Creating Sacred Space In Your Home
What Is Sacred Space
Creating Sacred Space In Your Home, A sacred space can be used in a number of ways, as long as it is meaningful and enjoyable to you.
This could be taking time out for reading, for writing or journaling, for meditating, drinking your morning tea or coffee, exercise and dance, prayer, calling a loved one, listening to music or a podcast or for doing something creative like knitting or drawing.
It’s about finding some quiet time in your busy day to slow down to do something that brings a little joy to your heart.
We are often so caught up in the busyness of life that we rarely take any time for reconnecting to ourselves.
A sacred space is a place to:
- Get grounded
- Set our intentions
- Relieve stress
- Recharge our batteries
- Practise self-care
- Affirm our worth
- Claim our space
- Be present to ourselves
- Dedicate to our purpose
- Find ourselves again and again
- Bring new energy into our lives
- Connect with our deeper essence
- Meditate and practise mindfulness
- Practise yoga
- Honour and uplift our spirit
- Dialogue with our higher, deeper, Spiritual Self
- Worship God or Spirit
Creating Sacred Space In Your Home
Decide What You Want From Your Sacred Space
Before you begin, think about what you’re seeking and decide how you want to use it. Do you want to:
- Create a private sanctuary for meditation and prayer, or simply for quiet reflection?
- Find serenity while you’re at home?
- Call up the same peaceful feeling when you’re away by visualizing your home space?
- Designate a shared space for connecting with others, or for ritual or ceremony?
- Co-create a family altar that continually evolves with spontaneous contributions from each of you?
- Deepen intimacy through regular family time in a special place?
How To Set Up A Sacred Space
The first thing to do is find a quiet spot in your home away from communal areas and distractions such as phones, tablets and TVs. What makes your space sacred is the intention you create for it.
You might choose to set up an area in the corner of your bedroom, it could even be a window seat or a large floor cushion that you can go to and bask in the sunshine while drinking tea or meditating.
You might like to display a collection of some personal objects that are meaningful to you, things that have sensory appeal to help you with relaxation.
Some may like to create a small altar which could be on top of a console, a sunny windowsill or a side table. It can be as elaborate or minimal as you like.
Some examples include photos of loved ones, books, a salt lamp, plants or flowers, incense, a diffuser with essential oils, candles, crystals, sea shells from beach holidays, spiritual deities, or beautiful textiles like silk.
Benefits Of A Sacred Space
We don’t need to spend hours in our sacred space to experience the benefits. Even a few minutes of quiet time can help us to build a more balanced relationship with our body, feelings, mind, sexuality and spirituality. Practising mindfulness and meditation in a sacred space can have the following benefits:
- Reduce stress
- Enhance emotional intelligence
- Increase self-awareness
- Develop compassion and kindness towards self and others
- Manage painful thoughts and feelings
- Live a balanced and conscious life
- Experience more peacefulness and calm
- Reconnect with our true selves, others and our environment
- Gain a greater sense of clarity, focus and concentration
Creating Sacred Space In Your Home
Living Room:
This is the space in which we restore our vital energy after a long day. Using stimulating, energizing stones here is a great way to recharge and rejuvenate yourself.
Carnelian: Adds an invigorating energy to the space
Red Jasper: Grounds the energy in the space so that you may utilize it day-to-day
Dining Room:
The dining room is where we gather with friends and family for sharing and exchange (not just of food, but also of wisdom). The dining room is often seen as corresponding with the knowledge area of our lives.
Chrysocolla: Gives you access to knowledge from ancient cultures
Azurite: Provides intuitive knowledge
This is an intimate space for love (either love for the self, or of that shared with a partner). It’s a space to feel nurtured and it corresponds to relationships.
Rhodochrosite: Creates a passionate energy environment
Pink Calcite: Fills the space with soft, nurturing energy
The bathroom is strongly connected with water and with the idea of cleansing and renewal, and is strongly linked to the career aspect of our lives.
Black Onyx: Helps to manifest your ideal career
Sodalite: Reveals the best career for you (i.e. that which is for your highest good)
Hallways are places of movement and change. They are also the space where we greet guests. Hallways correspond the the Helpful People aspect of our lives.
Clear Quartz: Aids in manifesting helpful people into your life
Rutilated Quartz: Calls in helpful guides, angels, animal archetypes, etc.
This is likely the space where you work from home, pay your bills, etc. For this reason, the office is connected with wealth.
Bloodstone: Grounds prosperity energy so that you can use it in a practical way
Dragonstone: Aids in motivation and creativity as it relates to finances
The kitchen acts as a gathering place for family. It’s here that we share time together over meals and discuss the events of the day. It’s where we come together, so it’s representative of the Family aspect of our lives.
Green Aventurine: Promotes harmony in groups
Peridot: Clears negativity after family arguments/disputes
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