How to Use a Crystal Wand for Distance Healing

How to Use a Crystal Wand for Distance Healing

How to Use a Crystal Wand for Distance Healing

Choosing A Crystal Wand for Distance Healing V1

How to Use a Crystal Wand for Distance Healing, Distance healing is a powerful form of energy healing that can be used to help people who are not physically present. One way to do this is by using a crystal wand. Crystal wands are powerful tools that can be used to direct energy and focus intention. When used for distance healing, they can help to send healing energy to a person who is not physically present.

To use a crystal wand for distance healing, begin by selecting a crystal wand that resonates with you. Clear quartz is a popular choice for distance healing, as it is known for its ability to amplify energy. Once you have chosen your crystal wand, hold it in your dominant hand and close your eyes. Visualize the person you are sending healing energy to and imagine a beam of light connecting you to them.

Next, focus your intention on sending healing energy to the person. You can do this by repeating a mantra or affirmation such as “I send healing energy to [name]”. As you do this, move the crystal wand in a clockwise direction around the person’s body. This will help to direct the energy to the person.

When you are finished, thank the person for receiving the healing energy and open your eyes. You can also thank the crystal wand for helping to direct the energy.

Choosing A Crystal Wand for Distance Healing V2

Using a crystal wand for distance healing is a powerful way to send healing energy to someone who is not physically present. By focusing your intention and using the crystal wand to direct the energy, you can help to bring healing and comfort to the person.

In our personal healing practices, using a gem that carries the qualities of helping what we are trying to correct, is a benefit greatly improving our efforts. And when in doubt, Quartz is ALWAYS a good starting point. It is an aid at any Chakra or energy point in the body.

They don’t need to be big fancy things! For myself, I find I most often will use one of my two inch natural points. In my case, it has more to do with the energy of a healing crystal than it does its look. I am fortunate in that many times I will hear this little voice say – hey! use me! But don’t get me wrong, I do have some fancy combos, well, because they talked to me 😉 Best advise? Go with what your hand or eyes seem drawn to. Most times our little earthly assistants will figure out a way to let us know.

Just like debating healing properties of our crystal friends, there is lots of debate on correct crystal wands for specific purposes. Trust your own intuition on it. If it feels right, if it achieves the effect, then you made the right choice. Regardless of what an expert or book may have said! Most times we have no idea of all the energies that have come to play in a gem or crystals formation. You will just find that even though it seemed an odd choice, it had a little extra sumthin’ sumthin’ to get the job done. And sometimes our ‘logical’ thinking isn’t totally right, it’s not totally wrong either, but maybe we are only seeing the top layer of an issue and not what lays at the root of it.

The shape itself DOES make a difference as far as energy focus qualities. Crystals grow from their base up. Energy flows up to their tips. It is how they naturally are, so, we really want to use them that way. It is how any energy put through them will smoothly flow. And when I say energy we put through them, that IS what is happening. What is important is that we don’t use OUR energy, we draw upon the universal healing energies available to us. Do we gain benefit from the gems own energy and healing qualities? Absolutely! It becomes intensified, as it gets a boost from Source.

Crystal Wand Instructions

Crystal wands can be powerful tools for distance healing. Here are some steps to use a crystal wand for distance healing:

  1. Begin by selecting a crystal wand that resonates with you and that you feel drawn to use for the healing session.
  2. Cleanse the crystal wand by smudging it with sage, sound vibrations, or using your preferred cleansing method.
  3. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit and focus on the healing process.
  4. Hold the crystal wand in your dominant hand and close your eyes.
  5. Visualize the person you want to send healing energy to. Imagine a beam of light connecting you and the person. You can also use a picture of the person or a piece of their clothing to help you focus.
  6. Using your intention, direct the energy from your heart center through the wand to the person. Move the wand in a clockwise direction in front of you, as if you are drawing a circle, to help amplify the energy.
  7. Hold the wand over areas in your body where you feel energetic blockages and direct the energy from the wand to those areas.
  8. Keep sending the energy for as long as you feel called to, then release the connection by thanking the person and mentally cutting the energy cord.
  9. After the healing session, be sure to cleanse your crystal wand again and ground yourself by holding the crystal wand in your non-dominant hand and visualizing any excess energy flowing back into the earth.

Distance healing can be a powerful way to help others from far away. Remember to always use your intuition and to trust the power of the crystal wand and your own healing abilities.

Setting Up A Crystal Grid To Help With Your Distance Healing

Distance Healing Crystal Stone Grid

Center: Ocean Jasper
Inner Petal: Herkimer Diamonds
Star: Shungite
Triangle: Quantum Quattro Silica
Open Circle: Bluestone
Dot: Rutilated Quartz
Square: Rose Quartz
Outside Circle: Selenite w/ Amethyst Scepters
Outside Flanking: Ruby

Here is the link to the crystal grid pattern:

This grid is set up to assist you in connecting to distant subjects and to enhance your ability to send supportive energies to those folks. It is also set up to create both an active and passive way to send your support. You can activate it while sending distance healing in real time and then leave the names or photos at or under the center stone to continue sending those energies even after you have completed your part.

I would recommend setting this grid up on your altar or in an undisturbed healing space that you can integrate into your current practices. Please smudge or cleanse your stones regularly since they will be doing fairly hard duty as far as rock duty goes. Perhaps once a week or at least once a month for a continually running grid.    

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