Creating Your Own Love Bowl
Creating Your Own Love Bowl, everyone could some love in there life. Weather it is inviting the love of your life into your life, or working on self love. You should create one of these love bowls to place in your house to attract love
Items Needed:
Optional Items to Increase Power:
Pink Amethyst (Universal Love)
Mangano Pink Calcite (Love And Acceptance)
Pink Botswana Agate (Boost Self-Confidence And Self-Love)
Apricot Botswana Agate (Nurturing And Love)
Pink Limb Cast (Emotional Healing And Emotional Love)
Pink Opal (Emotional Stabilizer And Love)
Pink Epidote In Scapolite (Love Freely)
Cinnamon Stick (Fertility, Love And Protection)
Rose Petals (Love, Healing)
Love Candle(To Manifest Your Desires For Love)
Love Drawing Oil(To Attract Love To You)
Creating Your Own Love Bowl
- If you are using the Love Spell Candle, dress your candle with love drawing oil and light it before beginning.
- Set up your Selenite Bowl in your home. This could be on a coffee table or your altar or in your sacred space.
- If you’re using Cinnamon add 2-3 pinches now if using ground herbs or add a cinnamon stick.
- Place your crystals next in any order you’d like. If you’re using the drawing oil, add 3 drops now.
- State your intentions or love maifestation, some examples are: I welcome positive and loving relationships into my life, I open my heart and trust that true love will arrive, I attract loving relationships into my life, I am worthy of receiving love, I manifest love and romance into my life with ease
- Let the candle burn for at least one hour if using. You can continue to let it burn next to the bowl for one hour a week to increase its power over a 7-week period.
- Every so often repeat your intentions or love manifestion over your bowl to keep it active
Pink Is Known For:
- Venus
- Love
- Friendship
- Romance
- Romatic Love
- Affection
- Attract Soul Mate
- Tenderness
- Healing Emotions
- Emotional Love
Creating Your Own Love Bowl
Selenite Properties:
Selenite crystal is known for its purifying properties. The stone is most widely used for cleansing and charging other crystals. Some of its other applications include calming the mind, bringing balance to crystal arrangements (e.g. grids, altars, installations, etc.), removing energy blockages and balancing the energy of a home. Every crystal enthusiast needs a form of selenite to lift, charge and balance your collection as a whole.
One of the most popular ways of charging and cleansing crystals is by placing them on a selenite slab, plate or bowl. This form of the mineral is excellent because it exposes the stones on a piece of selenite with a large surface area. It’s also convenient and looks great. The amount of time needed using this method can vary but 24 hours is recommended for a full cycle, so to speak.
Selenite has the power to cleanse and clear other crystals and negative energies. You will never need to cleanse or recharge your Selenite crystal. Selenite can increase your psychic or telepathic abilities, place a piece of Selenite on your Third Eye Chakra. These crystals are particularly effective in stabilizing the emotional body and bringing erratic emotions under calm control. Being water soluble Selenite will eventually dissolve if left in liquid. This important characteristic also endows Selenite with the power to melt away exaggerated emotions with the stabilizing light force of true feeling.
Rose Quartz Properties:
Rose Quartz is a mothering crystal, inspiring nurturing of the self if one has lost their own mother. It promotes bonding and is a good stone to place on the stomach during pregnancy, and to take to the hospital to be near the baby during birth. It is also soothing in the days to follow. Placing baby milk or food within a circle of Rose Quartz for a few minutes helps ease colic or feeding difficulties.
Rose quartz is powerful for dealing with affairs of the heart. It opens up the heart for both giving and receiving love. It soothes negative influences. This stone is good for dealing with issues on an emotional level. It is a stone from the heart and for the heart. It helps people to be able to love themselves and is a good stone for dealing with a broken heart. The rose quartz is also good for helping one to release childhood traumas, neglect, lack of love, and poor self-esteem. It is the best stone for opening the heart chakra.
Creating Your Own Love Bowl
Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth.
Pink Amethyst:
The feminine essence of this crystal remains consistent throughout all of its metaphysical properties. Pink amethyst is a balancer, healer, womb-warmer and comforter, through and through. The properties of this stone seek to fill the heart with love at all times, which is not a common attribute for any form of amethyst. This gentle love energy is deeply connected to the spirits, but in a healing way as opposed to a psychic way. Regular purple amethyst is more concerned with the psychic.
Because it is a symbol of love, pink amethyst is an ideal gift to give to a loved one. It will help them realize how much they are loved and will strengthen your bond with them. Pink amethyst is also a wonderful gift to give someone who has suffered the loss of a loved one. It will help them realize that they are not alone and that love is still present in their life. Pink amethyst will help you communicate your feelings to others in a way that they can understand. It is also an excellent stone for empaths because it will allow them to feel the emotions of others without being overwhelmed. Pink amethyst is a stone that will help you to heal your heart, mind and body. It will also help you to understand yourself better and find the happiness within yourself.
Mangano Pink Calcite Properties:
This stone will be very soothing and calming when you hold it in your hands during energy work or meditation. It will boost your self-esteem and your self-confidence. It will also enhance your sense of compassion towards others.
Mangano Calcite is a deeply loving,nurturing stone that helps us be gentle with ourselves. It encourages us to accept love and have self-love, and act lovingly towards others. It is a powerful stress reliever that soothes anxiety and tension; it also removes fears and reduces nightmares. It is an excellent tool to use with energy healing such as Reiki because of its ability to amplify energy.
This stone is beneficial for those who are suffering from any type of emotional trauma, including the loss of a loved one, a nasty breakup, or physical and emotional abuse. If you have a tendency to suppress your emotions, working with the energies of Pink ManganoCalcite will root out the deep-seated reasons so that you can recognize and release them.
Pink Botswana Agate:
Pink Botswana Agate helps release and heal emotional issues. Pink Botswana Agate can enhance your concentration, analytical skills and perception of situations. Pink Botswana Agate can boost self-confidence. It can be a a comforting and protective stone, it is good if you are feeling lonely, lost, or afraid. Pink Botswana Agate can awaken a sense of adventure. Pink Botswana Agate stones encourage problem solving rather than focusing on negative aspects of life’s daily challenges.
Creating Your Own Love Bowl
Pink Botswana Agate, also known as Pink Limpopo River Agate, can soften a “rough around the edges” personality, increase optimism, aid friendships during difficult times, banish fears, overcome self-limiting beliefs and enhance gentleness. Pink Botswana is a form of Chalcedony and is associated with the heart chakra.
Pink Botswana Agate is a stone for change, helping us to make positive changes in our life in an easy and gentle way. It helps us to see solutions to issues rather than letting us dwell on the problems. It can help us in seeing the bigger picture. Pink Botswana Agate helps to relieve depression and helps us to deal with repressed emotional issues too. It is a comforting stone, especially in times of grief. It increases our levels of creativity, helps us to venture into unknown territory, and helps us to both achieve and to be able to cope with success when it comes our way.
Pink Botswana Agate is an incredible stone mainly used as a protection against evil things. Botswana Agate wraps the gentle and exquisite layers of brown, grey, pink, etc. into its soft and warm texture. This protective and comforting stone soothes those who are lonely, hurt, and broken. Botswana Agate, being a fortifying agent, supports love, and inculcates strength.
Apricot Botswana Agate:
Apricot Agate has a very nurturing and warm grounding energy which makes us feel safe and loved. It gently releases fear and helps us to understand, or at least make peace with, death and other great unknowns. Apricot Agate helps us to become more spiritually mature and provides us with a deep internal sense of stability and peace. It is useful for self-reflection, contemplation of the world and meditation and can help us have a keener sense of reality. Apricot Agate cleanses the energy of everything that it comes in contact with, leaving us feeling refreshed and accepting of the abundance the universe has to offer us.
This stone may help you feel connected and loved. You may experience a feeling of belonging and start feeling happy and content about your bonds. The stone boosts relationships and bonds and helps to create tighter inner circles with good people. The stone helps us to understand the value of relations in life. It helps us possess gratitude for our people and a feeling of forgiveness for others.
Creating Your Own Love Bowl
This stone brings calmness, both of mind and emotions. It is considered as great stress relief especially if you are influenced by chaotic situations. Calm and relaxing vibrations of this stone help easing stress, improve sleep, and brings higher chakras into balance.
Pink Limb Cast Properties:
A piece of Limb Cast will give you strength and support, providing insight into cause and effect. You will remember lessons, avoiding repetitive mistakes. Limb Cast will help you forget petty worries, so that no thought or action is useless. Limb Cast is an excellent gem for leaders. It has endured the ravaging changes of time and become stronger, as will you if you ask for its help in your leadership role. Limb Cast is a stone that is good for grounding and stabilizing one’s emotions. It is particularly useful in calming survival-based fears, as it assists one in accessing their practical side for answers, then offering a feelings of safety and security. It is a stone of business success, and a good stone for general protection. Petrified wood is intimately connected with transformation, evolution, and staying the course. When you feel “uprooted” due to a transition or rapid transformation, Limb Cast can help you regain a sense of stability from the inside out. It can also help with overall physical stamina and perseverance if the change you are experiencing is stressful or overwhelming.
Limb Cast reminds us to practice patience. Stop rushing things! Stop searching for instant gratification, instant results, instant success. There is something to be said for slow and steady. In fact, Limb Cast is a reminder to slow down and be present in this moment. We miss so much!
Pink Opal Properties:
Pink Opal allows you to be more empathetic. Empathy is a two-part process. It requires you to both understand someone else’s feelings and to share in them. When you’re feeling a lack of empathy, connect with the energy of Pink Opal. Pink Opal is a stone of love and gentleness, bringing energies of gentle love and kindness to all types of relationships.
Beyond any shred of doubt, the properties of Pink Opal have the biggest impact on your emotional well-being. This is definitely one of the main reasons this stone has become so popular. As a crystal for resolution, it’s all about addressing your inner demons and finding solace in yourself. More importantly, Pink Opal digs deep to help you achieve an emotional overhaul! It shines a light on past memories and experiences you might have buried deep in your subconscious. Bringing up the past is never fun, but it’s a crucial step in letting go.
Creating Your Own Love Bowl
Pink Opal can encourage you to take a hard look at why those experiences affected you so much. It’s an opportunity to learn, let go, and move on. When you treat your emotions well with respect and attention, your soul is free to soar! Many say that the emotional healing benefits of Pink Opal lead to a myriad of changes. It improves your outlook on the world and can even renew relationships.
Pink Epidote In Scapolite Properties:
Pink Epidote is a stone of amplification, as it has the tendency to increase and expand everything it touches, be it energy or material object. It can strengthen emotional and spiritual growth. It releases and purifies suppressed emotions ones and for all. Therefore epidote opens the doors toward spirituality, and individuals attracted to this stone often feel strong desire for spiritual awakening. It is a stone that promotes perception, strengthens interaction and sharing with other people, and increases social awareness. Epidote is a stone of amplification, as it has the tendency to increase and expand everything it touches, be it energy or material object. It can strengthen emotional and spiritual growth. It releases and purifies suppressed emotions ones and for all. Therefore epidote opens the doors toward spirituality, and individuals attracted to this stone often feel strong desire for spiritual awakening. Epidote is a strong purification stone for the astral body and auras. It is a stone that promotes perception, strengthens interaction and sharing with other people, and increases social awareness.
Rather than keeping protective barriers around your heart, Epidote encourages you to start to break them down so you can open yourself up to love and connection with others. Working with Epidote gives you the strength to face the betrayal head on so that it no longer holds power over you. It will help you get to a place where you are ready to tear down the walls around you heart and start to rebuild your ability to trust.
If you like to order a Love Bowl Starter Kit we have some in stock here: Purchase Here
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