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Daily Magical Correspondences

Daily Magical Correspondences

Daily Magical Correspondences, Each of the days of the week corresponds to the energies of one of the classical planets and carries a magical energy all its own. Magical Practitioners may choose to time their energetic or magical activities based on the energies of the various days of the week. Using correspondences “layers the magic” and intensifies the power of your magical / energetic working.


Planet: Moon
Colors: Silver, White, Blue
Deities: Diana, Artemis, Selene, Luna
Intent: Sleep, Peace, Healing, Prophecy, Women’s Mysteries, Beauty, Dreams, Emotions, Travel, Fertility, Insight, Wisdom


Planet: Mars
Colors: Red, Black, Orange
Deities: Mars, Ares, Tiwaz
Intent: Passion, Courage, Aggression, Protection, Victory, Success, Strength, Defense


Planet: Mercury
Colors: Purple, Orange
Deities: Mercury, Hermes, Woden
Intent: Study, Transportation, Divination, Wisdom, Communication, Creativity, Luck, Fortune


Planet: Jupiter
Colors: Blue, Purple, Green
Deity: Thor, Jupiter, Juno
Intent: Abundance, Protection, Money, Prosperity, Wealth, Healing


Planet: Venus
Colors: Pink, Aqua
Deity: Venus, Aphrodite, Freya
Intent: Love, Birth, Fertility, Romance, Pregnancy, Friendship, Passion

Daily Magical Correspondences


Planet: Saturn
Colors: Black, Purple
Deity: Saturn, Hecate
Intent: Banishing, Protection, Wisdom, Spirituality, Cleansing, Endings


Planet: Sun
Colors: Yellow, Orange, Gold, Amber
Deity: Brigid, Helios, Apollo
Intent: Success, Promotion, Fame, Wealth, Prosperity

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