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sacred geometry

Sacred Geometry


This is famously seen in shells and the spiral movement of galaxies, and forms the basis of the Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Ratio. Symbolically, it is representative of the Chakras, turning in circles forming a spiral energy vortex, and igniting Kundalini energy. It can also form the basis of a labyrinth, another important spiritual sacred geometry shape- the pilgrimage to spiritual enlightenment.

The spiral forms the basis of many patterns we see throughout the universe from our DNA to the plant kingdom and the shapes of galaxies. The spiral can vary in its proportions but regardless it can continue expanding. This symbol can be used when an individual is also interested in expanding. This can include expanding their influence, their understanding or place in this world. This shape can also be used with individuals wanting to expand their understanding of the natural order of things.

Vesica Piscis

The Vesica Piscis is a symbol you will want to familiarize yourself with. This shape includes two circles overlapping with symmetry. The area where the two circles intersect is known as the vesica piscus. This design is associated with the creation of the universe. This symbol has ancient origins and can be viewed as a coming together of duality. The connection between above and below, male and female and so on. This symbol helps us to resonate with the understanding that without one there cannot be the other. Without darkness, there cannot be light, without the night,88Crystal Reiki Manual there cannot be a day.

The focus of this symbol is on balance and harmony. The vesica piscis is also used when focusing on new endeavors such as projects, birth, and rebirth as well as health. Imbalance within the body occurs when aspects of it are fragmented and separate from the whole system. The vesica piscus helps to connect and re-establish communication. This symbol can also be used when an individual is wanting to reconnect with individuals who have gone astray

sacred geometry

Sacred Geometry

Borromean Rings

The Borromean Rings symbol has the energetic connections of three vesicae piscus with a focus on uniting. This grid can be helpful when a group needs to come together to help achieve a goal. This symbol is also effective when dealing with family matters.

sacred geometry

Seed of Life

The Seed of Life represents creation, which indicates the beginning of life and the higher consciousness of God. It probably familiar to you already, and is formed with 6 overlapping circles. These six circles will fit perfectly around a 7th circle of the same size, and as such is connected to the 7 Chakras. Within its center is also formed the Germ of Life.

The Seed of Life consists of seven overlapping circles with an outer circle. The six outer circles are associated with harmony, balance, and truth. This symbol can be used when wanting to see something through to successful completion. You can also use the outer circle to create a layer of protection.

Flower of Life

From the Seed of Life, we can form the Flower of Life by replicating this pattern 19 times. It is considered to be a representation of the creation cycle. It is at least 6000 years old and is said to be a symbol of spiritual awakening. It has often been regarded as the template for everything that exists in the Universe.

There are many shapes that can be found within this layout including the Borromean rings, Vesica Piscus, Seed of Life, Tree of Life and Metatron’s cube. Because of the many different configurations that occur within the Flower of Life, its use requires focus. This grid can be helpful when working with issues around self. Love of self and self-awareness are deep and complex issues that the Flower of Life can help to work with.

sacred geometry

Sacred Geometry

Star of David

The Star of David, a hexagram, is a six-pointed star made from two interlocking equilateral triangles with one pointing up and the other down. In Judaism, the triangles represent the connection between the Creator, humans, and the Torah. It can also be seen as Metatron’s Cube in 2D form, discussed below. In Hinduism, it represents the ideal meditative state, and is associated with the Heart Chakra.

The Star of David is a shape formed from a hexagon and has ancient origins across various cultures. This pattern consists of two overlapping triangles with one pointing upwards and one down. This pattern is associated with the heart chakra and can be helpful when there is a need to discern what is for our highest good. This symbol can be used to help create harmony with our outer world and to release the clutter in our lives and selves that is preventing us from experiencing balance. This symbol can also be used to release stress and to connect with your higher self.

sacred geometry

Metatron’s Cube

Also known as a Merkaba, this shape consists of 13 circles connected by straight lines. The resultant pattern looks like two stars embedded in a hexagon. It contains all geometric shapes in the Universe and is believed to be God’s geometric map for constructing the Universe. It also contains the Platonic Solids, said to be the fundamental elements of all physical matter. From crystals to DNA, these forms can be found everywhere in existence. Within its centre, you can also see the Egg of Life.

Within this shape, all five of the platonic solids can be found and this symbol is associated with problem-solving on all levels of consciousness. There is also a union of masculine and feminine energy with two triangles, one pointing upwards and one down. This symbol is associated with the energetic foundation from which all life is created.

sacred geometry

Sacred Geometry


Originating from the Latin term “Triquetrus,” which means “three-cornered,” this symbol primarily represents triplicities, or concepts that exist in threes. For instance, Mind, Body, and Spirit. Often, a circle surrounds the Triquetra, symbolizing the concepts of eternity, the cycle of life, and the unity of its three elements.

The Triquetra represents three interconnected aspects of a single entity. For instance, The Triquetra reminds us that the Mind, Body, and Spirt are all linked together and we cannot separate one from another. Thus in order to reach your highest potential, you need to work on all these three aspects of your reality.

The Tripod of Life or Triquetra consists of the center of the Borromean rings or the centerpieces of three vesicae piscus and can be helpful for creative pursuits. Artists, musicians, writers, inventors, and individuals seeking to release any blocks around their work will find this symbol helpful. This symbol can also be helpful when wanting to create balance in your life. The Tripod of Life can also be used when starting something new such as a family, job or renovation. This shape is associated with new beginnings.

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