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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Dravite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Dravite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Dravite

Dravite Metaphysical Properties

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Dravite, Dravite opens up the Earth Star Chakra. The Earth Star Chakra is a secondary chakra located six or so inches below our feet and amplifies the Root Chakra. It governs our connection with Earth and links our energy and emotions to the world, acting as an anchor for us. 

Dravite balances the emotions and grounds us in reality. If you feel disoriented and ill at ease, this magnificent crystal will help you tap into your willpower, connect with reality, and overcome any emotional blockages you face. Because of its strong connection with planet Earth, Dravite is a fantastic stone of protection that allows Mother Nature to take care of us. 

Dravite is a stone that keeps you grounded and provides protection. Dravite presents a deep connection to the earth. It helps us open our minds, descend from higher planes, and bring us back to the ground. 

Dravite deepens our attachment to Earth Gods and Goddesses, such as Gaia. In Greek mythology, the Goddess Gaia is viewed as the personification of the Earth and the mother of all life. We can use Dravite to pray to Gaia and bring her healing energy into our lives, furthering our connection with the animals, plants, and trees surrounding us. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Dravite

Dravite emits empowering energy that may make you feel inspired and motivated. It infuses you with feelings of courage and joy to leave your past behind and start anew. 

Using dravite also helps you reach a deeper meditative state quickly. 

Dravite can help you regain lost energy and restore motivation and passion. It provides a boost of confidence to move ahead and achieve your goals. 

Dravite is associated with the heart chakra and provides rejuvenating energies and self-healing. It opens the heart chakra and makes us face the pain and grief with positive energy and confidence. It removes the negative energy from your heart and turns you into an optimistic person.

Dravite is considered capable of removing toxins from your physical and spiritual bodies. It is said to eliminate fear and anxiety from your mind, infuse you with courage, and make you not give up. 

Dravite is also called the stone of scholars. It encourages you to use your intelligence. It stimulates your brain and helps to communicate your true intentions. It connects you with people and helps in maintaining business relations.

Dravite crystal promotes forgiveness and understanding. It relieves worries in a relationship by bringing stability and emotional support. Using dravite can aid you in recognizing your strengths and weaknesses. It assists you in letting go of past emotional issues by bringing them to the forefront rather than letting them fester. It brings out your inner self and encourages you to accept your true self.

Dravite Spiritual Properties and Benefits


  • As it is a Root and Earth Star Chakra crystal, Dravite has incredible grounding properties. It roots you in the physical plane and supports you.
  • Charge your Dravite with soil, as the element of Earth will amplify its grounding properties. Then hold it while performing grounding visualizations. 

Shadow Work

  • Dravite assists us with shadow work, allowing us to uncover repressed feelings and fears to help us move forward.
  • Charge your Dravite with moonlight from the full moon, as the full moon will illuminate your depth. Then have it near you when doing shadow work journaling.

Earth Connection

  • Because it gains its powers from Earth, Dravite helps us deepen our connection with Mother Nature and appreciate its beauty. 
  • Charge your Dravite with soil. Then meditate with it when out in nature to enhance your connection with Mother Earth. 


  • Dravite is a crystal of proitection that shields us from negative energy. 
  • Charge your Dravite with dry salt, leaving it submerged for 12 hours. Then wear it as a ring to protect you. 

Aura Cleansing 

  • Dravite cleanses the aura and gets any unblocked energy flowing.
  • Charge your Dravite with Dragons Blood. Then hold it in your hands while visualizing a bright,

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Dravite

Dravite is said to help with acne, spots, and other skin-related conditions. Crystal healers claim that using dravite can give a boost to the immune system and also help the lymphatic system. It is said to raise stamina and positive energy and stimulate regeneration in the body. 

Dravite is known to absorb nutrients from the food that you eat and, thus, is also helpful for the intestines. It is also believed to be advantageous in cases of autism, ADHD, and ADD, as it provides a calming, soothing, and relaxing effect.

Emotional Healing Properties

Dravite Tourmaline strengthens empathy and encourages us to do the hard work to solve our own problems. It is an excellent stone to work with when fighting with family or suffering during a family estrangement. Dravite Tourmaline helps us to see other people’s perspectives without compromising our own boundaries and integrity. It also helps us to face the parts of ourselves or our past which seem unlovable or unforgiveable. Dravite Tourmaline gently nurtures self-compassion and healing after trauma. If we have become emotionally numb, Dravite Tourmaline helps us to feel again. It calmly grounds us if we have the urge to deny, panic, or run away. It reminds us that healing is possible, but it requires us to accept reality, take on the correct responsibility, and do what needs to be done. Thankfully, Dravite Tourmaline energy can also help us to see the humor in terrible moments and to stay hopeful and heart-centered when all seems lost. It is an ally in the dark times that leads us back to the Light.

Mental Healing Properties

Dravite Tourmaline is a wonderful teacher for pragmaticism and compassion. It helps us to recognize negative patterns and issues and to find simple and creative solutions. Dravite Tourmaline helps us to calmly review the situation, without fear or denial. It pushes us to ask ourselves what needs to be released or resolved so that everyone can move forward and new growth can occur. Dravite Tourmaline helps us to make tough choices and do difficult things when it is necessary. It releases anxiety and helps us to feel competent and capable. It is a powerful crystal for community-minded individuals who want to improve or save the world.


Animals: Cow, Bull, Horse, Ant, Bear, Wolf, Dog

Archangels: Archangel Sandalphon

Astrological Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Candle Color: Brown

Chakra: Earth Star

Element: Earth

Essential Oils: Lavender, Cedarwood

Goddess: Gaia

Gods: Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Dionysus, Mardyk, Pan, Tammuz, Cernunnos

Herbs: Ashwagandha Root, Ginger Root, Turmeric Root, Dandelion Root

Incense: Patchouli, Vetiver

Planet: Earth

Spirits: Gnomes, Dwarfs, Trolls, Leprechauns

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