Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Danburite
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Danburite, Danburite is a calcium boron silicate that belongs to the silicate class of minerals. Danburite is one of the lesser known minerals even though it is a relatively common mineral. ​It was officially named after the place in which it was first discovered in 1839 – Danbury, Connecticut (USA). People who admire clear quartz will like the different look of danburite. Its diamond-shaped cross-section and wedge like termination is a contrast to quartz’s hexagonal prisms and pyramidal terminations. Danburite can be found in Mexico, Japan, Myanmar, USA and Switzerland.
Danburite is a lovely crystal that looks similar to Quartz. But while Quartz crystals grow in pointed pyramids, Danburite has a blunted wedge-like shape and is slightly harder, similar to a Topaz. It is usually white or colorless, but occasionally can be yellow or pink. In the 20th century it became popular with metaphysical healers who noticed its high and sweet vibration. It is a stone of peace and Light. It is a favorite among reiki practitioners who channel Light either by laying-on-of-hands or through distance-healing.
Danburite is both subtle and dazzling; well-formed crystals of Danburite gleam and sparkle with soft colors that give it an angelic, ethereal essence. While it can have a gentle appearance, it is a tough mineral. Danburite ranks at about 7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, higher than Quartz.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Danburite
Danburite is a calming stone that centers you and assists you in speaking your mind without hurting others feelings. It enables you to speak your truth without retribution. Do you sing, act, speak in public, dance or socialize, then Danburite is for you as it helps you overcome stage fright and gives you confidence thus enabling you to embrace these activities with enthusiasm and confidence. This stone will clear unwanted emotions from the past, so that you can move into your future without the emotional baggage of the past.
Whether you’ve recently suffered a loss or have had to adjust to life without a loved one for many years, Danburite helps to relieve pain and lessen the weight of grief. While grief may make us feel that our worlds have been turned upside down, this centering crystal helps us to regain a sense of stability as we relearn how to manage each day.
Danburite has a very soft and high vibration which brings peace to our mind and heart. It provides a connection between us and the Divine and all the angelic realms. It is particularly good for helping us to feel the presence of our loved ones who have passed over. It promises us that anything that we don’t understand right now, will one day be made clear and until then, we are being watched over, guided and loved. Danburite is one of the very best stones for reiki healers to work with. It is also an excellent meditation crystal especially for serious seekers of enlightenment.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Danburite
Believed to cleanse the crown chakra, Danburite’s comforting energy reassures us that we are still a part of the same universe as our loved ones who have passed away. Keep a piece of Danburite nearby on days when you are missing your loved one more than usual. Its presence will remind you of the memories you shared with your loved one, and help you to feel closer to them once more. Danburite’s calming properties make it an excellent meditation stone. Take a moment to be still with your crystal anytime you need to decompress and breathe.
Danburite encourages feelings of gratefulness, making it easier for you to receive help and and offer it in return with no strings attached. This stone lets you laugh at life even under the most difficult of circumstances. ​
​Danburite is an excellent stone for those who need to release stress and worry. Danburite helps one release grief, fear, anxiety, resentment and anger. Danburite soothes the emotional body, bringing in a frequency of comfort and angelic rescue. It can help you release grief, intense fear and anxiety, resentment or anger. Danburite is a stone of harmony, marriage and beneficial relationships. This stone helps you maintain a cooperative attitude to create an atmosphere of happiness. This energy will help forge valuable friendships, love relationships and even a solid marriage.
The extremely potent energy that vibrates off Danburite can be harnessed and used to help one connect with higher dimensions and beings. This mineral helps bridge the physical and spiritual worlds together, allowing one to access and understand higher knowledge. One will be able to better communicate with their spirit guides through inner visions and dream work. Imagery within dreams will become better understood and will help one decipher the true meaning behind them.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Danburite
Danburite is very soothing to the emotional body. It supports us so that we can let our light shine bright, regardless of any pain in our past or present. It comforts us when we are grieving, helps us to feel safe when we are scared, and encourages us to let go of resentment and anger. Danburite teaches us how to let go of any negativity that is trapped inside us and how to release anything which no longer serves us. It is particularly good at helping us move forward when we feel trapped by our past. Danburite gently pushes us until we get moving again and then smooths the path before us.
Danburite opens both your intellect and consciousness so that you are able to make contact with the angels. ​The connection is easier with this crystal and enables you to receive the messages and guidance from your spirit guides and teachers. When meditating with danburite it instills a sense of love, peace and serenity. If you have a family member who is crossing the veil of death, this crystal in a cluster form, placed near their head will, assist them on their way with peace and serenity rather than fear and anxiety. Danburite encourages communion with higher beings and facilitates the communication of knowledge and information from these beings during meditation. It is an excellent stone for connecting with Angelic entities and energies. It encourages resonance with the Divine Heart and the manifestation of high-frequency energy through the physical body. Danburite is an excellent tool for connecting with the angelic forces. It naturally attracts love and wellbeing. Danburite aligns you with your divine purpose and your sacred heart.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Danburite
Danburite helps us to recognize how our spiritual leanings and our earthy mission can be combined. It shows us how to be of service to the world and how to do our part to elevate the vibration of the planet and our species. It invites us to sit down with an open-mind and open-heart. It encourages us to be more interested in truly understanding something, rather than insisting on being right regardless of the facts. Danburite offers us gifts of patience and serenity. It can also be used to facilitate lucid dreaming.
Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider
Archangels: Archangel Raphael
Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Candle Color: Violet
Chakra: Crown
Element: Spirit
Essential Oils: Rosewood, Lavender
Goddess: Juno, Gaea
God: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth
Herbs: Gotu kola, Blue Lotus, Bacopa, Lavender
Incense: Frankincense, Myrrh
Planet: Jupiter and Uranus
Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds
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