Month: May 2024

History Of Dravite

History Of Dravite

History Of Dravite Introduction History Of Dravite, a member of the tourmaline family, is rooted in its discovery and subsequent recognition as a distinct mineral. The name “Dravite” is derived from the Drava River area, specifically the district along the Drava River in Styria, southeast Austria, where the stone was first identified. This name was …

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Geological Properties Of Dravite

Geological Properties Of Dravite

Geological Properties Of Dravite Introduction Geological Properties Of Dravite, Dravite is a member that is rare of Tourmaline Group of minerals that includes Achroite, Dravite, Liddicoatite, Povondraite, Rubellite, Uvite and Schorl. Dravite is a magnesium member that is rich of Tourmaline Group. Other more common and more well know Tourmalines are Elbaite colors that are(various …

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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Dravite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Dravite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Dravite Dravite Metaphysical Properties Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Dravite, Dravite opens up the Earth Star Chakra. The Earth Star Chakra is a secondary chakra located six or so inches below our feet and amplifies the Root Chakra. It governs our connection with Earth and links our energy and emotions to the world, …

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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Maifanite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Maifanite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Maifanite Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Maifanite, Maifan Stone is a gemstone that increases the owner’s energy. In addition to purifying energy, it also adds strength to it. It is an excellent healing stone which can do “exhaust”, “purification”, “recovery”, “invitation” and “reinforcement” of energy. It is a powerful gemstone just by …

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History of Maifanite

History of Maifanite

History of Maifanite Maifanite, also known as Maifan stone, has a long history of medicinal use in Asia. It has been referred to as an amulet for improving health and is believed to help individuals get out of life’s dilemmas and show them a way to an ideal future. The properties of Maifanite were discovered …

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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ulexite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ulexite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ulexite Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ulexite, Ulexite is a sodium calcium borate mineral that comes from the American southwest. It’s known to be colorless or have a deep, pearly white hue. This stone was first reported in 1850 by J.D. Dana and was named after George L. Ulex, the German chemist …

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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ancestralite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ancestralite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ancestralite Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ancestralite, Ancestralite is an unusual, new addition to the Mineral Kingdom. Originally found in the Minas Gerais region of Brazil, it is slowly becoming one of the most popular minerals of recent times. Ancestralite is a pseudomorph of Martite, which is a variety of Hematite formed under increased …

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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Sulfur Quartz

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Sulfur Quartz

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Sulfur Quartz Sulfur Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Sulfur Quartz, Crystal Attributes: Sulfur quartz gets its yellow color from the presence of the element sulfur. Sulfur is one of the three alchemical principles, known as the Tria Prima. The other two are mercury and salt. Sulfur symbolizes spirit or the human soul, …

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History Of Celsestobarite

History Of Celsestobarite

History Of Celsestobarite The Intriguing History of Celestobarite History Of Celsestobarite, Celestobarite is a fascinating mineral that has captivated the attention of geologists, collectors, and enthusiasts alike. Its unique history spans centuries, weaving a tale of scientific discovery and cultural significance. Celestobarite, a barium sulfate compound, was first identified in the early 19th century. Its …

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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Celestobarite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Celestobarite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Celestobarite Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Celestobarite, There are many beautiful but often ignored minerals and stones under the crevices of the Earth that are often unknown or so rare that very few people know about them. This in no way means that they are not impressive, beautiful or filled with wonder. …

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