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Associations Of Crystals And Angels

Associations Of Crystals And Angels

Associations Of Crystals And Angels

General Associations Of Crystals And Angels

Associations Of Crystals And Angels, Crystals are often associated with various spiritual beliefs and practices, including the belief in angels. While these associations are subjective and can vary depending on individual beliefs and traditions, some crystals are commonly believed to have connections with specific angels or angelic energies. It’s important to note that these associations are based on metaphysical beliefs and not scientific evidence. Here are a few examples:

  1. Amethyst: This crystal is often associated with the angelic realm and is believed to enhance spiritual connection and communication with angels. It is said to promote peace, protection, and divine guidance.
  2. Clear Quartz: Known as the “master healer,” clear quartz is believed to amplify energy and facilitate communication with higher realms, including angelic beings. It is often used to enhance spiritual growth and connection.
  3. Selenite: Selenite is associated with angelic communication and is believed to have a high vibration that can help connect with angelic energies. It is often used for purification, meditation, and spiritual guidance.
  4. Angelite: As the name suggests, angelite is believed to facilitate communication with angels and spirit guides. It is said to promote peace, tranquility, and angelic protection.
  5. Celestite: Celestite is often associated with angelic realms and is believed to enhance communication with angels and divine beings. It is said to promote spiritual development, intuition, and inner peace.
  6. Rose Quartz: This crystal is often associated with the energy of love and compassion. It is believed to attract angelic energies that promote healing, forgiveness, and emotional well-being.
  7. Seraphinite: Seraphinite is believed to have a strong connection with the angelic realm, particularly with the Seraphim angels. It is said to assist in spiritual transformation, healing, and connecting with higher realms.
  8. Angel Aura Quartz: This crystal is created by bonding clear quartz with precious metals, resulting in a beautiful iridescent appearance. It is associated with angelic energies and is believed to enhance communication with angels, promote spiritual growth, and bring about a sense of peace and harmony.
  9. Labradorite: Labradorite is often associated with mystical and spiritual energies. It is believed to enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual connection. Some people also associate it with angelic guidance and protection.
  10. Moldavite: Moldavite is a unique crystal formed from a meteorite impact. It is believed to have a powerful and transformative energy that can facilitate spiritual growth and connection with higher realms, including angelic beings.

Associations Of Crystals And Angels

Associations Of Crystals With Each Archangel

  1. Archangel Michael – The Protector

Meaning: â€˜He who is most like The Creator’.       

Gemstone:  Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Topaz

Michael is the Archangel of Protection, Courage, Strength & Guidance. Michael protects us from psychic attacks. He works with us while we sleep & enters our dreams to clear away fears, if we ask him to do so. Call upon Michael when in need of protection, or justice, or when needing peace when dealing with difficult situations.

  1. Archangel Gabriel – The Messenger

Meaning: â€˜Messenger of The Creator’.

Gemstone:    Citrine

Gabriel is the archangel of Communication & Expression. Gabriel is the messenger between The Creator & people. Gabriel helps us to communicate with clarity & confidence. Gabriel is the Archangel of children, creativity & good news. Call upon Gabriel when need help communicating effectively. Also, when wanting to conceiving children, or creative ideas.

  1. Archangel Raphael – The Healer

Meaning: ‘Heavens Physician’                          

Gemstone:  Emerald, Malachite, Chrysoprase, Aventurine

Raphael is the Archangel of Healing & Abundance. Raphael helps us heal physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually, & even financially. He assists us to overcome addictions. Raphael helps us to find our soul mate. Call upon Raphael when in need of any type of healing; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Also, when wanting greater prosperity, or to find your soul mate.

  1. Archangel Metatron – The Enlightened

 Meaning: â€˜The Voice of God’, ‘The Angel of Life’

Gemstone:  Labradorite, Kyanite, Watermelon Tourmaline

Metatron is the scribe of The Creator & writes all deeds in the ‘Book of Life’, or the ‘Akashic Records’. Metatron guards over the ‘Tree of Life’. Metatron & Uriel are twin brothers, & at times they work together as one, & at times separate. Metatron lived on Earth as the prophet Enoch Archangel Metatron utilizes the Merkabah cube for healing & clearing away lower energies The Metatron’s cube contains every shape that exists in the universe. The cube spins clockwise & uses centrifugal force to push away unwanted energies. He is the teacher of esoteric (secret) knowledge, knowledge of the higher dimensions. Metatron helps with writing skills. Call upon Metatron to clear away negative energies. Also, when trying to grasp high-level esoteric & spiritual concepts, & when trying to communicate high-level concepts in writing.

  1. Archangel Uriel – The Wise

 Meaning: â€˜Light of The Creator’.                       

Gemstone:    Tiger Iron, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Garnet

Uriel is the Archangel of Wisdom, Vision, Ideas, Problem Solving, & Transformation. He helps students with exams, & studies. Uriel is Metatron’s twin brother, & both of them are in charge of the Akashic Records. He reigns over alchemy, divine order, & sudden change. Uriel helps with transformation and illumination. Call upon Uriel when in need of guidance & wisdom, help problem-solving, and with studies. Also, when you would like help with transformation & illumination.

  1. Archangel Raguel – The Peace Maker

Meaning: â€˜Friend of The Creator’.                        

Gemstone:  Amazonite, Aqua Marine, Aqua Aura

Raguel is the Archangel of Harmony & Relationships. He helps resolve arguments & helps us to find creative solutions for win-win solutions.  Supports family unity. He also defends the mistreated & helps to maintain harmony & order in relationships. Call upon Raguel when needing help reaching win-win solutions & harmony with family, friends & others.

  1. Archangel Jophiel – The Beautiful

Meaning: â€˜The Beauty of The Creator’.                 

Gemstone:   Smokey Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Ametrine

Jophiel is the Archangel of Beauty, Creativy and Art. Jophiel’s mission is to bring beauty & clarity to all aspects of life, including: thoughts, feelings, home, office, & self. Jophiel is also great to call upon to heal misunderstandings with other people. Call upon Jophiel when needing to shift from a negative to a positive mindset, & when needing to see the beauty in life.

  1. Archangel Kamael (Chamuel) – The Courageous

 Meaning: â€˜The Courage of The Creator’

Gemstone:  Bloodstone,    Fluorite

Kamael is the Archangel of Unconditional Love. He offers us strength, courage & peace through times of severity. Kamael has omniscient vision, & can see the connection between everyone & everything, & can see the solution to every problem. Call upon Kamael when needing guidence finding your life purpose, or a job, or home, or the right partner, or solution, or courage to persue the truth. Also, when needing help loving others unconditionaly. 

  1. Archangel Zadkiel – The Merciful

 Meaning: â€˜The Mercy of The Creator’

Gemstone: Chalcedony, Lapiz Lazuli, Blue Lace Agate

Zadkiel is the archangel of forgiveness & mercy. He helps us to forgive ourselves & others. Zadkiel can bring emotional healing in miraculous ways. Call upon Zadkiel whenever you need forgiveness & mercy in your life

  1. Archangel Azrael – The Comforter

 Meaning: â€˜The Comfort of The Creator’

Gemstone:   Orange Calcite, Golden Calcite, Yellow Calcite

Azrael comforts and helps people cross over at the time of physical death. Azrael supports helpers, healers and counsellors to help those in suffering. Helps us with positive thinking in the face of loss. Call upon Archangel Azrael for support, comfort & positive thinking when dealing with loss.

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