Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Tremolite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Tremolite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Tremolite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Tremolite, Tremolite is a fibrous amphibole mineral related to actinolite. What color is tremolite? Usually, it’s white or green, but it can also be pink, lilac, yellow, gray, or brown. 

Tremolite is a calcium magnesium iron silicate in the amphibole group. It forms a series with actinolite and ferroactinolite, representing the magnesium-dominant end. Ferroactinolite is the iron-dominant end, while actinolite is in the middle. 

Tremolite brings access to the Akashic Records. It is a stone of higher knowledge and connection on multiple levels, it draws people to you and aids in staying in contact with people who live far away. It stimulates the Third Eye (Brow) Chakra, and the pineal gland, connecting you to higher beings, bringing in guidance and support from other dimensions. It aids in reading the Akashic Record for your soul.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Tremolite

Tremolite comes from regions of the world that contain elevated levels of natural energies. Conducting universal life force, it can align with the energetic essence of any person, place, or situation. A stone of collective healing, it channels peaceful vibrations to nations under conflict or crisis and surrounds areas suffering from environmental disasters in a positive light.

Green tremolite is a potent gemstone that helps to balance emotions. It eases feelings of angst and nervousness and assists you in building self-confidence. Green tremolite is also considered a wonderful stone for relationships, it helps to keep partners together even when physically there might be some distance. Green tremolite maintains an energetic connection between you and your loved one and is perfect to work with if you’re in a long-distance relationship. It also reveals any emotional themes that keep you from feeling and showing up authentically in relationships.

This is a high crystal energy stone that will assist you to access ancient mystical information. The connection that you feel at the higher chakras is quite powerful and deeply spiritual. Tremolite is not a stone to simply sit down and use and go on with your day. It is best used later in the day, or when you have nowhere to go afterwards.

Transcending time and space, Tremolite brings the world together under its loving frequency. When loved ones are oceans away, it strengthens a bond by drawing in their presence and deepening a connection from heart to heart. An effective tool for long-distance healing, it sends strength and support to accelerate recovery and enhance well-being.

Sleeping with this stone in the room nearby after your meditation, brings deep peace and absolute serenity. The dreams that come under this stones influence are quite detailed and seem to have deep meaning, and it is worth keeping a dream journal to record them.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Tremolite

Tremolite is quite powerful in meditation and you can definitely feel its vibration at the higher chakras. It is known to open up the neural circuitry in the brain, specifically more complex areas of the brain, and you may feel it moving along these pathways in the brain. If you have previously used Herderite to open new pathways in the brain, I feel that it is these same pathways that are being stimulated to higher growth by this crystal.

Its action may feel like a tingling in the forehead and in various other parts of the head, and the effect on the brain may be potentially be felt in many parts of the brain. The first time I used it, it took me a while to get back to the every day world. Even the ordinary things seemed unimportant, as it seemed desirable to just stay in this extraordinary place. When you do come back, you feel clearer about life, and have a deep knowing that the small things that may have concerned you are really unimportant.

Tremolite is a fantastic tool to use for spiritual journeying, astral travel, Earth healing, distant healing, dream work, shamanic work, reiki, working with dragon energies, drawing our Spirit team or angelic guides closer and allowing us to open our mind and perception to things we hadn’t seen before.

It provides courage and strength to people who are struggling with tough situations, especially those with a nervous disposition. It is thought to ease anxiety and panic, and get rid of emotional baggage. Tremolite is thought to be beneficial for emotionally sensitive children who don’t feel as though they fit in, helping others to feel more secure.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Tremolite

Tremolite connects us to positive and supportive energies external to ourselves and draws them in through the Crown or Heart. We can in turn then send that energy out through a crystal grid, via our own visualisation or energy direction skills. Simply hold a firm vision or focus on a photograph of a person or area and see vibrant, green, fresh, clear, healing energy flowing out of you, across the miles and saturating your focal point.

Tremolite has a balanced energy that is known for its ability to alleviate depression and worry. It helps you to let go those things that have been holding you back from your highest good, and it does this simply and easily. The deep harmony it creates is combined with a lessening of the fear that today’s world seems to create.

The connection with spirit may also help the progression of your spiritual journey. This stone is known to create in many people the blooming of a mystical experience, where you just seems to know things that you had not known before. It is said that this comes via your connection to your higher self, yet it seems like you have a direct connection to spirit and access to the realms of knowledge contained there.

Tremolite imbues a calming presence by increasing feelings of relaxation, optimism, empowerment, and ease. Heightening meditation and dreamwork, it dissolves intrusive thoughts and distractions to allow memories and images of the astral realm to come through. Once you surrender and open to receive, you connect to the current that flows throughout. Emotionally, tremolite is purported to reduce melancholy and increase happiness. Crystal healers use it for promoting contentment, self-esteem, and resilience.


Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Archangel Raphael

Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Green

Chakra: Heart

Element: Air

Essential Oils: Bergamot, Rose

Goddess: Aphrodite, Selene

Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth

Herbs: Rose, Moringa, Neem, Rosemary

Incense: Sandalwood, Rose

Planet: Venus, Moon

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds

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