Elemental Correspondences

Elemental Correspondences

Elemental Correspondences


Air represents the mind and intelligence, communication, telepathy, psychic powers, inspiration, imagination, ideas, knowledge, dreams and wishes. In energetic work, Air is represented in the form of tossing objects into the wind, aromatherapy, songs, and hiding things in high places. It rules spells involving travels, instruction, freedom, knowledge, discovering lost items, and can also be used to develop psychic faculties. Air also rules the visualization.

Alignment: Masculine

Direction: East

Energy: Projective, Yang

Planets: Jupiter, Venus

Symbols: Sky, Wind, Breezes, Clouds, Feathers, Breath, Vibrations, Smoke, Plants, Herbs, Trees, Flowers

Goddesses: Aradia, Arianhod Cardea, Nuit, Urania

Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds

Time: Dawn

Cycle of life: Infancy

Season: Spring

Color: Yellow

Zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Sense: Smell, Hearing

Stones and jewels: Topaz, Pumice, Rainbow Stones, Crystals, Amethyst, Alexandrite

Tools: Censer, Wand, Sword, Bell

Metals: Tin, Copper

Herbal: Clove, Myrrh, Pansy, Primrose, Vervain, Dill, Lavender

Trees: Acacia, Almond, Aspen, Hazel, Linden, Maple, Pine

Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Instruments: Flute, Wind Instruments

Type of Magic: Divination, Concentration, Wind Magick, Prophecy, Karma Work

Ritual Action: Playing a flute, Tossing Objects in the Air (over the shoulder), Burning Incense, Hanging Objects in Trees

Archangel: Archangel Raphael

Tarot: Swords

Elemental Correspondences


Earth represents strength, abundance, stability, prosperity, wealth and femininity .In rituals,
Earth is represented in the form of burying objects in the earth, herbalism, and making images out
of wood or stone.

Alignment: Feminine

Direction: North

Energy: Receptive, Yin

Symbols: Rocks, Fields, Soil, Salt, Caves, Clay

Planets: Earth, Moon

Goddesses: Ceres, Demeter, Gaea, Mah, Nephtys, Rhea, Persephon

Gods: Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Dionysus, Mardyk, Pan, Tammuz, Cernunnos

Spirits: Gnomes, Dwarfs, Trolls, Leprechauns

Time: Midnight, Night

Cycle of life: Old Age, Death

Season: Winter

Color: Green, Brown

Zodiac signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Sense: Touch

Stones and jewels: Rock Crystal, Emerald, Onyx, Jasper, Salt, Azurite, Amethyst, Quartz

Tools: Pentacle ,Pentagram, Salt, Images, Stones, Gems, Coins

Metals: Iron, Lead

Herbal: Ivy, Grains, Oats ,Rice, Patchouli, Lichens

Trees: Cypress, Honeysuckle, Jasmin, Lilac( some say Lilac is Water)

Animals: Cow, Bull, Horse, Ant, Bear, Wolf, Dog

Instruments: Drums and Percussion

Type of Magic: Gardening, Magnet Images, Stone (jewel divination, work with Type of magic crystals), Knot, Binding, Money Spells, Grounding, Finding Treasures, Runes

Ritual Action: Burying, Making Clay Effigies, Planting Trees, Flowers or Herb

Archangel: Archangel Uriel

Tarot: Pentacles

Elemental Correspondences


Fire represents energy, inspiration, love, passion, leadership. In energetic work, Fire is represented in the form of burning objects, love spells, baking, and lighting candles and fires. Fire is also the element of change and can represent magick itself. Fire is the most physical and spiritual of the elements.

Alignment: Masculine

Direction: South

Energy :Projective, Yang

Planets: Mars, Sun

Symbols: Flame ,Lightning, Heated Objects (stones in particular), Volcano, Rainbow,
Sun, Stars, Lava, Heat

Goddesses: Hestia, Pele, Vesta, Brigit

Gods: Agni, Horus, Prometheus, Vulcan

Spirits: Salamanders, Firedrakes

Time: Noon

Cycle of life: Youth

Season: Summer

Color: Red

Zodiac signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Sense: Sight

Stones and jewels: Ruby, Fire Opal, Volcanic Lava, Red Agate

Tools: Dagger, Sword, Athame, Censer, Lamp, Candles, Incense, Herb Burning,
Paper Requests, Knife

Metals: Gold, Brass

Herbal: Garlic, Hibiscus, Red Peppers, Cinnamon, Coffee, Beans ,Seeds ,Chili Peppers

Trees: Alder, Ash, Cashew, Cedar, Chestnut, Fig, Juniper, Mahogany, Oak, Holly, Rowan, Walnut

Animals: Dragon, Cat, Snake, Mantis, Scorpion, Phoenix, Coyote, Fox

Instruments: Guitar, String Instrument

Type of Magic: Candle, Healing, Love Spells, Energy Work

Ritual Action: Burning Objects, Wood, Paper, Heating, Preparing Decoctions, Cauldron Work

Archangel: Archangel Michael

Tarot: Wands

Elemental Correspondences


Water represents emotions, absorption, subconscious, purification, eternal movement, wisdom, the soul, and emotional aspects of love and femininity. In energetic work, it is represented in the form of pouring water over objects, brew making, healing spells, ritual bathing, and tossing objects into water.

Alignment: Feminine

Direction: West

Energy: Receptive, Yin

Planets: Saturn, Mercury

Symbols: Ocean, River, Shells, Spring, Lake, Well, Rain, Fog, Cup

Goddesses: Aphrodite, Isis, Marianne, Mari, Tiamat, Yemah

Gods: Dylan, Ea, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseido

Spirits: Undines, Nymphs, Mermaids, Fairies of ponds, lakes or streams

Time: Twilight, Dusk

Cycle of life: Maturity

Season: Autumn

Color: Blue

Zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Sense: Taste

Stones and jewels: Aquamarine, Amethyst, Blue Tourmaline, Pearl, Coral, Blue Topaz, Fluorite

Tools: Cup, Cauldron, Goblet, Mirror

Metals: Mercury, Silver, Copper

Herbal: Ferns, Lotus, Mosses, Bushes, Water Lilies, Gardenia

Trees: Apple, Apricot, Birch, Cherry, Elder, Elm, Rose, Willow

Animals: Dragon, Water Snakes, Dolphin, Fish, Frog, Turtle, Swan, Crab

Instruments: Anything Resonant, Harmonica, Cymbals (also a Flute made from Natural
Reed or Willow Bark)

Type of Magic: Mirror Divinations, Magnet Work, Love Magick, Lucid Dreaming, Cleansing,
Protection Spell

Ritual Action: Bathing, Dilution, Washing, Sprinkling, Preparing Cold Herbal Infusions

Archangel: Archangel Gabriel

Tarot: Cups

Elemental Correspondences


Spirit is the prime element present in all things, providing space, connection and balance for all Elements to exist. Spirit is immaterial, unlike the Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Spirit is essential to our sense of connectedness with spirit and well-being and represents the sense of joy and union.

Gender: Universal

Direction: Universal

Energy: Universal

Symbols: Cord, Rope

Goddesses: The Divine Feminine

Gods: The Sacred Masculine

Cycle of Life: Eternity

Season: The Wheel Of The Year

Color: White

Sense: Higher Receptions

Animals: Dove

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