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Create Your Moon Ritual Bowl

Create Your Moon Ritual Bowl

Create Your Moon Ritual Bowl

Create Your Moon Ritual Bowl, use this bowl for all your moon rituals, either for full moon or new moon rituals. You can set up this bowl and use it for your intentions and manifestations for your moon rituals.

Items Needed:

Optional Items to Increase Power:

Cinnamon Stick (Sets Intentions, Removes Negativity And Protection)

Full Moon Candle Candle White Or Silver(To Manifest Your Desires)

Moon Oil(To Attract your Desires)

Creating Your Moon Bowl


  1. If you are using the Full Moon Spell Candle, dress your candle with moon oil and light it before beginning.
  2. Set up your Selenite Bowl in your home. This could be on a coffee table or your altar or in your sacred space.
  3. If you’re using Cinnamon add 2-3 pinches now if using ground herbs or add a cinnamon stick.
  4. Place your crystals next in any order you’d like. If you’re using the Full Moon Oil, add 3 drops now.
  5. State your intentions or recite your full moon manifestation,
  6. Let the candle burn for at least one hour if using. You can continue to let it burn next to the bowl for one hour a week to increase its power over a 7-week period.
  7. Every so often repeat your intentions or full moon manifestation over your bowl to keep it active

Selenite Properties:

Selenite crystal is known for its purifying properties. The stone is most widely used for cleansing and charging other crystals. Some of its other applications include calming the mind, bringing balance to crystal arrangements (e.g. grids, altars, installations, etc.), removing energy blockages and balancing the energy of a home. Every crystal enthusiast needs a form of selenite to lift, charge and balance your collection as a whole.

Create Your Moon Ritual Bowl

Selenite has the power to cleanse and clear other crystals and negative energies. You will never need to cleanse or recharge your Selenite crystal. Selenite can increase your psychic or telepathic abilities, place a piece of Selenite on your Third Eye Chakra. These crystals are particularly effective in stabilizing the emotional body and bringing erratic emotions under calm control. Being water soluble Selenite will eventually dissolve if left in liquid. This important characteristic also endows Selenite with the power to melt away exaggerated emotions with the stabilizing light force of true feeling.

Selenite is one of the most important tools in any energy worker or crystal lover’s arsenal. Selenite crystal clears energy blockages, allows for liquid-like energy fluidity. Its extremely high vibration floods your energy field with the highest vibrations of light, uplifting your spirit and guiding you to an elevated state of being. Not only does it have this powerful effect on you, but it also has a similar effect on your crystals and your environment. A Selenite crystal is the ultimate energy tool to purify, clear, cleanse, and uplift your home, plus everyone and everything in it. Selenite is useful in relieving stress and anxiety by washing away negative energy. This promotes more restful and revitalizing periods of sleep. It helps to ward off insomnia and interruptions in sleeping patterns. Selenite has an ethereal quality it soothes emotions and enhances tranquility. Selenite helps establish and maintain healthy, easy-going relationships with loved ones and partners. Selenite enhances mental clarity, it is a calming stone that instills peace and understanding. Selenite encourages spiritual healing. Selenite aids discernment, helping to analyze situations and see the truth. It assists in making sound judgements and offers genuine insight. Selenite inspires us to see the perspective of others and respecting that perspective. Selenite crystals are a powerhouse of positivity. They are so powerful that they absorb the negative energy from you or around you, and turn it into positives. This can be achieved by either keeping a selenite crystal around you or holding a selenite wand in your hand and giving it a gentle and intentional squeeze.

Moonstone Properties:

Helps all be more comfortable with our gentler feminine/yin receiving side. Especially for water signs. Helps one be more conscious of the fact that all things are part of a cycle of constant change. It is a recommended gemstone for farmers and gardeners, artists, dancers and young men. Placed under the pillow it will allow for a more peaceful sleep, and is often used as a cure for insomnia, and used along with the amethyst. Moonstone honors the goddess in all women. It aids in gardening, psychic awareness and meditation. It soothes stress, anxiety, women’s hormones it enhances intuitive sensitivity via feelings and less overwhelmed by personal feelings. Greater flexibility and flow with life.

The Moonstone crystal stone meaning is linked with the energy of the moon. This stone channels the brilliant white illumination of moonbeams shining light on your pathway to balance and harmony. Because it embodies the energy of light, connecting with a Moonstone crystal also works to raise your vibration and uplift your spirit. Together, these forces guide you out of the darkness and into the light.

Create Your Moon Ritual Bowl

Moonstone taps into our emotions as well as the Water element (since the Moon rules tides, that spiritual vibration remains in this healing crystal). Yellow Moonstone acts on a mental level and Rainbow Moonstone brings hope, the ability to work with Spirits and all of the wonders that await us in Universal awareness. It is said that the Moonstone spirit is most potent during the full moon. Hindu legend even goes so far as to say that this mystical stone came from moonbeams themselves. Nonetheless much depends on how you plan on using Moonstone metaphysically. Sometimes the subtleness of other lunar stages suite very delicate situations that require “kit gloves” Emotional recovery from abuse is one example that might benefit from working with this healing crystal during a waning phase to amp down those unhealthy feelings.

Labradorite Properties:

The Labradorite crystal properties remind us to keep it magical by linking us to the spirit world, a dimension where anything is possible. Other stones keep us anchored to the earth with their powerful grounding effects while Labradorite encourages us to keep our head in the clouds. Your Labradorite crystal stone inspires you to reach for the stars in your quest for a higher consciousness. It bridges the gap between the heavens and physical reality so that your dreams and aspirations don’t seem out of reach. In this way, a Labradorite crystal is one of the most powerful stones that can support your intentions by encouraging you to go after what you truly want without placing any limits on what you can achieve.

It improves intuition and clarifies the possessor’s own views and objectives. It is said to dispel negativity and to bring clear understanding by enhancing clarity of thought and improving one’s ability to cooperate with others in harmony. Use this stone to shine a light on the knowledge and wisdom within you.

Sunstone Properties:

Sunstone carries light and positive energy from the sun that encourages independence and originality. Sunstones bring warmth, comfort and compassion. Sunstone can help restore a “zest for life” and enthusiasm for everyday activities. Sunstones can help alleviate worry, fear, doubt, and depression.

Encourages independence and originality. Especially helpful to those who have difficulty saying “No” to others. Sunstone facilitates self-empowerment and independence. It acts as an antidepressant. Increases self-worth and confidence. Encourages optimism and enthusiasm. Stimulates self-healing powers.

Sunstone raises consciousness, attracts prosperity, encourages inner-strength, and promotes mental clarity. Truly reflecting the qualities of light, Sunstone helps brings benevolence, warmth, and the willingness to bestow blessings upon others. Sunstone encourages optimism, confidence, it is a stone of great hope and inspires one to be true to themselves. Sunstone has a bright, joyful energy that increases vitality and lightens dark moods, it encourages independence and bravery during difficult times.

Citrine Properties:

Citrine is the stone of abundance, creativity, and manifestation. It stimulates the Solar Plexus Chakra, the seat of personal power and strength. Citrine helps to remove obstacles and allows luck, prosperity, and joy to flow in your direction. Wear Citrine close to your Solar Plexus to enhance these qualities.

Create Your Moon Ritual Bowl

Citrine is a protective stone that can dissolve negative energy and blockage. It absorbs, transforms, releases and redistributes any negativity or blocked energies back to the Universe for transmutation.

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