Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Muscovite
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Muscovite, Muscovite was officially discovered in 1850 by J.D. Dana, but has a history that goes all the way back to 1568 (where it was referred to as Muscovy Glass). It was mentioned in a letter by the English Ambassador to Russia where this mineral was first reported. Muscovite was found in the Muscovy Province of Russia and was named after the region. I
t’s main historical use during this time and up until the late 1700’s (in certain regions), was as the world’s first solid and transparent window. Many “sheets” of Muscovite in the original deposit were very long as well as thick and transparent. This allowed workers to split them and shave off extra layers, thus creating multiple sheets from one single piece. This led to a new trade material that was highly desired throughout northern Asia and eventually Europe.
In present times, this mineral is still highly desired for many commercial uses. Muscovite is used in the production of rubber, paint, plastic, roofing materials, joint compound (Taping & Sheetrock), and most surprisingly, cosmetics. It’s an essential ingredient in mascara, nail polish, eye shadow, and glitter.
Muscovite is a versatile mineral with many uses. It is commonly used as an insulator in electronics and electrical equipment due to its high dielectric strength. It is also used as a filler in plastics and rubber products to improve their strength and durability.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Muscovite
If that wasn’t enough, muscovite is also frequently added to paints and coatings to improve their reflective and anti-corrosive properties. With so many practical applications, it’s easy to see why muscovite is always in such high demand.
Muscovite is a very common type of mica, with colors ranging from transparent to pale brown to green. It has a monoclinic mineral crystal system and a pearly, silky, to vitreous luster. Mined in various places all over the world, it can be found in many sedimentary rocks. Sometimes, they also occur in igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks
Muscovite is a stone of higher thinking and wisdom, as well as being dubbed the “integrity crystal.” It helps us see things more clearly from different perspectives, as well as encourages deeper introspection without being lost in thought. Moreover, it aids us in coming up with intelligent decisions and strategies much faster once we have all the information we need to do so.
The stone is excellent for students, teachers, or just about anyone who is seeking knowledge. Muscovite can help with the mental processes which accompany studying and imparting those lessons to others.
Another great use of Muscovite in the metaphysical sense is that it opens our eyes to see connections that are, instead of helping us grow spiritually, it impedes us from doing so. It gives us the wisdom to cut off from those toxic bonds. Additionally, if the problem is within our selves, it helps us see the negative traits we need to let go of and gives us the courage to change for the better.
Muscovite is also a highly protective stone that can combat psychic attacks. Not only that, but it can also protect you from being overwhelmed from information download whenever your spirit guides speak to you through meditation.
Muscovite is a powerful energy magnifier and protector. It calls forth our own Highest Self, helping us to better trust our own judgement and decision-making skills. It increase our discernment, so we can recognize which people, places and activities support us, and which ones hold us back.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Muscovite
Muscovite gives us courage to make difficult decisions, including purging toxic people from our lives. It protects us from direct psychic attacks as well as from more general negative energy.
It helps us to detach any negative psychic cords that link us to others and to keep them from reattaching. Muscovite enhances telepathy, clairvoyance, astral travel, and helps us to be more receptive to the messages of our Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels.
It also helps us feel more comfortable while spiritually awakening, so that we’re not overwhelmed by information downloads. It is recommended for earth healing grids, particularly along meridian lines.
Muscovite is a powerful crystal for the mind. It promotes clear thinking, problem-solving and deep synthesis of complex information. It helps us to let go of “either/or” thinking and be more open to “both/and” opportunities. Muscovite stimulates the higher centers of the brain, making us feel more comfortable with paradoxes and opposing ideas.
It is particularly good for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of advanced theories in music, philosophy and mathematics. It is also an excellent tool for encouraging critical thinking about political issues and large-scale problems.
It encourages quick thinking, succinct expressions, and a hopeful view of the future. Muscovite gives us mental confidence and encourages us to let go of preconceived notions. It inspires us to free ourselves so that we can evolve in beautiful new directions.
One of the most well-known healing properties of muscovite is its ability to minimize stress and anxiety, and to promote emotional balance. However, it can also help to heal your relationship with yourself and your relationship with your higher power, whether that be a god, Mother Gaia, or your higher self.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Muscovite
By deepening your understanding of your own thought patterns and desires, muscovite helps you to see yourself clearly and self-reflect. As a result, you can enter into the world with clarity and a deep knowledge of what it is you are here to accomplish.
And, if you ever need some extra guidance, muscovite will repair any disconnection between you and Spirit, and you’ll be back to feeling nurtured, in-tune with yourself, and motivated in no time.
Animals: Cow, Bull, Horse, Ant, Bear, Wolf, Dog
Archangels: Archangel Sandalphon
Astrological Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Candle Color: Brown
Chakra: Earth Star
Element: Earth
Essential Oils: Lavender, Cedarwood
Goddess: Gaia
Gods: Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Dionysus, Mardyk, Pan, Tammuz, Cernunnos
Herbs: Ashwagandha Root, Ginger Root, Turmeric Root, Dandelion Root
Incense: Patchouli, Vetiver
Planet: Earth
Spirits: Gnomes, Dwarfs, Trolls, Leprechauns
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