Cord Cutting
Cord Cutting, Letting go of something, or someone, can be challenging. Sometimes, you invest days, months, if not years, in the things and people that inspire you, only to end up at a crossroad where letting go of what you once loved and cherished is the only option you have left.Â
Yet, breaking an attachment is often necessary for your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing, even if it is really not that easy.
Cord Cutting Visualization
So, let’s start with the easiest cord-cutting ritual – visualization! You can either go into a more formal meditation or visualize cutting the cord between you and another person. As you would with every ritual, cleanse your space and cast your circle or visualize a bubble of light surrounding you. Then, close your eyes and bring to mind the person you’d like to cut your attachment to.
Cord Cutting
Visualize a cord that ties the two of you together. Notice what that cord looks like and what its qualities are. Then, visualize a tool to cut that cord and cut it. Sit in that space for a while and take note of any messages or impressions you receive. It’s sometimes helpful to tie a color or name to the visualization. And then, when you’re done, close out the ritual as you would every other magical practice.
Cord Cutting Meditation
Cord Cutting Candle Spell
You’ve probably seen cool candle spells for cord cutting on TikTok so, of course, we had to give you directions to create your own. You will need supplies for this, but it’s also fairly simple. Again, start by casting your circle and cleansing your space. Then follow the steps below:
Step 1: Gather your supplies. You’ll need two chime or small birthday candles and a piece of twine to create a loop. You can choose colors based on your intention, but white candles work in a pinch.
Cord Cutting
Step 2: Place your candles apart from one another and place the twine around the candles. Move the candles away from each other enough to create some tension between them. It’s safest to place each candle in a small candle holder.
Step 3: Set your intention and focus on severing the cords between you and the person you want to cut the cord with.
Step 4: Light the candles and watch as they burn. They will likely burn through the twine as well. (Do not leave burning candles unattended! We suggest having some water nearby to extinguish an out-of-control flame in an emergency.)
Step 5: Pay attention to how the candles burn, the flames, and how the twine burns.
Below are some basic interpretations of your work:
A tall, strong flame indicates the magick is working!
A low flame may indicate that you need to do more work to cut the cord between the two of you.
Short, weak flames may tell you that your timing is off.
Cord Cutting
A steady flame is a positive sign.
Blue flames may suggest that a spirit or angel is near.
Dancing flames indicate that the magick will work, but there will be some resistance.
Flickering flames can be interpreted based on their direction – North, South, East, and West.
A popping or crackling flame is usually a sign of resistance.
A dual flame may indicate that another energy, deity, guide, or angel has joined in the work to help you cut the cord.
When a flame goes out on its own, the work is done.
Quick, uneven burning indicates that you may not have appropriately grounded before starting.
Quick, even burning indicates that the spell is working, but if it burns too quickly and feels out of control, you may need to re-evaluate your work.
Using Crystals For Breaking Attachments And Cutting Cords
If you are looking for ways to make the healing process of letting go easier, using crystals can give you that added strength and courage you need to move on.
When you are attached to a person, there is an etheric cord that keeps you connected to them. Through this, there is an energy exchange between you and this person. However, when someone you are attached to becomes toxic, it can negatively influence your life.Â
Cord Cutting
Crystals can affect you on an energetic level. They can help break ties between you and others by severing the energetic cord that keeps you connected, and lessening the influence others have over your mental and emotional space.
If you have been through a breakup or divorce, many crystals for breaking attachment can help you move on easier. Crystals for letting go are beneficial for helping you get past old relationships, and can also help you release negative habits and toxic thoughts in your daily life.
If you have undergone trauma, or suffer from anxiety, there are many crystals for release that can help you overcome challenging emotions related to past experiences.
Aquamarine provides clarity and insight into why you experience certain emotions, and how you can find healthy ways to navigate and overcome them.
As one of the best crystals for acceptance and allowing you to come to terms with the past, Aquamarine can transmute your negative thoughts into positive ones, allowing you to overcome challenging emotions that cause you to hold onto what you are trying to let go of.
In addition, Aquamarine helps others know where they stand with you, by allowing you to speak up for yourself and to have clarity in your speech and intentions.
Cord Cutting
The Greeks used Amethyst goblets in ancient times to prevent intoxication. In addition, Amethyst is a gemstone used to let go of and release addiction, allowing users to overcome habits that have a hold over them.
Amethyst is one of the best crystals for letting go of bad habits, as it helps you form and develop new routines and mindsets that benefit your future and growth.
Cord Cutting
Smokey Quartz
Smoky Quartz is one of the best crystals for letting go of negativity, as it removes toxic thoughts from your mind space. If there are emotions and memories you can’t seem to shed, Smoky Quartz can banish them from your life for good.
By allowing you to forget the past, Smoky Quartz will enable you to focus on building a bright and happy future.
Cord Cutting
Carnelian improves your sense of confidence and self-worth, and is one of the best healing crystals for letting go. By allowing you to see how certain situations are not suitable for your sense of self-love and growth, Carnelian enables you to release that which keeps you stuck in a loop and causes you to devalue yourself.
Rose Quartz
By allowing you to invite love and forgiveness into your heart, Rose Quartz is one of the best crystals for letting go of resentment. Rose Quartz will enable you to love and value yourself more; this teaches you to let go of people and situations that drain you.
Cord Cutting
Citrine helps you focus on creating a happy future filled with richness and abundance, and is one of the best crystals for letting go of the past. By making you see the good in life, Citrine allows you to focus on creating a positive life, instead of suffering by holding on to that which no longer serves you or provides you with growth.
In addition, Citrine minimizes the anger and resentment you might feel, allowing you to move on and let go much easier.
Cord Cutting
Obsidian is one of the best stones to cut etheric cords, and is one of the best crystals for letting go of someone. As a black protective stone, Obsidian draws in that which debilitates and drains you. and makes space for your more positive qualities to grow and shine through.
If someone has been abusing you or causing you trauma, Obsidian will help push that person out of your life.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Blogs
Crystal – Programming, Cleansing, Chakra Info Blogs
Top Stones List For The Holidays
Geological Properties Of Crystals
Written by rob
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