Kammererite Pendant
Stone Type: Kammererite
Stone Cut: Cabochon Pendant
Stone Color: Purple, Green
Stone Weight: 9.7 Grams
Stone Size: 1.33 x .86 Inches
Location: Finland
1 in stock
- Kammererite Pendant
Kammererite Pendant, The vibrational energy of kammererite is known for alleviating pain, on all levels. Because the stone has connections with the crown chakra, it can help calm overactive thoughts and anxiety. This is a useful crystal for overcoming negative patterns of thinking. So, you might want to choose kammererite when you are hoping to clear energy blocks. When we can clear our mind, we gain clarity. That transition might help you to start asking new questions about what truly matters most in your life.
A crystal of initiation, Kammererite prepares to face the unknown with courage, joy, and equanimity, supporting us as we meet our spiritual expansion head-on. Change, initiation, and education are not always easy. It is easy to get bogged down. It is easy to see the endless mountain and not the small steps taken. It is easy to lose the excitement and hope amidst backlash, pain, exhaustion, and uncomfortability, but deep down, underneath, we know it is worth it. There are moments of pain, but there is also so much joy in expansion of who we thought we were, into who we want to be.
One can keep his or her mind absolutely focused with the use of this amazing stone. It gives you loads of energy and saves you from exhaustion. Sending wonderful vibrations to your brain creates the right balance in it so that you stay calmed, focused, and balanced. Therefore, it is a lovely stone for those who wish to have perfect meditation. It stimulates your various chakras, especially the third eye and crown. People who wish to enhance their psychic abilities may also use this stone because it stimulates chakras well. The crystals also possess a strong action in the higher chakras, which include the soul star chakra, the higher etheric chakra, and the crown and third eye chakras. If spirituality is your forte, the stone will aid you in the same by helping you communicate with the angels. All you need to do is to combine it with several other stones like Blue Celestite, Angelite, or Selenite and you can start your effort of contacting the angels. One can also strengthen the power of intuition using this enthralling stone.
Kammererite Pendant
It is most definitely a stone of spiritual development. It stimulates our third eye, crown and etheric chakras. I’ve also found that it seems to allow us to feel on all levels simultaneously, which makes it a fantastic divination tool. It allows us to see things from a higher, spiritual perspective allowing us to become more flexible and accepting ~ particularly if we have strong views or beliefs that were set during childhood. If we find those patterns and thoughts difficult to shift as an adult, then Kammererite is a stone that can help greatly.
Kammererite is a master healing crystal associated with the Crown Chakra; however, its rich greens and deep blues also resonate with the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras. Known for its detoxifying properties, kammererite cleanses and clears energetic bodies and blockages, and aids in releasing lower vibrations such as anger, guilt, fear, doubt, shame and other negative emotions that impede spiritual elevation. These palm stones offer immense physical and spiritual detoxification, and can usher you into a deeper meditative experience. Holding these palm stones while meditating will provide further healing to the body while purifying your perspective to facilitate flexibility, understanding, and acceptance.
As a result, this stone’s vibration can be a powerful initiator for change. This crystal tends to guide us toward new opportunities as it challenges old beliefs that no longer serve us. Basically, you can trust kammererite to balance the third eye chakra, access the crown chakra, and offer healing energy to our physical body, all at the same time.
Kammererite are potent crystals to use to create a protective grid for your home. They have a vibration that is very beneficial to assist your thinking as it helps to balance the brain. By bringing both sides of the brain into symmetry they help to create a more harmonious life. When you use them in meditation you may attain a deeper meditative state and their energy may assist you to make contact with angelic beings. They are deep purple or pinkish purple stones that resonate within the third eye, crown chakra, soul star and higher etheric chakras. These stones are interesting because they are chlorite rich stones that are not colored green, like many other crystals containing chlorite. Unlike other stones containing chlorite these crystals also contain chromium which makes their color and energy different.
Kammererite Pendant
Kammererite is a high tiered stone that harnesses the key to unlocking your soul. It can assist in helping you rise out of your physical body. The violet rays of this stone assist in bridging the spiritual and physical worlds together. This can allow one to ascend to a higher plane of consciousness. Within these timeless realms, an experienced practitioner can navigate their spirit to endless dimensions full of knowledge. This includes access to the Akashic Records, which is an ancient astral plane that holds the truth to life and the universe. We suggest meditating with this stone directly over your third eye or crown chakra. These upper activation points of the body, when awakened together, allow one the ability to see past their third-dimensional realm. For those of you who practice remote viewing, lucid dreaming, and astral recall, there are very few stones stronger than Kammererite. This mineral’s energies are most abundant in the dream realm which require your consciousness to be vibrating at a higher level.
Kammererite seems to sweep through the energetic bodies, but also penetrates into the physical body ~ this is extremely unusual. Most crystals work best on one spectrum or the other. This crystal will work on a detoxifying level to clear out infection and help to rid our body of any bacteria that may cause illness. It alleviates pain and stiffness in muscles and joints and is also good for the male reproductive system.
Kammererite’s message is to let the joy and excitement of possibility carry us through the moments of hardship, doubt, frustration, or fatigue. A stone of vitality and insight, Kammererite supports us when recovering, whether from illness, discouragement, or exhaustion, by reminding us what it is we are fighting for, that we chose this physical existence for a purpose, and re-instilling within us the enthusiasm for being alive.
It is definitely a crystal for those wishing to shift to a next level in life, particularly in a spiritual sense. If your ready for the new and the unknown, Kammererite will lead you with love, but it is not for those who are too attached to their old ways; don’t ask what’s on the other side of the fence if you’re just going to sit on it once you know.
Kammererite Pendant
Placing this stone in the room you meditate in can have profound effects on your mind. The results interject your internal frequency, aiding in the attunement of your spirit into other realms. During these experiences, one may notice increased visual clarity and understanding of the symbolic imagery you are seeing. This is a direct representation of the effects Kammererite has on your mind. Our inner intuition rises when working with this stone and transmutes significant ideology to things we will understand.
It is a perfect stone for those that have previously done a lot of personal work on healing their past lives/current life traumas and are now looking for ways to rediscover and reconnect to universal life force energies; i.e if you’ve been in pieces, and put yourself back together again, but your still feeling a disconnect to life, to others, to love, to spirit, This could be a perfect crystal to work with.
Weight | .5 lbs |
Dimensions | 2 × 2 × 2 in |
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