Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Blue Tigers Eye
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Blue Tigers Eye, The blue tiger’s eye crystal is also known as rodusite, falcon’s eye, silicified crocidolite, and hawk’s eye stone. Its properties encourage you to live boldly, fiercely, and bravely in all aspects of your life. When you are looking to reduce stress, increase calmness, and ease anxiety, there can be no better crystal to turn to than a blue tiger’s eye crystal. Blue tiger’s eye is a high vibrational crystal that can boost your courage to help you overcome fear in your life.
Blue tiger’s eye stone comes in a light to dark blue color bearing either greenish, golden, or gray streaks. This beautiful healing stone is considered a chatoyant and highly reflective stone. The silky appearance of the surface of the stone helps in improving the blue tiger’s eye crystal’s beauty. Blue tiger’s eye crystal can be found in various locations across the world, but the biggest deposits are located in Brazil, Namibia, India, and Canada.
Blue tiger’s eye is a protective stone that can push you to reach new heights while keeping you grounded and focused. This energizing gemstone gets its healing properties from a combination of the sun and earth elements. It works closely with the third eye and throat chakra. Because of its bold, encouraging energy, a blue tiger’s eye crystal may be the ideal stone for building courage in all areas of your life.
This powerful gemstone can harness the power of the sun and earth and can bring the energy of the “all-seeing, all-knowing eye”. Blue tiger’s eye crystal can stimulate protection, power, and may also fill your aura with fiery confidence.
The blue tiger’s eye crystal can help encourage you to approach the person you love. If you are already committed to someone, then it can help you eliminate current issues. This beautiful stone can gather strength for your relationship.
The blue tiger’s eye refines the senses and helps with important decisions. It may provide more courage, protection, and security.
Tiger’s eye crystals are strong healing stones that may support bones and joints.
This stone may help with asthma and shortness of breath. Blue tiger’s eye is also believed to help heal the liver and bladder. It may be used in case of pain, especially in tendonitis and migraine.
It is said to help against stress, anxiety, and doubt. Blue tiger’s eye stone is believed to help you stay focused, and also helps with depression and negativity. In addition, this high vibrational stone may support the ability to think and promote optimism, concentration, and receptivity.
Just like the other crystals, the blue tiger’s eye has several metaphysical properties that may create a positive impact on your life. This precious stone can activate the third eye and throat chakra. The blue tiger’s eye is considered a powerful stone that can send a flow of high vibrational energy throughout your body.
One of the main metaphysical properties of the blue tiger’s eye is that this stone can strengthen the connection between your higher and lower chakras. This may provide stability in your life even when you are faced with change and creative awakening.
The third eye chakra may control your ability to see the big picture and connect with your intuition. You can think of it as the eye of the soul, as it can register information beyond the surface level. The throat chakra of the blue tiger’s eye may help you improve the way you communicate. With this stone, you can speak your truth and talk freely about how you feel. It may connect you to your inner self by clearing negative thoughts from your mind. This powerful stone may open up blockages and can help you receive energy from the heart chakra.
Blue tiger’s eye is a stone of protection, clear thinking, and willpower. It is said to be a calming stone that can bring good luck to the wearer. This stone may be an excellent remedy for a quick-tempered and overanxious person with a phobia to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. It may heal psychosomatic illnesses and dispel fear by promoting mental clarity to the wearer.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Blue Tigers Eye
Blue tiger’s eye may help you recognize your own needs and the needs of others. It may also act as a treatment for the throat and reproductive organs, and it may release toxins and ease pain. This stimulating stone may also heal your emotional wounds. If you are afraid to express your thoughts and opinions and you are seeking some stability and grounding, then this stone may be the best healing stone for you. It may help you feel more stable, eliminate the fear of expressing your opinion, and can boost your confidence.
Emotionally, Blue Tiger’s Eye is said to provide its most important benefits. Everyone suffers from emotional ebbs and flow throughout their life. According to healers and crystologists, this stone can help you find the peace and tranquility you seek!
The properties of Blue Tiger’s Eye are all about bringing emotional balance. Many people find themselves stuck in an ongoing cycle of despair. Past traumas and emotional pain can prevent you from seeing the light in life and stop you from experiencing those emotional highs because dark energy muddies up the works.
This stone is often recommended to those who suffer from depression. Healers believe that its calming nature promotes inner peace and balance.
But of course, it doesn’t make you forget or ignore the darkness in your mind. Instead, it allows you to approach those negative thoughts with fresh eyes. You can gain more insight into your own thoughts and find balance in the rollercoaster of life.
This provides more clarity than ever before! That insight illuminates issues you might have buried deep down, encouraging you to address them and move forward.
Overall, the emotional peace and clarity this stone provides let you act with more integrity.
Blue Tiger’s Eye is said to have a particularly strong connection to the spiritual world. It was widely used by shamans to provide protection against the evils that lurk in the darkness. Many healers continue to use this stone for that benefit today.
For those that are pursuing various forms of psychic practice, Blue Tiger’s Eye is said to increase those powers. It’s a favorite for clairvoyants, who say that it gives better clarity and viewing strength. Many also use it to increase the powers of astral projection and remote viewing.
But even if this isn’t something you’re involved in, the properties of Blue Tiger’s Eye are still beneficial for your spiritual health.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Blue Tigers Eye
Blue Tiger’s Eye is most-known for its properties that can benefit your emotional and spiritual being. However, some say that those benefits can result in physical manifestations, too.
In terms of overall health, the mental benefits it can provide might directly impact your body. There’s a strong connection between physical health and emotional health. Those that suffer from depression and constant anxiety are often the first to suffer from heart issues and stress-related ailments.
Soothing the mind with Blue Tiger’s Eye can potentially address those problems. Many say they experience lower blood pressure, clearer skin, and better sleep when using this stone. In addition to removing dark energy, some crystal healers turn to this stone to help rid the body of toxins that can sabotage your health!
Many healers believe that it’s particularly effective on the endocrine system. They say that it balances hormone production and brings your body’s biochemistry back to normal. It’s said to help metabolism levels and provide a better balance between hormones that regulate your emotions.
Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider
Archangels: Archangel Raphael
Astrological Signs: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Candle Color: Blue
Chakra: Throat
Element: Air
Essential Oils: Myrrh, Chamomile
Goddess: Maia
Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth
Herbs: Black pepper, Pushkarmool, Peppermint, Slippery Elm
Incense: Frankincense, Peppermint
Planet: Mercury
Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds
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Written by Clarence
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