Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Hexagon Shaped Crystals

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Hexagon Shaped Crystals

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Hexagon Shaped Crystals

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Hexagon Shaped Crystals, The crystal systems previously discussed represent every variation of four-sided figures with three axes. In the hexagonal system, we have an additional axis, which gives the crystals six sides. Three of these are equal in length and meet at 60º to each other. The C or vertical axis is at 90º to the shorter axes.

Hexagonal crystals are characterized by forms with three angles at 120 degrees and hexagonal inner structure. If you need focus, discipline or method in your life hexagonal crystals are ideal for you. Hexagonal crystals are here to teach us that it’s important to pursue goals and welcome positive changes in our lives. Place them close to your solar plexus chakra to introduce more self-control in your life.

Hexagonal Shape
Hexagonal Shape

Their crystal properties are:

-energy balancing
-help self-development

If you are drawn exclusively to hexagonal crystals, you:

-strive towards success
-are consistent
-hate wasting time
-are dedicated
-are analytical

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Hexagon Shaped Crystals

Hexagonal Crystal Systems, as a general rule, take the form of pillars as in Apatite, Aquamarine, Beryl, Morganite and Emerald. The hexagon shape has the smallest perimeter in relation to the area enclosed. It is an efficient use of space, and it is the same type that bees use to build their honeycombs. This type of efficiency is the central theme of a Hexagonal lifestyle that gives the great urge to succeed and has plenty of direction. This would apply to long-term as well as daily plans.

If you are a Hexagonal person, you will ultimately reach anything you aim for. You lead a consistent lifestyle where ideas are chosen consciously and made real through step by step processes. You love honesty and the shortest path is your favorite one.

Diversions and distractions will be put to the side. Your actions are well planned and prepared. Whether it’s social, personal, political or spiritual in nature, you will work tirelessly with zeal and dedication to achieve your goals. You never seem to lose sight of them, and this is what carries you through, no matter how difficult the path to completion.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Hexagon Shaped Crystals

Of all the geometric shapes in sacred geometry, the hexagon is arguably the most powerful. And fascinating. The six-sided geometric shape is found in many spiritual symbols such as the Star of David, The Tree of Life in the Kabbalah and the Hagal Rune composed by ancient tribes of northern Europe.

The Star of David, also known as the Seal of Solomon, is believed to be one of the oldest symbols ever used. Although its origin is unknown, it probably existed long before it was incorporated into the philosophies of Judaism.

You find the hexagon in the centre of the Star of David. It is the sacred geometry formed by the interlocking of two triangles – the upward-pointing triangle representing positive/male energy, and the downward-facing triangle representing negative/female energy.

That is not to say that men are positive and women are negative. It is merely the expression of energetic charges; the positive and negative charges in electromagnetic energy and atoms; protons and electrons.

For instance, the atom is made from positive particles known as protons (male energy) and negative particles known as electrons (female energy). Atoms have an equal number of electrons as there are protons in order to find stability and balance.

Electrons also ‘mate’ with protons. In alchemy, this process is sometimes referred to as the ‘chemical union.’

Well, that’s the scientific meaning of balance represented by the hexagon, but it’s not really that useful. The honey of the hexagon is revealed when you explore the esoteric meaning of the hexagon from the perspective of psychology.

This is when you can use symbols as a tool to guide you through life.

When you balance emotional intelligence with reason, you evoke the forces governed by the universal laws of nature. Channel your energies and you become the creator of the reality you imagine yourself to be.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Hexagon Shaped Crystals


In the Kabbalah, you find a complex system that uses sacred geometry to explain the meaning of life. In its most basic form, this system of mathematics and geometric shapes is known as the Sephirot – or more commonly the tree of life.

However, the end product that sprouts from the tree of life is the flower of life. Hidden in the patterned network of circles is the fruit of life which is said to open the gateway to higher consciousness.

The fruit of life is composed of 13 circles within the pattern of the flower of life. It is the same pattern as the Hagel Rune from Nordic traditions.

The number 13 is also synonymous with unity and the transition between the physical realm and the spiritual realm.

This is why we often find the number 13 expressed throughout many ancient cultures as 12 around the one:

  • Jesus Christ and the 12 disciples
  • King Arthur and the 12 knights of the round table
  • 12 signs of the zodiac around the sun
  • 12 Imams follow Muhammad
  • 12 stations of life in the wheel of dharma (13 is the centre)
  • 12 tribes of Israel, disciples of God

Furthermore, the 12 Gods in Greek, Roman and Zoroastrian myths represent the 12 personality archetypes of an individual. The reference to 13 augurs a man that has integrated the 12 archetypes and discovered his True Nature.

We see this more clearly in the theory of psycho-analyst, Carl G. Jung, in the 20th Century. Jung outlined 12 archetypes which he believed to be the key attributes to adopt to become complete. Jung was heavily influenced by ancient teachings.

When you draw straight lines through the center of each of the 13 circles, it forms a six-pointed star – the basis of a hexagon when you join all the edges together.

In its most crude form is the Hagal Rune devised by the ancient shamans of the Nordic tribes. This ancient symbol bears a striking resemblance to the image of the water crystals. It should come as no surprise the ancients got the idea for the Rune from nature.

The Hagal Rune also appears like a conceptual star. The scientific community believe many of the elements found on Earth were originally formed in stars and released as the stars burnt out and died.

We find the same pattern used by the Nordic tribes of northern Europe buried in the flower of life. In the Kabbalah, it is called the ‘fruit of life.’

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