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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ulexite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ulexite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ulexite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ulexite, Ulexite is a sodium calcium borate mineral that comes from the American southwest. It’s known to be colorless or have a deep, pearly white hue. This stone was first reported in 1850 by J.D. Dana and was named after George L. Ulex, the German chemist who first described its chemical composition. It is most commonly found in Boron, California and Nevada (United States), but can also be found in China, Germany, Turkey, Argentina, and Canada.

Ulexite is found with the mineral borax and is directly deposited in arid regions from the evaporation of water in intermittent lakes called playas. The playas form only during rainy seasons due to runoff from nearby mountains. The runoff is rich in the element boron and is highly concentrated by evaporation in the arid climate. Eventually the concentration is so great that crystals of ulexite, borax and other boron minerals form and accumulate to great thickness.

Ulexite is a structurally complex mineral that contains unusual optical characteristics that allow it to raise your vibrations on inner and spiritual levels. Each color of Ulexite has a different energy quality. The most common color of Ulexite – white – symbolizes enlightenment, clarity, and divine connection. Colorlessness is another symptom of openness to new ideas.

Ulexite is also known as TV Stone (or TV rock), due to its curious ability to magnify images when held in front of the eyes like a lens (in a similar way to how a television screen works). Its closely packed fibrous crystals allow the internal reflection of light to guide you on your spiritual journey.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ulexite

Ulexite helps heal and balance physical vision. It can be used to help strengthen your eyesight and to overcome eye fatigue blurred or double vision. It will remove wrinkles, ease headaches. This stone will help in overcoming difficulties with the nervous system, especially with unexplained stabbing nerve pain. Ulexite will improve your memory and concentration.

These acicular crystals help you see your dreams’ messages and understand their meaning. It can also be used for out-of-body experiences and astral travel. The crystal can be used to release old patterns and behaviors that are no longer serving you. It helps you to let go of the past and move forward into the future.

Ulexite is a stone of clairvoyance. It helps to open the inner eye to “far seeing”. This can manifest as viewing events of the probable future, current happenings in distant places or past episodes that matter in terms of current issues. 
Ulexite activates your latent intuitive abilities. It sensitises the “self” to the field of consciousness around and beyond the body and allows you to read the energies and intentions of others. 

Ulexite activates the third eye and is used to enhance inner visions, imagination, and creativity. It allows you to see the truth and energy you may not have picked up on before. This mineral is highly vibrational and brings about knowledge regarding your true self. Ulexite also activates the telepathic abilities in every person through meditation or deep slumbers. It’s a heavy amplifier, working on a high vibrational energy field which allows for the production of projections. It’s recommended to put a piece of Ulexite on your third eye while asleep or when meditating for maximum potential.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ulexite

Awakening a curious mind, Ulexite promotes quick thinking, absorbing new information, and simplifying complex problems. Elevating the imagination, it unlocks the gateway to creativity, facilitating a constant flow of inspiration and new ideas. Seeing through the illusions of fear and dis-empowerment imposed by society, Ulexite inspires the creation of your reality.

Ulexite can quicken your mental processes, allowing you to see the answers to complex problems instantly. This stone can accelerate your learning of foreign languages, mathematics, science, engineering and other fact based topics. Carrying ulexite into study situations, you may experience enhanced memory and a clearer grasp of abstract concepts. 

On top of Ulexite’s telepathic abilities, it is also a mental enhancer. This mineral will quicken users’ minds while also accelerating decision-making. Ulexite is recommended for anyone who is constantly studying or trying to memorize things in a short period of time. This stone will allow users to grasp thoughts and ideas more easily and allow for less stress on the mind. 

This luminous crystal has a unique optical ability to project an image through the stone. This embodiment and reflection of light harmonize the frequencies of the subtle bodies, uniting the aura into perfect synergy. Offering a clear and truthful perspective of your divine nature, it serves as a reminder that we are multidimensional beings.

Ulexite enhances psychic vision and insight. If placed on the third eye chakra, ulexite will stimulate clairvoyance and telepathy. Use this stone when doing dream recall as it will enhance the imagery and your understanding of what is being sent to you. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ulexite

Ulexite is a stone of far vision. It helps unblock psychic and physical vision and can enhance your ability to correctly interpret your visions and psychic information. Ulexite acts upon the third eye chakra to open interdimensional gates, so that you may see and interact with beings from the higher planes. It also can be programmed to vibrate at various frequencies, allowing you to connect with extraterrestrials, spirit guides and other entities. 

Enhancing meditation and dreamwork, Ulexite allows you to look within and connect with your inner knowing. Perceiving beyond the naked eye, it invites the exploration of non-physical realms and journeying to other worlds. Developing telepathic and clairvoyant abilities, it increases the occurrences of communicating with spirit guides and distant entities.

Ulexite inspires and stimulates visual imagery, visions and information from other dimensions and planets. It opens a window on new and other worlds. This stone facilitates the ability to create and heal by visualisation. It aids willed transformations or reality. It has been known to create new opportunities and realities in your life by being able to see them and then make them real.

It will help with manifesting and help with the precision of that manifesting.
Ulexite brings things into focus on the inner and spiritual levels, giving you much needed objectivity and clarity. It will help you understand the meanings of dreams and visions. Ulexite shows you the path to take on you spiritual journey.


Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Archangel Metatron

Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Indigo

Chakra: Third Eye

Element:  Spirit

Essential Oils: Patchouli, Hyacinth

Goddess: Lua,  Salacia

Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth

Herbs: Cinnamon, Shankhpushpi, Cardamom, Passionflower

Incense: Cinnamon, sage

Planet: Saturn and Neptune

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds

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