Creating Your Own DIY Wealth And Abundance Bowl (Money Bowl)
Creating Your Own DIY Wealth And Abundance Bowl (Money Bowl), Everyone could use a little pick-me-up in their home, especially if it can help boost their financial well-being! A money bowl is a great way to bring money or abundance into your home or business. It is so simple and anyone can do it!
Items Needed:
- Selenite Bowl
- Pyrite
Creating Your Own DIY Wealth And Abundance Bowl (Money Bowl)
Optional Items to Increase Power:
- Green Aventurine (for luck and good fortune)
- Jade (for blessings and protection)
- Citrine (merchant stone and attract positivity)
- Yellow Quartz (abundance and prosperity)
- Emerald (abundance and good luck)
- Bloodstone (wealth and abundance)
- Chiastolite (prosperity and wealth)
- Tigers Eye (increase abundance and prosperity)
- Moss Agate (abundance, prosperity, success and wealth)
- Malachite (success and prosperity)
- Amazonite (success and abundance)
- Garnet (money and success)
- Aditional Pyrite (to attract financial and material success)
- Cinnamon (for good luck)
- Bay Leaf (for manifestation)
- Abundance Spell Candle (to manifest your desires for wealth)
- Money Draw Oil (to attract money to your home)
- Place coins around your bowl (to attract money)
Creating Your Own DIY Wealth And Abundance Bowl (Money Bowl)
- If you are using the Abundance Spell Candle, dress your candle with money draw oil and light it before beginning.
- Set up your Selenite Bowl near the entryway to your home. This could be on a table by the front door or even a windowsill.
- If you’re using Cinnamon and/or Bay Leaf, add 2-3 pinches now if using ground herbs or add whole bay leaf or cinnamon stick.
- Place your crystals next in any order you’d like. If you’re using the drawing oil, add 3 drops now.
- If using coins place them around your bowl now
- Let the candle burn for at least one hour if using. You can continue to let it burn next to the bowl for one hour a week to increase its power over a 7-week period.
Pyrite Properties:
The pyrite use for wealth and abundance combines the principles of Feng Shui with the energy of the gold pyrite. Pyrite was dubbed fool’s gold for its striking resemblance to good. For centuries, pyrite has been viewed as a symbol for money and good luck.
Raw pyrite use works to foster the energy of wealth and abundance. First, its energy is connected to the solar plexus chakra, which provides you with the motivation and will power you need in order to move forward in your career or investment decisions. It also removes any fears or doubts you may have that are blocking you from achieving success, which are a result of an out-of-balance third chakra. It will provide you with the energy you need in order to complete projects and tasks.
It helps protect you from negative energy, stressful situations, and keeps you rooted in the earth’s energy. It helps with mental clarity and inner strength, keeping you calm and clear even in stressful environments.
It has a long history of attracting financial success and removing energetic blocks towards receiving wealth. It’s helpful in your home’s feng shui wealth area or near your front door to attract good vibes and the energy of abundance into your home.
One of the most powerful crystals for wealth, Pyrite’s linguistic origins lie in the Greek word “Pyr,” meaning fire. And that’s exactly what you’ll have in your belly after working with this crystal. It ignites passion of the likes you’ve never seen and inspires you to pursue your wildest dreams. Everything feels possible with Pyrite.
Green Aventurine Properties:
This stone is all about opportunities and attracting good fortune. There are many stories of people winning big or coming into money thanks to their use of green aventurine to manifest their financial desires. It’s certainly not a bad crystal for money to keep around.
As the “stone of opportunity”, green aventurine will help you to see an abundance of opportunities all around you. More so, this crystal will inspire the courage you need to go after those opportunities, whether that means applying for that job, starting that business, asking that person out, asking for that raise, or any other act of bravery.
Aventurine is all about abundance, and abundance is all about sharing the wealth. It’s our pleasure to share with you how to capture abundance.When programming Aventurine, you want to infuse each crystal with money-related manifestations. The more specific, the better. Cater your intentions to your life condition.
Green Aventurine is associated with the element of air. Among its many properties, it is a crystal for luck and opportunity. It helps you come up with new ideas and inspiration. The stone teaches you that your talents are limitless, and your limiting beliefs are self-imposed. When you wear Green Aventurine earrings, you will notice opportunities and know when to seize them.
Jade Properties:
Green jade has been used in connection to wealth for centuries. This member of the green gemstone family attracts harmony, giving you the ability to think clearly and keep calm. These are vital characteristics in someone who wants to manifest wealth in their life.
Jade is renowned as a stone for money. The most common color of jade is green, to the point that the word “jade” is often used as a synonym for a shade of green. According to color magic, this ties it to growth, abundance, and prosperity. Historically, jade has also been considered a precious, energy-elevating stone for use in jewelry and carvings. Using jade to attract wealth is relatively simple. There are many different spells and rituals that incorporate this beautiful gem.
Citrine Properties:
Citrine encourages generosity, as well as acquiring and retaining wealth. Sharing wealth and retaining wealth may seem to cancel each other out, but they actually go hand in hand. The more abundant you feel, the more likely you are to share what you have. As you feel more abundant, you will also increase your capacity to hold onto wealth for yourself.
Citrine has a high vibrational energy that aligns with the one of wealth and abundance. It is also one of the most powerful crystals you can use for manifestation. If you want to attract more money, using a Citrine can be an easy way to align your energy with financial success. You can use it with the law of attraction to amplify its properties.
Citrine is a crystal with a warm energy that can assist you in achieving your financial goals. It encourages you to let go of negativity and leave the necessary space for attracting abundance. If you own a business, one of the best things you can do is to keep a piece of Citrine in your cash register or on your business card to attract money.
Citrine also has warm vibrations that boost your confidence and self-esteem. This encourages you to go after your dreams and accomplish everything that you want. It’s a crystal that is filled with positive energy, which is key to achieving your aspirations.
Emerald Properties:
Emerald symbolizes prosperity making it ideal for businessmen. People believe that wearing this gemstone would result in profit gains and reach the peak of success. Astrologers recommend the Emerald for those who are in the profession of baking, marketing, textile and traveling.
As one of the standard manifesting stones, emeralds can help attract wealth and encourage success in your financial pursuits. If you’re looking to bring more prosperity into your life, you might want to set your intentions with emeralds.
Emerald is regarded as the ‘Stone of Prosperity’. It represents vitality and growth. Wearing a good quality Emerald gemstone helps to gain better income opportunities and growth in finance. Its is helpful in removing relationship blockage any kind.
Bloodstone Properties:
Bloodstone can be worn to attract money and wealth and has been traditionally used in spells to gain prosperity. Merchants used to put Bloodstone in the cash box to attract sales. In your home put Bloodstone in the rear left hand side of your home to attract wealth.
Bloodstone not only keeps your money corner well protected but also invites even more flow into that space. It’s a stone that echoes with all the energy of strength, power, courage, and building endless resilience along the way. When we are tapped into all of those traits, we are better equipped to deal with the ups and downs that can come with money issues. As Bloodstone keeps us stable in our root chakras, it means that we are unshakable and therefore don’t collapse under pressure but stay open to receiving all that could come our way if we ride the storm.
Moss Agate Properties:
Moss Agate is a stone that is thought to encourage growth and abundance. It will bring new opportunities your way and stimulate the flow of wealth.
There is more than meets the eye when it comes to this magnificent gemstone. From physical to emotional cleansing properties, Moss Agate is said to promote balance, success, and prosperity. Spiritually, Moss Agate is correlated with awakening a deeper spiritual connection to the self.
Cinnamon Properties:
Cinnamon has this tendency to ward off evil spirits and attract positive energy. You can use this property of cinnamon to manifest money.
You can keep a cinnamon stick or sprinkle a drop or two of cinnamon essential oil in your wallet or handbag to manifest money. Burning cinnamon incense sticks is also a popular method used to take advantage of its ability to lure prosperity.
You can make your own abundance pouch with cinnamon and other plants with wealth-attracting properties like nutmeg, basil, and ginger. You can keep this pouch in your handbag for that extra help.
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Written by rob
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