a natural ability to lead because they don’t hold back when speaking truthfully.

However, red is a passionate and intense energy that causes people to become highly involved in their work or projects, sometimes to the point that they may become unhealthy, causing burnout and emotional attachment to a job or situation.

Spiritual Meaning of the Red Aura

The spiritual meaning of the red aura comes from its connection to fire. Fire represents transformation, purification, and regeneration. It also symbolizes love, warmth, and protection.

The fiery quality of red auras makes them ideal for people who want to transform themselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

With all that passion can come a tendency toward anger, which needs to be kept in check.

Try not let this anger seep out in destructive ways, rather find ways to let that energy cultivate positive emotions, embracing its strength and confidence and surrounding yourself with people who have a compatible energy.

Understanding Aura Shades of Red

The red color spectrum can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the shade and what it’s believed to represent. Below are the most common variety of red auras and their meanings.

Murky Red Aura

If you have a murky red aura, then you tend to feel strongly about what you believe in and don’t like being told what to think by others. You might even get angry when someone disagrees with you.

This type of red aura tends to come out at times of stress, such as during arguments or disagreements. It could also indicate a lack of confidence, since people who struggle with low self-esteem often find themselves getting defensive over small issues.

A Murky red aura will be emitted by angry people who have a bullying nature and are overwhelmed by their negative emotions.

Bright Red Aura

Bright red indicates a more intense energy. A bright red aura has a stronger sense of purpose and direction.

It may indicate a need for attention and stimulation. People with a bright red aura tend to be highly energetic, enthusiastic and charismatic people. They like being busy and enjoy challenges.

They are usually good leaders because they know where they want to go and why.

Dark Red Aura

A person who has a darker shade of red in their auric field tends to feel very strongly about things like money, power, status, and control.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

These individuals tend to get angry quickly when these issues come into play because they’re so attached to what they’ve worked for.

They also often struggle with relationships due to their inability to let go of past hurts and disappointments. This causes them to become jealous and possessive over others’ feelings and actions.

Deep red is usually associated with a lack of self-control. People with a deep red aura tend to hold onto their feelings for days, if not weeks. They may even lash out verbally without thinking first.

How to Balance a Red Aura

Balancing a red aura involves achieving a harmonious energy flow throughout the body. Energy-balancing practices, such as meditation, yoga, and reiki, can help to balance the red aura and bring about a greater sense of overall well-being.

These practices can help to release tension, stress, and negative emotions, allowing positive energy to flow freely throughout the body.

Individuals with a red aura may benefit from engaging in physical activities that match their adventurous personalities, such as hiking, rock climbing, or dancing. These activities help to ground the energy and release excess tension from the body.

When it comes to romantic relationships, individuals with a red aura may benefit from seeking partners who share their active and adventurous nature.

It is important to find a balance between physical activity and emotional connection in relationships, so taking the time to engage in deep conversations and intimate moments can help to balance the red aura.

Red Aura and the Root Chakra

A red aura is connected to the root chakra , the first chakra in your subtle body. Located at your perineum, it is also known as your foundation chakra, and its energy holds you solidly in the physical world.

When the root chakra, also known as the Muladhara, is clear of blockage, you will feel grounded and stable in your body. If this chakra is out of balance, it can affect your physical health and lower your immune system.

A grounding meditation or a chakra meditation can be used to balance your root chakra and return the correct flow of energy that may have been blocked

Orange Aura

Orange is the color of the sacral chakra, which is related to creativity, sensuality and sexual energy.

Those with orange in their aura often place high value on their friendships. They are highly perceptive, dynamic and friendly, constantly craving new experiences and excitement.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

At their unhealthiest, those with an orange aura may be prone to addiction and commitment issues.

Orange Aura Meaning and Personality

An aura is an invisible field of energy surrounding your physical body, with the color of your aura at any time affected by your personality, emotions and experiences.

Understanding the color of your aura will help you connect with your inner self, allowing you more insight into your personality, the energy you project, and your state of mind.

Those surrounded by orange energy are adventure seekers, risk takers and inspiring to be around.

What Makes Our Aura Turn Orange?

The color of your aura is affected by your personality, mood and experiences at any given time. The color of your aura is not unchanging, but most people have an aura dominated by a certain shade. If your mood rapidly changes, so will the colors in your aura.

Those with orange auras are usually adventure seekers, exuding both a passionate and creative energy. They bring this energy to a lot of what they do, which makes them exciting and inspiring to other people.

While some people naturally have an orange aura due to their personality, others will have small amounts of orange in their aura that become brighter depending on their mood. Our aura may turn orange when we are in tune with our physical body, or feeling inspired, creative and passionate.

Orange Aura Personality

We likely all know someone with an orange aura. They are the ones who rarely say no to a new thrill and are always up for a challenge.

Orange auras are the perfect combination of a passionate red and a playful yellow. Orange energy is positive, thrill-seeking and exhilarating.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

In their personal relationships, those with an orange aura are loyal and supportive. They appreciate those who are supportive of their own exploits, and they fiercely defend friends who are feeling vulnerable.

In romantic relationships, those with an orange aura boast a sexual energy like no other. Orange auras are highly in tune with their physical body, which makes them passionate lovers.

However, their thrill-seeking mentality can lead to them rushing into relationships, and they may lose sight of what is important.

Spiritual Meaning of an Orange Aura

Spiritually, orange auras possess an intuitive energy that opens them up to positive change, regeneration and renewal. They have a personal power that tends to inspire those around them, and they are often thought of as wise despite their daredevil traits.

Orange aura energy is positive and vibrant, while their intuitive abilities ensure they can see situations objectively.

Despite this wonderful energy, there are some challenges to having an orange aura. Those with an orange aura tend to dive in headfirst and think about the consequences later.

This can lead to burnout and regret, as they rush into projects, relationships and experiences too quickly.

Understanding Orange Aura Shades

Orange is seen as playful and passionate, but the exact shade of orange in one’s aura can vary.


If your aura is peach in color, you are communicative and open. Peach auras are often seen surrounding public speakers, writers and teachers.

This is the most inspirational of the orange shades, and those with a peach aura are able to communicate their ideas clearly.

Burnt Orange

If your aura is burnt orange, you might be in need of a change. Those with a burnt orange aura tend to be the most ambitious, but the brown tones in this aura signify a negative energy.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

As opposed to feeling inspired and passionate, those with a burnt orange aura may lack energy and feel stuck in a rut.


A rich pumpkin colored aura signifies a good eye for detail and self-discipline.

Those with pumpkin tones in their aura are adept at starting new challenges and make great employees. They are hard working, enthusiastic and loyal.


Shades of tangerine with the auric field signify somebody who has a strong sense of what they want in life and how they can get it.

They are generally very charismatic individuals who make good role models and are known to be ambitious people.

Yellow Orange Aura

Yellow-orange aura people are high-vibration people with lots of energy. They love physical activity and have a good sense of adventure in life.

However, they can, at times, engage in risky behaviors as they are drawn to adrenaline-inducing activities. This can sometimes lead to them developing an addictive personality if not kept in check.

Orange Aura Chakra

Knowing which of the seven chakras your aura relates to can help you to understand your aura better. The color orange is connected to the sacral chakra, the second of the seven energy fields in the body.

The sacral chakra is located just below the naval. This chakra is associated with creative and sexual energy, which those with a bright orange aura heavily exhibit. Sensuality, pleasure and intimacy are also strongly linked to the sacral chakra.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

When the sacral chakra is out of balance, a person may feel emotionally unstable, underwhelmed or lacking creative focus. Self care, as well as yoga poses targeting the hips and pelvis, can help to unblock the sacral chakra and lead to individuals feeling better connected to their bodies.

Yellow Aura

You’ll always know when a yellow aura has entered the room! Cheerful, sunny and charismatic, those with a yellow aura radiate joy to those around them.

Yellow is related to the solar plexus chakra, which rules our intellect and self-esteem. As a result, those with yellow auras are natural leaders, confident and great motivators.

However, if the yellow in someone’s aura looks dull, dense or dark, the person may be struggling with overconfidence, perfectionism or harsh self-criticism.

Yellow Aura Meaning and Personality

An aura is a field of energy that surrounds your physical body, with the color of it at any given time affected by your personality, emotions and experiences.

Understanding the color of your aura will help you connect with your inner self and allow you more insight into your personality, energy, and state of mind.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

Those who are surrounded by yellow energy bring a sunny disposition to their everyday life. A yellow aura likely surrounds a generous person who brings warmth and comfort to those around them.

What Makes Our Aura Turn Yellow?

The color of your aura is affected by your personality, mood and experiences at any given time.

The color of your aura is not unchanging, but most people have an aura dominated by a certain shade. If your mood rapidly changes, so will the colors in your aura.

Those with a yellow aura usually possess a good sense of humor and they are pleasant, warm people to be around. They bring a lightness to all aspects of life, and can rapidly diffuse a tense situation.

Like the connotations we have with the color yellow, those with a yellow aura are sunny, happy and confident. They often feel a strong connection to nature.

Yellow Aura Personality

Many people with a yellow aura are almost child-like in their disposition. This childish nature manifests as a curiosity for life, and a love for the simple things.

They are positive, easily pleased and playful. Thanks to their naturally compassionate nature, those with a yellow aura make wonderful friends, and they are able to build strong connections with those around them.

Arguably the most positive color, those with a yellow aura light up a room and can see the bright side of situations.

In relationships, yellow auras are naturally attracted to other yellows. They place a high importance on a great sense of humor, a joyful disposition and the ability to communicate clearly.

However, despite their sunny nature, those with a yellow aura can still face some challenges personally.

They can be hyperactive, lack discipline and be forgetful. Burnout is common, and they may become drained of energy if they spend too much time with negative characters.

Spiritual Meaning of a Yellow Aura

Yellow aura individuals possess impressive intuitive abilities and their spiritual energy is often obvious to those around them.

They feel a strong sense of purpose and come across as both confident and present. Those with a yellow aura have a strong sense of self and can inspire others around them to achieve greatness.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

While yellow auras naturally attract others with their spiritual energy, they are often leant on by those who are struggling. Although they can and do offer good support to those in need, their energy can become depleted if they don’t take the time to recharge.

Understanding Yellow Aura Shades

Yellow is usually seen as a sunny and positive color, but the exact shade of yellow in one’s aura can vary. The shade may change depending on your mood, struggles and experiences.

Light Yellow Aura

The color of the sunshine, a light yellow aura is optimistic and happy. The softer yellow shade indicates hope and new beginnings. Those with light yellow in their aura may feel inspired, motivated, and embark on a new phase in their life.

White Yellow Aura

Those with a bright white yellow aura may be struggling on the inside, despite maintaining their happy disposition. Very white yellow can be associated with inner conflict or mental health battles.

Those with a white yellow aura are often loath to reveal their inner struggles, which can lead to those around them believing nothing is wrong.

They may struggle to deal with the root of their problems, and spend too much time building up others without focusing on themselves.

Gold Aura

Unlike a white yellow aura, a gold aura signifies inner peace, personal power and spiritual enlightenment.

Those with this color in their aura make fantastic leaders and effective healers, inspiring others with their wisdom, generosity and poise.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

If the color is detected as a halo around the head, the individual is highly spiritual.

Yellow Aura Chakra

Knowing which of the seven chakras your aura relates to can help you to understand your aura better. A yellow aura relates to the solar plexus chakra, located in the upper belly. This chakra governs your personality traits, ego and identity.

Self confidence is connected to your core energy, which is why those with a yellow aura often exude a quiet self-believe and a spiritual connection. When the solar plexus chakra is blocked, a range of physical and mental health issues can arise.

Many people opt to practice different yoga poses to target this area, unblocking the chakra to develop an individual sense of power, growth and strength.

Green Aura

Those with green in their aura bring a sense of calmness to whoever they come into contact with.

Green is related to the heart chakra, and as a result a green aura usually implies that the person is loving and peaceful. They tend to radiate love towards all humans, animals and beings, and they are highly creative.

If the green in someone’s aura looks dark or murky, they may be struggling with jealousy or over-sensitivity. Those with green auras are often very sensitive to the energy of others.

Green Aura Meaning and Personality

An aura is an invisible field of energy that surrounds your physical body, with the color of it at any given time affected by your personality, emotions and experiences.

Understanding the color of your aura will help you connect with your inner self and allow you more insight into your personality, energy, and state of mind. 

What Makes Our Aura Turn Green?

At any given moment, your personality, mood and experiences can affect the colour of your aura. Most people have an aura that is dominated by one shade. Your aura will change with your moods. 

Those with a green aura feel a strong connection with other people and the earth. They have a love for nature, animals and a strong sense of grounding.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

Those with a green aura are usually very calming to be around, exhibiting earthy qualities such as stability, grounding and balance. 

Green Aura Personality

Although the exact traits will vary according to the shade of green surrounding a person, those with a green aura usually move through life with a positive energy.

A green aura represents growth and change, but those with a green aura are also content, peace-loving and practical minded.

Those with green in their aura love to spend time in nature, and they pride themselves on striking the optimum balance in life between ambition and contentment.

Depending on the shade of green, those with a green aura are either beautifully content, or striving for growth. Individuals with intense green in their auras are typically natural self-healers.

They are the most balanced of all the auras, giving equal attention to their own personal growth and the growth of those around them. Many people with green in their aura cite homeopathic or alternative healing benefits to boost their energy levels and redress their life balance.

Spiritual Meaning of a Green Aura

Individuals with green in their aura are often thought of as a child of nature, and they tend to be the most appreciative of Mother Nature and all she delivers. A rich green signifies a deep connection to the earth, and they often use nature as a healing tool.

Greens also possess impressive intuitive abilities. They are highly in tune with themselves and their emotions, although they have a tendency to over-commit, both in friendships and romantic relationships. Greens are rooted in balance, but they are also open to growth and change. 

Those with a naturally green aura get on best with those who share the same balanced approach to life, and they are drawn to peaceful, calming activities.

Understanding Green Aura Shades


A blue-green aura strikes the perfect balance of blue and green, combining the best qualities of each.

Those with blue-green auras are calming, grounding and reassuring to be around. They make those around them feel comfortable and energized, while they’re also sensitive with a strong sense of purpose.

They often possess a willingness to change, grow and transform, and they inspire others to do the same.


Like the color itself, an emerald aura is attractive and magnetizing. Those with an emerald aura naturally want to heal and help others, while their energy and personality helps inspire growth and change.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

Emerald energy can bring warmth, joy and comfort to those around them. They usually make effective alternative healers, and they’re also thought of as naturally lucky!

Dark Green Aura

While green is generally a very positive color, a very dark green aura signifies much more negative energy.

A muddy green in one’s aura can signify feelings of envy, jealousy or bitterness. They may be closed off from positive feelings and experiencing emotional turmoil.

Green Aura Chakra

Knowing which of the seven chakras your aura relates to can help you to understand your aura better. The color green is connected to the heart chakra, the second of the seven spiritual energy fields in the human body. 

The heart chakra is located, as the name suggests, at the heart. This acts as an individual’s center of compassion, empathy, forgiveness and, of course, love. Those with an open heart chakra will feel gratitude and compassion for those around them, and they’ll also be open to transformation and healing. 

It’s important that those with a green aura work with their heart chakra. A closed heart chakra can lead to individuals closing off from those around them and holding grudges. To open the heart chakra, positive affirmations, heart opening yoga poses and healing stones can all be used. 

Pink Aura

Pink is another color related to the heart chakra. A pink aura implies the person is kind, caring and loving.

They tend to see the good in everyone, offering a sweet and gentle take on every situation.

Those with pink auras can come across younger than they are, and they usually shy away from conflict and confrontation.

Pink Aura Meaning and Personality

Pink is one of the rarest aura colors, only showing up in those most in tune with their inner feminine energy, seeking a nurturing environment, and pursuing love in every sense of the word.

The spiritual energy of the color pink comes to those who are sensitive, caring, and empathetic.

Pink aura people are known for their intuitive abilities, high moral values, and strong loyalty.

Those with a pink aura can sometimes have an innocence that some mistake for naïveté.

What Makes An Aura Turn Pink?

A person’s primary aura color reflects their personality and current emotional state. Therefore, your environment and thought patterns can change the vibrational level that creates your auric energy field.

A person’s aura will gradually become pink as they embrace their feminine energy, which could be seen as a strong desire to nurture, love and care unconditionally for the people around them.

This doesn’t mean that a pink aura is exclusive to women. Feminine energy can be embraced and harnessed by anyone, regardless of gender

Pink Aura Personality Traits

Pink aura individuals are natural romantics, not afraid to express their feelings or show that they care. They’re often generous and compassionate people, helping anyone in need and being happy to lend a hand. As a result, they’re well-liked and attractive.

Pink’s are calm, soft-spoken people. However, their feminine personality doesn’t mean that they’re not powerful inside. Instead, they’re often highly motivated and strive to make a real difference in the world by being the best version of themselves.

Spiritual Meaning of a Pink Aura

Many spiritual practices encourage us to love unconditionally and live in harmony with nature. Following a spiritual path of love and acceptance will change the dominant color in your aura.

You must embrace your childlike sense of wonder and innocence to create a pink aura. Pink aura individuals have a sensitive soul, but this isn’t a sign of weakness.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

Having a pink aura signifies that you are strong enough and wise enough to rise out of negative energy and into compassion and love.

Understanding Pink Aura Shades

Even when you have a dominant aura color, the exact shade of that color can still change depending on your emotions.

You can also have different shades within your aura. For example, a solid green aura can still have some shades of blue and pink in it (which can also become more vital as your aura changes).

Aura color is not fixed — it’s constantly changing to reflect the emotions you are currently experiencing. 

Baby Pink Aura

This is a brighter shade of the typical pink aura and signifies somebody with a bubbly personality, warm heart and embracing optimism.

People with baby pink aura are more likely to follow the more mystical side of life and have fairy energy about them.

This aura can also be associated with someone who is playful, innocent and fun-loving.

Bright Pink

A bright pink aura signifies someone who has fully embraced their feminine energy, being very intuitive in their daily life and feeling a strong need to nurture others.

This type of person will have an extremely open mind and are often extroverted and charismatic.

Soft Pink

This is a dull shade of the baby pink aura but is still full of life and energy. Soft pinks haven’t fully embraced their femininity but are still willing to extend their love, caring and compassion to others.

Dark Pink

A darker shade could signify if someone is feeling blocked or repressed. They may have been through a bad experience and suffer from self-doubt and depression. The darker the pink, the stronger the emotions.

Pink Aura Chakra

A chakra is an energy center located around our body, and each one represents different qualities and is what generates our aura.

The root chakra is connected to a red aura, sacral chakra to the orange aura, solar plexus chakra to a yellow aura, heart chakra to a green aura, throat chakra to a blue aura, third eye chakra to an indigo aura and crown chakra to a purple aura.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

The pink aura chakra is a feminine energy center and represents the energy of love and connection. It is between our heart and our throat and is the connector between our lower and upper chakras.

Blue Aura

Related to the throat chakra, blue rules communication and self-expression. Those with light blue auras are great communicators, and not afraid to stand up for what they believe in.

Blue energy relates to inner knowledge, honesty and loyalty, while they also tend to be very calming people.

If the blue in someone’s aura looks murky or washed out, they may be struggling to communicate with others.

Blue Aura Meaning and Personality

What Makes An Aura Turn Blue?

The majority of people have an aura that is dominated by a single shade. Your personality, mood and experiences can affect the color of your aura at any given time.

You may gain shades of the color blue when you are feeling creative, calm and focused. To help shift your aura color to this shade, you could try practicing a focused practice like mantra meditation or engage yourself in a creative pursuit that will occupy your full attention.

Blue Aura Personality

Not all blues are created equal. Many other factors could come into play when you are trying to discover the essence of a particular blue personality, such as their motivations, desires, and attitude to life.

However, there are common traits that are found across the board:

Blue aura people always have great clarity in communication and can be very persuasive when they need to be. They are also great listeners and will often find themselves in careers that involve them helping others.

Due to their sensitive and empathetic nature, they can often get “sucked into” situations or helping those who are in need. If you are a blue aura person, you must learn to be proud of your abilities to help others and not consider it a burden.

Spiritual Meaning of a Blue Aura

Spiritually Blues often find themselves having deep thoughts about life, the universe, and otherworldly matters.

As natural empaths, they can also sense and feel the emotions of those around them, having strong spiritual intuition and a sharp intellect and a great deal of creativity that can be used to develop new ways to help others.

They are well suited for working in counselling, healing, or assisting others seeking a more spiritually balanced lifestyle.

Understanding Blue Aura Shades

In general, blue is associated with communication and expression, but variations in shade can indicate a more complex personality.

Dark Blue Aura Meaning

A darker shade of blue within the aura signifies ascendency through the auric spectrum, and an indigo shade may begin to develop in the auric field.

This happens when a blue-aura person begins harnessing their innate intuitive abilities to follow a spiritual path.

A new sense of intuition will begin to manifest as well as strong communication skills and personality traits of indigo, purple and white aura’s.

Light Blue Aura Meaning

When an energy field begins to become lighter, it exhibits the
healing energy of a white aura.

This will happen to people as they begin to experience their authentic lives by speaking their truths.

White with any aura is a sign of positive energy and purity of heart.

Royal Blue Aura

Royal Blue Aura’s are highly sensitive, almost to the point where their intuition could be seen as being a sixth sense.

With this intuition comes a strong sense of empathy and a desire to help others. They are very creative, with the ability to attract success and enjoy a level of financial comfort as well.

Sky blue

A Sky blue aura indicates the most creative and expressive of the blues.

Communication comes easy to those with a sky blue aura, and they are usually very articulate when they speak.

Sky blues have an appreciation for the arts, especially the performing arts. They also love creativity in all forms, from writing to crafts, to music and dance.


Turquoise Aura’s are deeply in tuned with their own emotions and highly expressive. They are also very intuitive and are usually very good at finding solutions to any problems they face.

With elements of the green aura color spectrum, a turquoise is a child of nature and feels most at peace when surrounded by the beauty of the outdoors.

Blue Aura Chakra

Each Aura color is connected to a chakra. The blue aura is connected to the throat chakra, also known as the ‘Vishuddha’, which why they are such great communicators.

When the spiritual energy of the Vishuddha is blocked , it can result in a feeling of frustration or heaviness on the throat area. This can be seen as something similar to an invisible weight on the neck or a feeling of not being able to speak your mind.

The best way to unblock your throat chakra is to practice the following:

  • Practice speaking your truth to help you speak up for yourself. This can be done by writing down what you want to say and then taking the time to read it aloud.
  • You can also use a simple visualization such as visualizing and feeling the energy that courses through your throat chakra with each and every word you speak.
  • Chakra meditation is another great way to unblock your Vishuddha. When you are meditating, set an intention for yourself that every word that comes out of your mouth or what you speak is from the heart.

Indigo Aura

Indigo relates to the third eye chakra; the chakra of intuition and inner knowing. Those with indigo in their aura are very sensitive to the energy of others, and find it extremely easy to read emotions and events.

They are sensitive, empathetic and highly intuitive.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

If the indigo is murky or dark, they may be struggling with self-doubt, uncertainty and confusion.

Indigo Aura Meaning and Personality

The indigo aura is one of the most unique colors in the aura spectrum. Indigo’s are powerful and driven individuals with creative vision and empathy for the world.

They have a deep understanding of themselves and others, which causes them to love people deeply and want to make a difference in the world.

Indigo’s are often associated with creativity, spirituality, and intuition.
If you’re an indigo aura person, you might find yourself drawn to nature, animals, and other spiritual beings.

What Makes Our Aura Turn Indigo?

We all have different personalities, mental states and ways of expressing our emotions, and our current aura color is a reflection of those moods.

When we are feeling low, our colors tend to become dark. When we are feeling happy, our colors tend towards the lighter ones with a more vivid glow.

An indigo aura is an indication that a person is feeling spiritually enlightened and in tune with nature, themselves and those around them.

To influence your energy field in this direction, try incorporating more spiritual practices into your everyday life.

For example meditation, yoga and pranayama breathing exercises are great ways to connect with your mind and body.

Indigo Aura Personality

Indigo’s are most recognizable by their intuitive nature and deep connection with themselves and others.

They are intuitive at an early age and capable of understanding situations before they occur, often find themselves in the role of mediator and peacemaker.

They have a deep understanding of themselves and others, which causes them to love people deeply and want to make a difference in the world.

As creative individuals, they enjoy doing art, writing and music and are often gifted people who find it easy to pick up new skills.

Due to their empathetic character, they have a natural affinity towards animals and children.

With their ability to absorb and understand other’s feelings and emotions, they are often healers, counsellors or involved within the helping professions.

Spiritual Meaning of an Indigo Aura

Indigos exude spiritual energies from their aura, which gives them a deep sense of compassion and understanding for others, often possessing a great deal of wisdom and knowledge at a young age, making them appear wise beyond their years.

Their naturally calm and peaceful nature allows them to connect easily with their spiritual side, allowing them to glimpse the underlying workings of the universe through their intuitive gifts.

These natural gifts can often be mistaken as access to knowledge from psychic abilities.

However, the highly sensitive disposition of an indigo aura person can often lead to feelings of being overwhelmed, causing stress and anxiety if they don’t have the proper mechanisms in place to cope.

Indigos often seek to escape reality into their own realm of the imagination, where they are free from barriers and limitations.

Indigo Aura and Relationships

Indigo aura individuals possess deep empathy and intuition, which can create both challenges and benefits in their relationships.

Their heightened sensitivity towards people allows them to form strong connections with others but may also lead to potential boundary issues and emotional overload.

Romantic Relationships

In romantic relationships, indigo aura individuals often experience a profound spiritual connection with their partners, allowing them to bond on a deeper level. However, their empathetic nature might make it difficult for them to separate their own feelings from their partner’s emotions, making them vulnerable to toxic people. To maintain a healthy balance, they should:

  1. Set boundaries to protect themselves from negativity.
  2. Practice self-care to ensure their well-being.
  3. Develop effective communication skills to express their needs and emotions.


Indigo aura individuals have the unique ability to sense the emotions and needs of their friends, leading to strong and supportive friendships. However, they must be cautious of their sensitivity towards people, which can sometimes attract toxic individuals. To foster harmony in life, they should:

  1. Surround themselves with positive and like-minded friends.
  2. Set boundaries to maintain a healthy balance in friendships.
  3. Understand their friends’ love languages to deepen connections.

Family Relationships

Indigo aura individuals often have a strong bond with their family members due to their innate empathy and understanding. They are able to connect on a deeper level, providing emotional support and guidance. To maintain healthy family relationships, they should:

  1. Practice self-care to avoid emotional burnout.
  2. Develop effective communication skills to express their thoughts and feelings.
  3. Learn to understand and respect the love languages of family members.

By setting boundaries, practicing self-care, developing effective communication skills, and understanding love languages, indigo aura individuals can maintain healthy and fulfilling relationships while protecting themselves from toxic influences.

Indigo Aura Children

Indigo aura children possess a unique set of traits characterized by their heightened level of awareness, intuitive abilities, and sensitivity to their surroundings.

These children often have a strong connection with nature and are able to perceive the world beyond their physical senses, gaining deeper insights into various aspects of life.

To identify indigo aura children, observe their curious personalities and pay attention to early signs of intuitive abilities, such as a keen sense of empathy or an uncanny ability to predict certain outcomes.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

Additionally, notice their sensitivity to the environment, as these children often react strongly to changes in their surroundings and may be more affected by the emotions of others.

By understanding and acknowledging the unique qualities of indigo aura, children, parents, and caregivers can better support their growth and development, helping them thrive and harness their innate abilities.

  • Indigo aura children

Indigo Aura’s in Society

Indigo aura individuals bring unique contributions to society, thanks to their creative energies, intuitive abilities, and heightened sensitivity. Their awareness and distinct personality traits make them valuable assets in various sectors.

In education, indigo auras harness their psychic power and empathetic nature to develop innovative teaching methods, creating inclusive and nurturing learning environments.

They excel in healthcare, using their intuitive abilities to provide holistic healing approaches and patient-centered care, often becoming alternative healers.

As social workers, these aware individuals leverage their psychic expertise to advocate for marginalized groups, creating supportive communities that promote positive energy.

Their understanding of human emotions allows them to connect with those in need, providing tailored guidance and assistance.

Through their unique gifts and compassionate approach, indigo aura individuals make a significant positive impact on society, offering transformative solutions in education, healthcare, social work, and beyond.

Understanding Indigo Aura Shades

Indigo’s like all people can experience up and downs in their mood and feelings. Even though their dominant aura color will stay indigo, sometimes with other hues appearing, the shade of indigo can vary depending on the current state of mind.

Dark Indigo Aura

Dark Indigo Aura indicates a depressed mood or a low level of energy due to not feeling happy, or having had negative experiences in their life, like trauma or regret.

Someone experiencing this kind of negative energy could be struggling to make sense of their current situation, leading to a feeling of being overwhelmed and trapped.

You might notice them withdrawing from social activities and finding comfort in solitude.

Light Indigo Aura

A light indigo aura indicates that the person has fully embraced their spirituality and are feeling at ease and positive about themselves.

These are normally fearless individuals who are optimistic and determined to try to make positive lasting change.

They might find themselves in the role of a natural healer or counsellor due to their deep understanding of themselves and others, which causes them to love people deeply and want to make a difference in the world.

How to Develop An Indigo Aura

Developing an indigo aura involves enhancing your intuition and empathy, as well as strengthening your emotional resilience. By focusing on these unique qualities and abilities, you can transform your auric field and create a vibrant, indigo vibrational energy.

Tips for Personal Growth

  1. Engaging in mindfulness practices: Mindfulness meditation and other practices help you become more present and aware, allowing you to connect with your inner self and strengthen your intuition.
  2. Using frequencies: Certain frequencies, such as binaural beats or Solfeggio frequencies, can help to align your vibrational field with the indigo aura, promoting spiritual growth and awareness.
  3. Becoming aware of spiritual signs: Pay attention to angel numbers, synchronicities, and other signs from the universe that may guide you on your spiritual journey.
  4. Seeking support from like-minded individuals: Joining spiritual communities or engaging with others who share your beliefs can help you grow and develop your indigo aura.
  5. Exploring creative outlets for self-expression: Indigo aura individuals often have a strong connection to creativity. Painting, writing, or practicing other forms of artistic expression can help you channel your inner wisdom and enhance your auric field.
  6. Using magical rituals and affirmations: Incorporate rituals such as affirmations, visualization, or other spiritual practices to empower your indigo aura, boost your emotional resilience, and strengthen your vibrational energy.

By following these tips and focusing on personal growth, you can develop your indigo aura and embrace the unique qualities and abilities that come with it.

Indigo Aura Chakra

Each aura color is connected to a specific chakra. The indigo aura is paired with the third eye chakra, also known as the ‘Anja’.

This chakra is located between the eyes, in the same place as the pineal gland, which is why it has a connection to spiritual insights and psychic abilities.

The ‘third eye’ is the spiritual link between our inner and outer worlds, providing us with access to information beyond our five senses and rational thought.

A block in the Anja can cause headaches, hearing problems and a loss of connection with your natural intuitive abilities.

A great way to unblock the third eye chakra is to practice gratitude meditation and to spend time reflecting on your true nature and how you can best serve that nature authentically.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

Violet Aura

Violet is the color of the crown chakra; the chakra of higher consciousness. Those with violet in their aura are dynamic and powerful. They are natural leaders, constantly wanting to make a difference.

They bring a good balance of knowledge and intuition to a situation, and are great people to talk to in a crisis!

Those with violet auras have a close connection with the universe and its energy, understanding that there is something bigger than themselves deserving of respect.

Purple Aura Meaning and Personality

A purple or violet aura indicates a combination of gentleness, peace, and wisdom that colors a person’s life.

People with this colored aura are usually calm, allowing them to exercise equanimity in their life. They care about everything that goes on around them and feel their purpose is to make this world better for those who live in it.

The color violet is connected to the crown chakra, which symbolizes a person that focuses on spiritual matters and is in tune with one’s higher self.

What Makes Our Aura Turn Purple?

Our aura color can change day to day depending on our current mood or feeling. That being said, we all have prominent colors that represent our overall emotional and physical well-being.

People develop a purple aura by focusing on their personal growth and expanding their spiritual wellness through deep contemplation and spiritual practices.

If you have a spiritual approach to life where you practice being mindful of your thoughts and feelings and spend plenty of time in nature, you’re likely to generate purple within your aura.

Purple Aura Personality

As natural empaths, purples find it very easy to relate and understand another person’s perspective. This often results in them going out of their way to help people as well as having an overall passion for protecting the environment, animals and their fellow humans from harm.

Like indigo’s, a purple can have intuitive gifts, almost to the point where they can be mistaken as supernatural psychic ability. Whether this is true or not, their contemplative nature tends to lead them to make decisions based on intuition instead of rational thinking.

With this level of spiritual energy, purples often find themselves working as healers, therapists, teachers, psychologists or spiritual guides of some sort.

Spiritual Meaning of a Purple Aura

A purple/ violet aura is an indication that a person is seeking to expand their spirituality and grow in spiritual awareness.

These individuals often find themselves drawn to exploring different facets of spirituality such as mythology, astrology and Tarot.

They may also be drawn to meditation and yoga, usually focusing on expanding their consciousness through different meditative practices.

The color purple is unique in that its the only color to be seen both in the visible spectrum and in the infrared spectrum. Reflecting this, it’s said that purple aura people are equally connected to the physical realm and astral plane.

Understanding Purple Aura Shades

Auras come in different shades of color, and each shade is associated with different spiritual, emotional, or physical characteristics. The lighter the shade, the more positive energy it holds. Darker shades hold negative energy.

Light Purple

A person with light purple energy in their auric field has found a balance between intuition of a spiritual nature and knowledge of the physical planes.

These are people who can create a strong emotional connection to the world around but also maintain a spiritual connection to the astral body plane.

Dull Purple

A person’s energy field can dampen when the physical body is experiencing pain or discomfort.

This can cause a distraction from the normal intuitive abilities of purple shades, meaning it can be hard to access their spiritual insight.

Violet Aura

Violet is the purest and highest form of purple aura. It shows a balance between mind, body, and spirit. Contemplative and intuitive, the violet aura person is very creative and genuinely in tune with their emotions.

Violet auras are common in those who meditate or practice yoga, as they honor their body and mind by keeping them healthy. Many of these individuals have a highly developed intuition that comes from an inner connection with their higher self.

Lavender Aura

A light purple/ lavender aura is an indication of a highly imaginative and creative person. These dreamy individuals are often drawn to creative hobbies such as painting, dancing, writing or making music.

Lavender is generally viewed as a cheery color, and although these people may sometimes seem distant due to their endless daydreaming and active imagination, they live rich enjoyable lives.

Dark Purple Aura

A dark purple aura is an indication of struggle within your spiritual journey. In some cases, this is a sign that you are in a difficult situation. In others, it indicates that you have made a decision in your life that is out of alignment with your soul’s true desires.

Take some time to reflect on your life, and ask yourself whether you are making decisions that feel right because they bring instant gratification or whether you are making decisions that align with your inner truth.

Purple Aura Chakra

Our aura colors are paired with specific chakras within the seven chakra system. A purple aura is represented by the crown chakra, also know as the ‘ Sahasrara’ and is the highest chakra.

Located at the top of the head the crown chakra is considered the meeting point between individual consciousness and universal consciousness.

A blockage in the crown chakra is a sign that we need to reconnect with our true purpose and embrace our higher selves.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

White Aura

A fully white aura is extremely rare, and implies the person is free from personal issues and physical problems.

Those with white in their aura alongside other colors are usually very spiritual, rejecting physical reward and instead seeking cosmic wisdom.

A white aura that looks cloudy or murky implies the person is in a state of flux. They may also be experiencing anxiety or nervous energy.

White Aura Personality and Meaning

Aura is the word used to describe the energy field that surrounds every human body, changing color depending on a person’s mental, emotional, and physical states.

A white aura is the rarest aura and signifies a divine connection to the higher self. People who have a white aura are highly sensitive to the needs of others and can tell when they are being mistreated.

White auras are indicative of compassion and selflessness, qualities that people with an indigo aura also tend to have.

What Makes An Aura Turn White?

An auric field is created by the current vibrational level of your chakras. For example, you will generate a green aura if you are most in tune with your heart chakra.

In the light spectrum, the color white isn’t technically a color but a blending of all colors together.

In an aura, white energy is created when someone has fully integrated and balanced all of their chakras and is living in perfect harmony with their higher selves and universal consciousness.

White Aura Personality Traits

People with a white aura have powerful spiritual energy about them, sometimes having highly intuitive abilities and an almost psychic connection to the world around them.

This creates an approach to life that is calm, gentle and compassionate which is highly appealing and soothing to others.

White aura individuals have a strong sense of justice and are viewed as highly trustworthy, sincere, honest, and morally upright, which makes it easy for them to gain trust and respect.

Spiritual Meaning of a White Aura

White energy signifies that a person has reached a high spiritual level, is enlightened, and is in perfect harmony and balance with the universe.

When someone radiates a white vibrational color, it usually means that they have transcended all the earthly desires and have obtained contentment from within.

Once a white aura has been achieved, psychic abilities such as energy healing, remote viewing, and seeing auras will develop.

Understanding White Aura Shades

Auras change shade depending on the person’s thoughts, feelings, and actions and how they respond to the world around them.

A white aura color is not one specific shade but rather a blending of all shades onto one field of energy. However, there is some range depending on how far someone is in their spiritual development.

White and Purple Aura

A purple aura comes about when someone has fully opened their crown chakra, beginning a spiritual awakening. As that person aligns fully with their other chakras, their aura will turn purple to white.

Bright White

Bright white represents a pure and divine connection to the universe. It is a rare and radiant color that can only be obtained after experiencing intense spiritual development and enlightenment.

Murky White

Someone whose white aura is beginning to show darker shades may be having a moment of doubt or fear. They may be struggling to find their personal sense of self and purpose in life.

How to Enhance a White Aura

The high level of spirituality, purity, and connection to the divine possessed by a white aura person requires constant nurturing and dedication.

If you want to enhance your white aura, there are several things you can do.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help you balance your energy and create a more positive and harmonious aura.

Focus on your energy field. Your aura is a reflection of your energy, and to enhance your white aura, practice visualizing your chakras whilst in meditation.


Cultivate your sense of humor. A white aura person has a lightness and joy about them that comes from a deep connection to the divine.

Laughter and humor can help you release negative energy and create a more positive and joyful aura.

Connect to the Divine

Whether through prayer, meditation, or simply spending time in nature, cultivating a connection to a higher power can help you tap into the creative energy that flows through all things and create a more powerful and radiant aura.

Unleash Your Creative Energy

White aura people are often highly creative and express themselves through art, music, or other forms of creative expression.

Embracing your creativity can help you tap into your spiritual potential and create a more radiant and powerful aura.

Enhancing your white aura requires a holistic approach that involves working on your energy field, developing your sense of humor, cultivating your connection to divinity, and unleashing your creative energy.

By focusing on these areas, you can create a powerful and radiant aura that reflects your deep spiritual connection and positive energy.

White Aura Chakra

The crown chakra is our highest chakra, which connects us to universal energy and consciousness. This chakra can be opened through spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, and pranayama.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

Black Aura

Black isn’t an aura color itself, but it’s possible to spot black or very dark areas in amongst the other colors.

Patches of black imply the person is exhausted, ill or burned out.

The dark colors signify a lack of energy, and those with black in their aura should take steps to release and rebalance their chakras.

Black Aura Personality and Meaning

An aura is a field of energy surrounding the physical body that changes depending on a person’s current mental and emotional condition.

Aura colors are often described as multi-hued and constantly changing like rainbows; however, sometimes negative energies can get the better of us, and the life and color in our aura can become drained.

To people who can aura read, this can appear as black energy surrounding a person’s being, indicating that they may be going through some serious emotional turmoil.

What Makes An Aura Turn Black?

Black aura energy means negative feelings are swirling around a person’s being. This can happen for several reasons: stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, and heartbreak.

Often when these emotions are not addressed, they can spiral out of control, and our approach to life becomes jaded and pessimistic.

Aura colors, like emotions, are never permanent, and we can take simple steps to move into a better place, both emotionally and spiritually.

Meditation is a proven method of overcoming anxiety and calming emotions. Practicing mindfulness—taking a moment every day to be in the present and acknowledge your feelings—will help you overcome negative thoughts and access inner peace once again.

Black Aura Personality Traits

Unlike other aura colors, a black aura doesn’t isn’t as much a description of personality but rather a reflection of emotional state.

Having a black doesn’t mean you are an evil person or have done anything to deserve this energy. Everyone has dark moments and periods of their lives where they feel depressed or anxious.

These difficult feelings will go away when the distressing factors behind the anxiety or depression have been addressed.

Spiritual Meaning of a Black Aura

A person with a black aura has lost all spiritual direction in their lives and will be feeling hopeless and defeated. Feelings of guilt, grief, and regret can fill our auras with dark energies until we find confront and work through them.

Suffering is unavoidable; however, it’s also impermanent. Whatever pain you may be going through in the present moment can be dealt with and overcome.

Once a black aura person has addressed the underlying issues that are causing them to feel hopeless and defeated, they can begin to reintroduce positive energy back into their lives and move into a better place spiritually.

How to Change a Black Aura

Energy cleansing removes the negative energies attached to your aura and replaces them with positive, uplifting vibrations.

There are several ways to cleanse your energy: meditation, yoga, acupuncture, and reiki healing are all great ways of ridding oneself of negative emotions.

There are specific ‘bija mantras’ that correspond to our chakra’s that we can use to cleanse our auras. The mantra ‘Om’ resonates at the same frequency as universal energy helps open the crown chakra, responsible for spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Black Aura Chakra

A chakra is an energy center within our subtle body and facilitates the flow of life force energy (prana).

There are seven major energy centers in the body responsible for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When these chakras are open and balanced, we feel good and experience happiness.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

When they are blocked or closed, we experience negative feelings such as depression, anxiety, and sadness.

A black aura is unique as it indicates a complete block of prana flowing throughout your body. Therefore, you cannot refer to this aura color simply as negative energy. Instead, it implies a deficiency or block in the flow of life force energy, which can potentially have serious consequences for your health if it remains unresolved for a long time.

Can Aura colors change over time?

Absolutely, as aforementioned, because an aura is influenced by someone’s emotional, physical, mental and spiritual, it changes as much as our moods, thought-processes, diet, and environment do. An aura tends to change shape, color and form every few weeks, dependent on whether a person is going through many changed within their lives. However, some people might also have an aura that stays the same color for many years.

Do I have a healer’s aura?

Those with an interest in holistic health, wellness, and spirituality are more likely to have a healer’s aura. This type of aura is often golden, indigo, violet, or rainbow colored, and shimmers brightly. If you think you have a healer’s aura, you may have psychic gifts that are waiting to be expressed. 

Identifying a healer aura involves looking at the aura color and also checking in with the general energy of a person. Those with healer auras often exude a warm and inviting energy and appear wise beyond their years. They also radiate a sense of magnetism due to a stronger than usual energy field. 

If you recognize a healer’s aura in yourself or others, take note! This is a rare gift and a sign to follow your soul purpose and connect with your intuition. Make sure you take care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs in order to keep your aura strong. 

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

What should I expect during an aura reading?

It is best for the aura reader to sense the color of your aura when you’re in a natural, relaxed state. Therefore an aura reading will most likely be an easy-going experience for you. As you sink into a soothing state of being, the aura reader will psychically tap into your energy field.

They’ll spend about fifteen minutes to half an hour exploring your aura’s energy, making note of the different shades, textures, and colors. An aura reader will also notice whenever your energy is tangled with another’s energy and may need cleansing or healing.

Afterwards, the aura reader will share with you what they’ve discovered. Oftentimes, they’ll point out where there are energetic imbalances, suggest methods to cleanse your aura, and answer any questions you may have about your aura energy.

Many aura readers offer additional services such as reiki to rebalance the energy. Having an energetic attunement done can help you to feel more energized, focused, emotionally open, and spiritually fulfilled. Some aura readers may also offer aura photography, which captures the energy of the aura using advanced technology, or else they may draw pictures of your aura for you to see.

What Are Auras And The Aura Color Meaning

Can I read my own aura?

You can absolutely read your own aura. Mastering this skill is a wonderful way to track your energy through the day and become more conscious of your energetic state of being. By tuning in to your aura, you’ll gain a lot more ability to control your moods and mindset.

While it might seem like a daunting learning curve, with just a bit of practice, you’ll be able to grow more accustomed to the way your aura expresses itself and how it changes throughout the day. This practice will help you to stay grounded, have a positive attitude, and maintain healthy boundaries with others.

How to find your aura: a summary

Learning to see your aura, identify aura colors, and project your aura is an important part of any spiritual journey. Reading energy fields is an excellent way to check in on the wellbeing of yourself and others and is a skill that can be cultivated over time. 

Each chakra also corresponds to an aura color;

  • Root chakra – Red aura
  • Sacral chakra – Orange aura
  • Solar plexus chakra – Yellow aura
  • Heart chakra – Green and pink aura
  • Throat chakra – Blue aura
  • Third eye chakra – Indigo aura
  • Crown chakra – Purple and white aura

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