Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Shattuckite
 Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Shattuckite, Shattuckite is a Copper silicate hydroxide mineral that forms in fibers, masses, and acicular crystals. This mineral was first reported in 1915 by W.T. Schaller and was named after the the mine in Arizona in which it was discovered, Shattuck Mine. Its commonly found near or in association with Malachite, Chrysocolla, Turquoise, and Ajoite. It’s color ranges from a light sky blue, to a dark, deep blue. Shattuckite can be found commonly throughout the American southwest, Germany, Greece, Namibia, South Africa, Great Britain, and Argentina.
Shattuckite is a stone of truth that helps us to accurate assess ourselves and the world around us. It is an unusually powerful stone for manifestation purposes. It helps us find the right words for spoken affirmations, and also how to use those words as a catalyst for practical action. Shattuckite reminds us that we can’t change the truth just by wishing. If we want to change our reality, we have to take action to reshape it.
Shattuckite is a stone of intuition, mediumship, and psychic abilities. This copper silicate offers up clarity of the mind, heart, and throat, creating an ever strong connection that allows one speak the highest truths. Our thoughts and ideas become easily translated to others, as well as being able to talk directly from the heart without the fear of hurting certain people with hurtful words.
Shattuckite is also a fantastic stone for mediums, channelers, tarot readers, astrologists and anyone who works in the intuitive arts and communicates with the spiritual realm.  Shattuckite help us to accurately interpret the messages we receive and to communicate those message to others. It also provides spiritual protection against any entity that seeks to harm us or take away our free will.  Shattuckite can be used to remove curses.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Shattuckite
When working with this mineral, one will become very in touch with their mind, body, and soul, almost feeling as though they are one complete being. Your senses will become enhanced and you’ll begin to notice how much more you can feel. Messages from our spirit guides and angels come in in the from of imagery, feel, and synchronicity. All signs point to a life full of enhancement, happiness and intuitiveness leading to endless inner peace.
Due to the vast amount of psychic capabilities Shattuckite can activate and unlock, it is widely popular for any medium, channeler, or scribe. Shattuckite helps us to recognize when we are out of alignment, and to know what is needed to restore balance. It encourages pragmatism and problem-solving, and helps us to stop wasting time just feeling sorry for ourselves. Shattuckite advocates personal responsibility and healthy boundaries.Â
It invites us to examine our own thoughts, words, and behaviors and recognize how they affect others. This stone is known to not only bring the capability of receiving more higher messages, but also enhance the amount and understanding of current ones. The communication capabilities of Shattuckite push for one to seek and constantly speak the highest truth. This also helps when one is trying to decode or figure out what certain messages and symbols mean, and how it may relate to their clients or their own lives. At the same time, Shattuckite also helps us resist the urge to take all the blame and absolve everyone else.Â
Above all, Shattuckite wants us to see and understand what is true. Shattuckite is an excellent stone to work with when trying to heal and restore a damaged relationship. Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Shattuckite Shattuckite is an excellent stone for anyone who is constantly talking in front of an audience or is in some line of work with large amounts of public speaking. It pushes us to not only speak the truth, but in a way that comforts the audience in which you may be speaking infront of.
For example, Shattuckite is very common when it comes to teachers because of it aiding in speaking words that are easily understandable to a certain age audience. Another occupation that Shattuckite works well for is any courtroom lawyer. This stone helps plead a case of conviction, or works towards expressing the truth of the crime to jurors in a very clear, trustful way.
Shattuckite encourages us to be less judgmental and emotionally-driven, and instead to be realistic and curious.  Shattuckite is is an excellent stone for writers, teachers, scientists, ministers, lawyers and anyone whose job it is to guide others to truth.Â
Shattuckite gently reminds us to make sure that our own actions, match our words and beliefs. Shattuckite is incredibly spiritual, perfect for connecting with your own spiritual self through meditation and establishing a foundation for spiritual growth. Additionally, this crystal is believed to sharpen your intuition and awareness of wisdom from beyond, helping you understand yourself and the world from a new perspective. If you’re looking to harness powers for psychic communication or other metaphysical abilities, shattuckite is the best companion to help you hone these skills.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Shattuckite
Shattuckite is wonderful for healing blocks and traumas so that you can step into the best version of yourself as you move toward the future. The abilities of Shattuckite don’t stop with connection to the psychic realms! Shattuckite brings forth feelings of confidence and can help you find mental strength and courage when faced with difficulties.
This blue stone heals throat chakra energies, helping you speak your highest truth to those around you no matter how hard that may seem. Due to its ability to help you express yourself freely, this stone can guide you toward living a more peaceful and authentic life. Shattuckite is a great stone for sacred spaces. Meditation rooms, altars, or crystal grids near where you channel the divine can infuse Shattuckite’s connection to higher power.
Any spiritual practice will come with ease and messages will flow to you with it close by. Like most upper chakra stones, Shattuckite’s ability to channel divine energy is mighty. This means that the entire space will be touched by its vibration. Rooms that carry a heavy mental energy like studies or offices benefit from frequencies of the divine through Shattuckite’s aura. Â
Associations: Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider
Archangels: Raphael
Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Candle Color: Indigo
Chakra: Throat
Element:Â Air
Essential Oils: Myrrh, Chamomile Goddess: Maia
Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth
Herbs: Black pepper, Pushkarmool, Peppermint, Slippery Elm
Incense: Frankincense, Peppermint
Planet: Mercury
Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds Â
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