Larvikite Tumbled Stones
Stone Type: Larvikite
Stone Cut: Natural Crystal Tumbled Stones
Stone Weight: Varies
Stone Color: Black / Grey with some flash
Stone Size: .80 – 1 Inches
Location: Norway
For each order of 1 stone, you will receive 1 stone at random from this lot
18 in stock
Larvikite Tumbled Stones
Larvikite Tumbled Stones, Larvikite is a wise and protective stone. It cancels out dark magic and hexes, and repels all forms of negative energy. It cleanses our spiritual bodies of old energy that no longer serves us, including painful karma from past lives. Larvikite helps us to swiftly learn whatever lessons needed to be learned, and then to move forward peacefully. Larvikite teaches us how to see ourselves with the kind and sage eyes of our Highest Self. It inspires patience, compassion and a remarkably grounded common-sense. Larvikite reveals reality very clearly. It councils us to be careful not to believe everything we think and feel, without first testing it against Truth. It is a wonderful meditation tool, sharpening our mind’s focus and dismissing extraneous thoughts. It is also a powerful shaman stone, sharpening our inner visions, strengthening our psychic powers and protecting us during astral travels. Larvikite helps us to sense the presence of nature spirits and to reconnect to nature if we have gotten lost in the trappings of civilization.
Larvikite is a stone that evokes inner strength by stimulating creativity, wisdom, and security in one’s intellect. Commonly used in meditation to produce inner visions, Larvikite is known to enhance psychic abilities, helping us see ourselves through our Higher Self and promote clarity to past-life recall visions. The grounding energy in Larvikite makes it ideal for grounding during a deep meditation or astral travel, acting as an anchor to guide your soul back to your body.
Larvikite Tumbled Stones
This stone is beneficial in learning and developing all varieties of intuitive and magical abilities. It helps with meditation, journeying, visualizing, divination, spellwork, past life and soul work. Larvikite helps you absorb Spiritual learning and learn complicated practices and rituals. It grounds your physical self and protects you while you are in Higher Realms. Wear Larvikite if you are embarking on deep and intense meditation practices, so the stone can act as your anchor to guide your Soul back to your body. Larvikite also dispels negativity and deflects spells aimed at the wearer. Larvikite helps to remove negative attachments from a person and block reattachment.
Larvikite is a protective and grounding stone. It is cleansing to the subtle bodies and facilitates a strong connection with the energies of Earth, helping to connect with the spirits of Nature. Larvikite stimulates inner visions and enhances our psychic abilities. It allows us to see the past, providing clarity to visions of past life recall. Larvikite can neutralise and cancel spells that are no longer wanted. It repels negative energy. Larvikite increases our security in the strength of our own intellect, stimulates creativity and the exchange of wisdom. Larvikite helps us to see ourselves through the eyes of our higher self. Larvikite teaches patience, and can support when completion and closure to a goal is required. It also helps us to understand and resolve complicated facts and to make decisions that are rational and sober and not based upon our emotions.
Larvikite is an deeply Elemental gemstone and is extremely useful for rituals and practices that are powered by the Elements. It helps you get in touch with nature. It has an especially deep connection with the Water element, so is most energetic during rain storms and near bodies of water. If you are feeling house bound or disconnected from Nature, wearing Larvikite outside will help you access and absorb Earth and other Elemental energy to revive you and deepen your connection with the Earth. It is very useful for healing Root Chakra imbalances.
Larvikite Tumbled Stones
Supportive and protective, Larvikite teaches patience and can support you as you work towards completing a goal. It opens new doors and can help you better adapt to change. It assists the brain to sort through complicated information and make rational decisions, supporting cognitive functions and allowing you to take in new information with ease. The protective energies of this stone will protect you day-to-day and while you sleep, keeping nightmares and negative energy at bay.
Larvikite helps us process the past and release trauma and pain. It supports us when we desperately want closure. When closure is possible, it shows us the quickest way forward. When it isn’t possible, Larvikite holds us steady so that we can accept reality for what it is. Larvikite encourages us to be more emotionally-aware and in-control. It increases our awareness of our beliefs, conscious and unconscious, as well as our thoughts and emotions. Rather than trusting them implicitly, Larvikite helps us to test these mental musings against reality. If reality offers a different perspective, Larvikite helps us to shift into alignment with the truth. This re-alignment, may not always bring pleasure, but it will always bring clarity and from there, the surest path to long-term peace. Larvikite gives us gifts of self-confidence, self-reliance and resiliency. It reminds us that we are strong enough and capable enough to handle life’s challenges. Larvikite also helps us to better understand other people, including where they are coming from emotionally and what beliefs are motivating their actions. Larkivite reminds us to be patient and to focus on what is in our control.
Larvikite is also cleansing to the physical body; it can remove toxins and negative energy blocks while enhancing vitality and youthfulness. It can treat physical ailments like skin disorders, aid in muscular detoxification, and boost metabolism to support weight loss. Larvikite calms nervous energy and can assist with treating anxiety. A powerful dispeller of negative energy, Larvikite neutralizes anxiety and removes the burden of stress, allowing one to live each moment fully. It focuses on positivity and harnesses good vibrations within, a powerful talisman that can benefit every aspect of life!
Larvikite Tumbled Stones
Larvikite assists the brain to take in new information more easily. It creates new pathways for knowledge to travel and can open new doors for us. Larvikite can help to make us more adaptable to situations. Larvikite can help with learning disabilities. It can be used to treat skin disorders and enhances vitality and youthfulness. Larvikite aids in the recovery of strokes and helps brain function. It cleanses and purifies body tissue, harmonises the metabolism and helps with muscular detoxification. Larvikite calms the nerves and will cool and reduce blood pressure.
Weight | .3 lbs |
Dimensions | 2 × 2 × 2 in |
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